On the train collision, it is more evidence that nothing is safe after everyone got the VAX. Brains not working right. Trains having head-ons. Planes on the wrong runways. Car accidents way up. Travel at your own risk. Dangerous times.

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People who are in lock step with wokemadness, climate madness, genital mutilation madness are not only delusional 😜 but mad too.

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yes totally crazy

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What a beautiful scene with the horse escaping from the earthquake prison he had been in!

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I enjoyed it too...

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Hate is not a good thing, we are to love one another, even if we disagree

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Thank you as always for great videos and reports from all over!

Btw. >20 cm single orthogonal transparent crystals on water containers (collecting rain) this morning in CA! SO COLD that the seeds for the birds need constant refilling...

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Ah, where to start.......Will someone please put the dick head out of my misery!...and little children laughing?....what a bunch of sick, twisted POS's..do not piss off old guys like me, life in prison does not mean much anymore

Decrapio and little Beeatch....why does this look like his kid??....jus askin

The 'SURFACTANT CHEMICAL NUCLEATED SNOW in CAlipornia.......notice that they now say how 'heavy' it is....because it is 'created' through geoengineering...........DO NOT EAT THE SNOW!

Faglynskies days are numbered....that is why the money sucking poly-tick-shuns all went over the just recent....get their cut before it goes up in flames....and littler does the fag know that many know where he lives!.........bwahahahaha....just sayin, nothing harmful meant

So Obiden really thinks young folks like his lame ass........maybe because they don't work anymore and he just gives them money?........FK J B!

So how about a Tesla with and electric stove in the trunk with and electric fridge in the rear seat area to keep the fake foods cold while plugged in to your house wall socked that sucks more electricity than 2 twenty story office buildings in full occupancy....yeah, thats the ticket!

AND, this just in.....Went to Lubbock, Texas for 3 dfays of work last week, went thru 5 windfarms in West Texas..........found where the old blades are being buried, well stacked 50-60 feet high....just east of Lubbock on hwy 84 East a town called Slaton, and just east of there on 84 another town called Post

Saw hundreds of the blades covering many acres....cannot be recycled!....stick it Decrapio

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the green revolution...hahahaha

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Geoengineering is a Hoax, Jeff. Always has been. Deep State con. Snow is heavy when it's wet. You never miss a chance to push the hoax. Helping the Agents of Dis-Information. Erratic weather like we are having was exactly predicted 30 years ago as a result of Nibiru approaching. Establishment knew this so came up with several well laid out deceptions to act as cover. Global Warming. Climate Change. Geoengineering. Weather Warfare. Why do you want to participate in conning people? I see the Pole Shift is also being caused by Geoengineering. Volcanos and Earthquakes. What about all the Fireballs? Sink holes? Bridges collapsing or being closed because of torque stress damage? Gas plants exploding because torque stress breaking pipes? Water mains? Why do they have sandbags around the empty White House? Why did they put up a solid 10-foot wall around the Federal Reserve Building? Indonesia sinking to the point they are moving the Capital, Jakarta. Just a small sample of a planet in motion. The Mediterranean everywhere having the ocean recede last week. Look around........................

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So you are a planet X guy, and thats fine, everyone has free speech...remember Viet Nam?...

Hoa Chi Min Trail??......US Army seeding clouds to cause rain???...a hoax??

!946, US Army successful in steering a hurricane..hoax??

1913 first US patent issued for weather modification...hoax??

1961, LBJ in front of graduating class in Texas, 'The US is now capable of controlling the weather through satellites, and he who controls the weather will control the world'!....hoax?

HAARP beams billions of watts of power into the Troposphere to manipulate the weathe around the world, in conjunction with 'cell' towers around the world....hoax?

You should go back to sleep with Niburu my brother....don't look up, nothing to see here

Oh, and one more thing, as a 45 year long electrical/mechanical engineer I can say with all honesty that jet engines are ALL HIGH BYPASS TURBO FANS that are INCAPPABLE of creating 'condensation trails'....you need to look at close ups of dispersion nozzles on commercial and military jets....but I am sure you will consider this a hoax as well...don't believe you own eyes, Biden loves people like you

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I have designed and build Cell towers for decades. They don't control the weather.

Local cloud seeding is one thing. But depends on enough moisture, like Vietnam. Doesn't work in the desert. Very local thing.

LBJ is part of the Deep State. Those guys like to claim abilities they don't have. Makes them appear more powerful. Optics

Also where does HAARP get Billions of Watts of power from??? How do they generate it? They are just doing RF research.

Geoengineering is not science. They call that Pseudoscience. Desired results based on conclusions from circumstantial evidence. Usually, to give a predetermine result.

Do you understand the mechanical and electrical requirements of RF feed lines needed for that kind of power??? Billions of watts!! The highest RF Communication links we had in the AF were 10,000 watts. They fed 30 foot antennas and connected 300 miles away. Billions you say :-)

There are thousands of theoretical patents they haven't the tech to make work. Just fantasy.

Yes, chemtrails are real. How does this prove they are used for weather control?? Oh, because we can see them! Of course, that proves it! Some real science there. But it is plain and obvious they reduce our visibility of the sky.

Nobody sleeping here. I have worked with RF, designing and building communications all over the USA. It is not and cannot be used to control the weather. Complete Hoax.

On the Nibiru front there are several Astronomers who admit to it. Look it up. Why are Billionaires and the Federal Government preparing retreats away from Coastlines and on high ground?? I know the person Managing one of these locally.

Also why is the Sun not rising and setting in the right place? You being an Engineer and all go check.

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Gary? I thought you were on the side of truth? How could you deny geoengineering? Just look at the sky and if that isn't enough evidence, go to geoengineeringwatch.org and....I'll save you the effort and paste it here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_xl5-yN5Ts I must say, that after all the conversations with you over the last few months, I would have never mistaken you for one of those conditioned to believe that the aerosolized nanoparticles of metals (and God knows what else) could possibly be water vapor.

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I am on the side of truth. That's why I will continue to tell you geoengineering is a HOAX. Just like Global Warming and Weather Warfare. You have to ignore a ton of science and physics to believe in it. I have tried posting on Geoengineeringwatch site and if you question him, it doesn't get posted. I wonder why. His pseudoscience is so solid he won't let you question him. Real science there. If you like being coned by all means, go read his pseudoscience. Just don't help spread the lie.

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I'm shocked. Didn't you watch "The Dimming"?

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They are fogging the skies. How does that prove weather control???? How is the Dimming science? It's a con job. But it does reduce visibility of the sky. Hmmmmm? Why would they want to do that? Must be something they don't want you to see.

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Also, I can see the HAARP activity on most any (non-animated) Doppler radar weather map. They appear as pinwheels around a center of anomalous radar signature. See my youtube channel chefjimmie1 June and August 2018 videos where I show the Doppler radar PROOF of the manipulation of Hurricane Lane. Then see my shorts and there are other proofs of their manipulating the weather.

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I believe that there is a planet X or nibiru or whatever. It's Biblical. But they are most definitely controlling the weather. Look around the globe. I don't need to tell you that, you know what's going on with the flooding and lightning strikes killing whole herds of cattle etc. What do you think that is from? Yes there is something they don't want us to see. MORE than one rogue planet, in fact several and their moons.

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I have a great idea how to regain our freedom we once had in this country which has been slowly eroded away by socialist takeover in these last decades. We can renounce our US citizenship, change our name to something ending with "ez or es", move to any Latin American country, (Mexico will do) and gain citizenship within that country. Then, illegally immigrate BACK into the US taking up residence as an illegal alien. We will have gained all our rights back and MORE, we can now live like kings protected by the government and have every advantage imaginable.

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Dicaprio is literally more stupid, than his Gilbert Grape character.

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great movie...

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In regard to weather control.

"They now control the ionosphere."

start at the 3-minute mark.


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I read the book No One is Too Small to Make A Difference and watched the movie Don't Look Up.

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Never said the towers did, just that they are part of a greater system

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Maybe brush up on your spelling would be a good start....so you admit geoengineering is real, well that's a start

And yes, HAARP does have its own power source, called generators!


Military has a big interest in it as well....for research??....nope....control control control

DARPA....control control control

By the way, Dr Tom Horn has a really good book on Apophis (planet X/Niburu)


I am not here to slam anyone or argue with anyone, just sharing my findings and relaying them to those with ears to hear and eyes to see

Gary, I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ and the TRUTH....if I am in error, I will do further digging and I will stand corrected.

As far as the weather mod goes, it goes on and has been for 75+ years

Dane Wigington is a long time engineer and was part of the first 'solar plant' project, that is why he is exposing all the geoengineering now....

As the Earth tilts on its axis, as is happening now, the poles shift, water will move around, easy test with a 'globe' in a toy store

In Revelation God will bring an end to the Earth and Heavens with a fervent Fire and bring in a new Heaven and Earth

That is my stance

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Yep. Billion-watt generators. To be clear, that's Tera Watts. So, your argument is so great you resort to criticizing the occasional miss spelling. Getting personal. What should I expect from a pseudoscience pusher. Your info is random and doesn't make sense. A collection of circumstantial information called evidence. Woven together as proof. Al Gore did the same thing. Even made some videos. Didn't even call himself an engineer.

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Most of those transmitters at the cell towers operate at 50 watts. About half of what an average old fashion light bulb used. Nowhere did I say geoengineering was real. Cloud seeding in local areas sometimes if there is sufficient moisture. Probably what LBJ was bragging about. Yes, please keep doing research. But until sure, stop spreading false info. Debate improves understanding. :-)

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Wow, I kinda like give up on you my friend....go to the Vatican Telescope called LUCIFER and watch for Niburu

Or maybe that is not real either....too many injections in the military for you me thinks

You took the CV jab too, right?...because everything the gummint tells you is true??

Sorry to sound so crass, I have been around a long time and people like you are a dime a dozen....don't look up, you might see reality, keep looking for that planet that is out there somewhere....seen any black holes lately??

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And by the way, If what I right is so random and off the wall incorrect, why do you bother reading it or responding??

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Because the conclusions are a lie. Pseudoscience. Just like Al Gore

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If i am a liar, stop reading my posts and move along, ste al of the gore is a pos, like greta, decrapio, gates, farchi, rey, schiff, obiden and all the other green weenies

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