Yet another, of many, reason to never vote for Pence.

If I'm not mistaken, the last military action the US was successfully engaged in was the Gulf War of '90 - '91. Since then the US has been involved in at least 5 more actions and all have been very expensive, in lives and dollars.

In 1994 Little Lindsey Graham was first elected to the US Congress. He was pretty harmless in those days but in 2002 he moved up to the US Senate where scum-bucket, errr I mean Senator John "Crash" McCain took Little Lindsey under his wing and molded a crazed, blood thirsty neo-con; and every US action he pushed has been a failure; yet the idiot, strong military types in South Carolina think he is a patriot. I'm one of a growing number of South Carolinians who think he's a jerk!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Hayleigh Cummings I want to say, anywho he was made aware of this (pence) and didn't do anything about it. Timothy Holmseth has quite a few articles about horrible people and being then threatened by the alphabets to stfu.

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Wow, maybe I will vote for Pence ..... hahaha. But seriously, I have no idea what you are trying to say, maybe if you start at the beginning.

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Yeah, I am a born again Christian, and since Oct 2016, a month before the election I saw a video of some msm person asked him if he thought Hillary was a good role model and he looked at the camera and said yes. I have never trusted him since.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I always thought he looked creepy. His eyes. He looked evil to me.

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While I am casting no stones, I have heard it said that you won't find Satan in the bars, he is in the churches. I know that's, very sadly, true!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Just saying I feel like he's a dirt bag, I feel like you're saying he's a dirt bag, and here are some names if you'd like to look them up and see for yourself if you have time.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

There's an article from Timothy Holmseth that says Pence as a Gov. Of Indiana was made aware of connections of people in his office and in Florida of a child ring and crap there's a little girl, Mykayla maybe? Shoot. Let me see if I can find it again.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

About the crickets and mealworms allowed in foods. Fact is the FDA has been allowing a percentage of insects in flours and packaged food for some time. Plus a percentage of rat feces. Anything stored in a silo will have these vermin and their poop as well. This is simply a green light not to clean up the food supply and indeed will cause allergic reactions and parasitic responses.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Yes. I see your point. And it is surely a logical one. I did it myself. But I got many parasites from my chickens and had to go vegan. This move to plant based food saved me money, time and energy since I was not cut out to be a husbandry person, and my health actually improved.

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Cool! Will think about that when I have a garden... Too expensive here in Switzerland...

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I know you will be amazed with the results. There is much one can grow in pots like tomatoes, peppers, and even small fruit trees. Onions love pots , and fresh herbs which are so expensive at the store are grown easily on the windowsill. I learned that communities which do not eat bean and grain have no mental illness. I tried it out myself and found myself in less conflict. Bread and rice and potatoes are best replaced with amaranth, millet, quinoa and other ancient grains that have not been genetically modified. And then fasting will comfortably clean out the parasites that have been there since childhood, telling a person to eat or drink the substances that keep them in the host.

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Thanks will try grow them on the balconies…

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You can make a mini greenhouse to tide you through the winter.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Try beans and grains. Farve beans can grow in colder weather. Take care.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

So true Gary. I'd love to do the all meat diet, but that would be spendy. A vegan mom have her baby a vegan diet. The baby died and now the mother is charged or going to be charged etc. Grown adult wants to eat like that fine. Don't do it to a growing child.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Yeah I had typed out maybe moving the area where the chickens were, maybe it's the soil, maybe the person needs to clean up better? I don't know, but I do have some sense about me. There's a reason for parasites. And it's probably a person not doing something properly. Or just not knowing. Anywho, going back to my coffee and reading hiw the world is in shambles in 12 other ways today. Take care all.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

That was a stone cold execution right there. And no one will get into any trouble I'm sure.

So the defense will be they thought he was holding a gun. But instead, he was holding the robot they threw into his house. A robot with cameras and a flashlight apparently. So the guy operating the robot was watching himself in real time. And they are going to get away with this. Fucking outrageous.

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Yes this is just non-sense. They shoot at two sleeping people but when children are being held hostage in a school they aren’t doing anything and drink a cup of coffee. Tragic…

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Society is done. Stick a fork in us.

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Covid BS: I’m over 65, disabled, never got the golden needle money-making jabs, never caught covid. Oh, and my parents would have told you, I never met a stranger. I’ll talk to anyone and am pretty good in most subjects. If you go to the VA, you know they’re all vampires, always taking blood. No sign of covid ever. Twice, letters from a bro came (he was in prison in Penna) telling why he hadn’t written for a month. He had covid and had to get the jabs. Each time I got sick as a dog and was told by the VA (after I recovered) I had caught the flu. Mind any papers because it can carry a virus. He and an older brother died months and 500 miles apart from the same cancer. You begin to feel pain, then in 10 days to 2 weeks, it kills.

Note: Bird flu is at us, again. Note that it always begins in the bird sanctuary in Cuba. Note, Cuba kneels at the feet of chicoms. Weimar Republic caused a famine in Germany to help hitler take over.

Trump’s fault in all this, he trusted freaky fuuci and the others. He also closed down the borders, stopping liberals from importing thousands more covid cases. Ivermectin, I’m told by family in the medical profession is wonderful, inexpensive, and easy to get. But, major problem, isn’t a money-maker for liberal political investors.

With democrats eager to help Ukraine, I foresee a Russian ruling Ukraine. The albatross of liberalism is feeding on itself. Ukraine is under the curse of nazism which makes it a loser. I say that with a lot of sorrow because of so many friends who have family there. But, as well, it’s those same people who talk about nazism and the curse on Ukraine.

We dropped to 22 F that night (45 miles north of Tucson) and the normal low is 38. Last night, 28 F.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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I would also be scared as hell for my family, animals and co. I don’t understand the reaction of those officials telling the family to let it be…

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

In my thoughts, because that bear has a right to do its thing and disturbing it, won't be well for it. We all live here.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The bear is TRESPASSING. Squirrels? Yes. Birds? Yes. A bear, ah, let's think about that one. What if a hobo took up camp under the guy's sauna deck? After all, we all live here. That's the equivalent of the cops saying, leave him be, he's not hurting anything. That is psychological conditioning by the left which has allowed taxpayers money funding court cases attempting to give animals the same rights as people which is insane and part of the communist agenda. We're losing our rights and animals are gaining them. What kind of world is this? PS I am an animal LOVER but I say the official who said "leave it be" will be in a huge lawsuit if that bear hurts someone being allowed to live in such close proximity to people and their children. (on second thought, the court appointed liberal attorneys will probably sue the guy for harming the bears teeth when he bit into the man's skull) This is a remote example of our government's abandoning the role of PROTECTING us. Does anyone on this page feel "protected" by our gov't officials lately?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Riiight? Yeah dude just saying the bear is also a part of this earth, sleeping as of right now. At any time the owner can put up lattice? I think is what it's called, or even insulate, or plywood, or fence or winterize the property in any way. Not at all talking about politics or cops or lefty? Like what? Anywho bless your heart.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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More like red bellies under the deck, ha. Idk nature can be nature for me. Where I live now, those things happening is just not likely.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Bear does taste 👍 great.

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deletedJan 25, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Author

When I lived in a Cree family in northern Alberta, I had some moose and porcupine. Both taste good…

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deletedJan 24, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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I think so tooo. They want to remove the second amendment?

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deletedJan 24, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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True. They try to mask the crumbling of their edifice...

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No pun intended.

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