Mr. Teixeira did the very same thing on a much smaller scale that Daniel Ellsberg did with the Pentagon Papers--he revealed the way the Pentagon lies and deceives the public.

Ellsberg rightly became a hero for exposing government crimes, Teixeira is now in prison.

My goodness how times and values change, just as Orwell suggested.

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Thanks, Manuel, for the always excellent worldwide coverage that keeps us up-to-date!! ;-)

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Thank You Manuel for more and more terrible news. Slowly wonder, is it better to stay informed or be clueless and happy. The biggest health bulldozer which prevents you form digesting your own food(hm....) is STRESS! SO if these NASA sprayings are true, here the SDS data sheet of the aluminum compund:

Flammable liquids Category 2 H225

Pyrophoric liquids Category 1 H250

Substances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gases Category 1 H260

Skin corrosion/irritation Category 1B H314

Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 1 H318

Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) Category 3 H335

From what is happening to my own skin this year, it looks like that sh.. is already in the air! And that suppose to be for quote: For research and industrial use only!!!!

About Musk and Co, I told you so....

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Flammable liquids Category 2 H225

Pyrophoric liquids Category 1 H250

Substances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gases Category 1 H260

Skin corrosion/irritation Category 1B H314

Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 1 H318

Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) Category 3 H335

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Miigwech. Another informative newsletter.

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"The rare condition prevents him from closing his eyes." I can attest to that condition being much more life altering than it may seem at first glance. Last year, almost to the day, I came down with Bell's Palsy which is a paralysis of one half of the face muscles including the eyelids. I have sensitive eyes as it is and constant seasonal allergies so I wasn't able to drive much, had to tape my eye closed at night (and much of the time during the day) because the eye would dry out. This poor kid. I'm all better now but when you think that it can't get any worse, DON'T! It can. This poor boy must have been through hell. I'm glad he's on the mend.

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"Throw away the key…" No. Take away his life. It's time for some REAL justice for criminals like this that do NOT deserve to live!

And the Chinese guy who ran amok with his car killing and maiming dozens, it's clear that china has a "car control" problem. That is, they ought to draw up laws restricting the sale of "assault cars" immediately. "Guns don't kill, cars do." That would be the scenario under the Biden admin. Does 35 killed seem almost too many for one car to kill? It does to me. I'm calling FAKE on this one. Maybe not entirely fake but embellished beyond the point of exaggeration.

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“The NASA rocket carried 16 canisters of trimethyl aluminum, which were released into the upper atmosphere. “

What is the reason for this? Was it to dim the sun?

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"But why is every picture of this guy like Frodo on meth?"

Good one amigo!

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I like turtles

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About that "news..."

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

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Musk was joking during Trump’s campaign that he was going to use the acronym DOGE. It isn’t conspiratorial. It’s sarcasm.

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Regarding “Nazi” protest:

Cui bono. Study color Revolutions. Alternative media has been saying for weeks, these events were being planned by those who benefit from the narrative.

Unmask them. Investigate them. Expose their connection to the letter agencies.

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