Only OG’s remember when this was a crazy conspiracy theory…
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for January 24, 2023...
Why stop a billionaire business when you can just keep running it…

According to the study: ‘The U.S.'s use of weapons would exceed the Department of Defense's stockpile, which would make sustaining a long-term war conflict "difficult," especially as China is investing in munitions and other weapons systems five to six times faster than the U.S.’… US defense industry unprepared for war with China…
Well! Good luck with that… U.S. District Attorney's and U.S. Sheriffs working together to criminally charge Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and many others for racketeering, collusion in creating the Wuhan virus and premeditated murder of thousands by Remdesivir and Covid Vaccines…

They will force you to eat some… EU allows house crickets and lesser mealworm larvae in food products…
New bill in Oklahoma: Any govt entity that investigates law enforcement misconduct must itself have 2/3rds of its board members, staff or seats be law enforcement officers from the agency under investigation… Got that? A cop can't be investigated unless 2/3rds of the investigators are... cops…
The US has asked Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and six other Latin American nations to send their old Russian weapons to Ukraine in exchange for U.S. equipment. US SOUTHCOM Commander General Laura Richardson discussed the request in a recent interview…
Just imagine how it stinks over there… Bodies of hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers left rotting in refrigerated wagons at the Hungarian border…
This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across. It’s rather complex and takes a while to digest but it’s 100% worth it. It’s an official declassified CIA document and a terrific analysis of consciousness and beyond – known as the Gateway Process…
Seems like a lot of big computer systems are going down lately… Something smells fishy… Alberta health service computers were down for hours yesterday. Of course: Cause unknown… But they are working again… And today: The New York Stock Exchange was apparently hit by some kind of glitch that saw trading on many stocks halted…
This tornado came out of nowhere… Typhoon Soudelor in Taiwan in August 2015…
It’s further cooling… Arizona: Coldest day in the Valley since 2019 – Tonight could also be the coldest night in four years…
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Batman, Turkey, to condemn the burning of the Quran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, Sweden…
This democide must end… A 6 mo. old baby died in its sleep—just 10 days after receiving 4 vaccines and the new EUA gene therapeutic all at once…
Same energy… Yes the fake blood lady is the same as the guy that makes reusable space ships and chips… Welcome to Elizabusk…

Ironic, no? Retired top FBI counterintelligence agent who led Trump-Russia probe arrested for own ties to Russian oligarch…
So this is currently happening in CT, USA. A family in Plainville, Connecticut discovered a black bear, who they named 'Marty Barnard,' hibernating under their backyard deck last month… The family contacted the DEP and were instructed to let the bear be. Because the bear was not presenting any harm, it is the safest option for both the family and bear. Last update was the bear is still under there very content and the family leaves him be… More here or watch video below…
Amazing how people change suddenly… Drag artist says George Santos was a left-wing Lula supporter in Brazil before going to the US and turning into 'this crazy thing'…
He was still looking really shaken and traumatized. Hope he get back to normal soon… To run towards a gunman is tremendously difficult… He was able to do the right thing despite his fear…
But it all continues… Eight people shot in California's third mass shooting in three days… Two mass shootings by older Asian men in less than a couple of days in California? What? No anti-asian BS hate crimes? Interesting… Many of worst mass shootings post-COVID have occurred in states with tight gun laws, data shows…
My work is now entirely reader-supported… So if you enjoy what you are reading and watching, please consider GOING PAID by clicking the button below… THANK YOU!
The Godzilla cloud is pretty snazzy too… Or is it a dolphin? Anyway, the colors of portions of the Great Salt Lake in Utah are AMAZING!
This AI robot is really good… ChatGPT passes MBA exam given by a Wharton professor… Meanwhile, Microsoft announces new multibillion-dollar investment in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI…
Murphy man shot by police releases surveillance video from night of the shooting… Here’s the initial Sheriff's press release after the shooting… Here’s the press release after the video was published online (of course the Sheriff shifts blame, but also is using this as an excuse to ask for more money)… Just another example why some peple don’t like cops… Here’s the video…
BRICS: The New world order… South Africa to side with Russia on push for redesigned global order…
CT scans of a fully-wrapped, 2,300-year-old Egyptian mummy reveal the body of a teenage boy — adorned with 49 amulets, garlanded with ferns, and fitted with sandals…

Snowmageddon… People across Japan urged to prepare for heavy snow, severe cold weather with up to 1 meter (40 inches) of snow expected today… here are the first images…
Nowadays, medecine is all about money… A new study has found that the average pregnancy length in the United States (US) is shorter than in European countries… Those results are probably because doctors (who only think about money) are able to convince/scare mothers to have a cesarean rather than wait for nature to run its course… The rate of birth by cesarean is also skyrocketing in Switzerland...
What do they think of their readers? They think most are dumb… Did the reporter put the unfired bullet in the hole for the picture?

Heads are going to roll… And they should roll in every countries around the world… If this ‘little’ guy is able to steal 400K, how much did Zelenski bank already? Ukraine officials siphon off $400,000 of aid sent from West…
Hillary's email server, Trump's boxes of classified documents, Biden's got them in his house, now Pence has got them in his house… So no one in government seems to take "classified" very seriously. Either because they think they're above the law and/or because classification itself is a joke no one cares about…
I look forward to the first bitcoin nuclear winter… U.S.’ first nuclear-powered Bitcoin mining center to open in …
A rare outbreak of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) is underway in northern Europe:

And Norway:

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Thank you and have a great Tuesday,
Yet another, of many, reason to never vote for Pence.
If I'm not mistaken, the last military action the US was successfully engaged in was the Gulf War of '90 - '91. Since then the US has been involved in at least 5 more actions and all have been very expensive, in lives and dollars.
In 1994 Little Lindsey Graham was first elected to the US Congress. He was pretty harmless in those days but in 2002 he moved up to the US Senate where scum-bucket, errr I mean Senator John "Crash" McCain took Little Lindsey under his wing and molded a crazed, blood thirsty neo-con; and every US action he pushed has been a failure; yet the idiot, strong military types in South Carolina think he is a patriot. I'm one of a growing number of South Carolinians who think he's a jerk!
About the crickets and mealworms allowed in foods. Fact is the FDA has been allowing a percentage of insects in flours and packaged food for some time. Plus a percentage of rat feces. Anything stored in a silo will have these vermin and their poop as well. This is simply a green light not to clean up the food supply and indeed will cause allergic reactions and parasitic responses.