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Soros is deeply involved with Bayer. He hid Monsanto in it when over 9,000 Tarahumara starved to death thanks to GMO maize. Democrats, in charge at the time, refused to acknowledge the famine.

After Coke Nose Bill Clinton was booted out by taxpayers, W was going over things when an FBI agent brought him an early Christmas present. He told the agent he was not allowed to accept ‘gifts’ from anyone, but the agent only smiled. “Open the lid, sir, and look at it.” W pulled off the lid and sat it aside, and looked. He reached in and found reams of paper, each one with a name, date, age, where they were. He asked what is was? The agent said they were slaves that they knew of, but the Clintons refused to allow them to investigate. In addition to this, W also broke the gang of 2 juvenile court judges and many people who were arresting kids and selling them to juvenile halls as far west as Colorado City. It’s called Kids for Cash. 2,000 teens and preteens, at a cost to their parents of upwards of $16,000.00 every 6 months. And then the DNC fought to stop the investigation. It led to liberal politicians as far south as Florida and a lot of them wound up in prison over it and other things. And the dnc refused to allow the FBI to investigate any of this till they lost power.

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