The turbo cancer started after the bioweapon jabs were administered. That is the direct cause.

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Actually, fact is that cancer rates in people under 50 have been rising significantly for about 30 years, long before COVID vaccines hit the scene, so no, that is not the "direct cause."

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What will globalists do with all the billions of unemployed, obsolete masses? It’s simple: They exterminate them.

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They want us all dead. In fact, they have been ordered to achieve specific kill rates in order to appease their masters. LMFAO ROFL

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This also explains the deliberate sabotage of food and energy infrastructure, and it tells us exactly why the suicidal US State Dept. is marching the world into a global nuclear conflict with Russia.

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This is why nearly every government has now been weaponized against its own people. This is why the covid plandemic was launched, and it’s why vaccines are designed to cause widespread infertility, disability and death.

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And yet, the global population continues to increase at the same predictable rate every year, year after year, including during the pandemic, although the pandemic put a slight damper on the rate of growth.

So, if the globalists are trying to kill us all, they're not doing a very good job. In fact, they have failed miserably.


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The debate is over. COVID was a government-run conspiracy of terrorism and bioweapons, designed to achieve global depopulation and economic collapse.

We now have a full admission from government officials in their own words. The arrests must begin immediately.

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Mass extermination of humanity under way… and most humans are blind to what’s happening

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They want us all dead. In fact, they have been ordered to achieve specific kill rates in order to appease their masters.

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This also explains the deliberate sabotage of food and energy infrastructure, and it tells us exactly why the suicidal US State Dept. is marching the world into a global nuclear conflict with Russia.

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This is why nearly every government has now been weaponized against its own people. This is why the covid plandemic was launched, and it’s why vaccines are designed to cause widespread infertility, disability and death.

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⚡⚡⚡That plan is the attempted extermination of billions of human beings. It is an attempt to prepare planet 🌍Earth 🌎for a “post-human future.”Globalists believe humans will soon be obsolete.⚡⚡⚡ROFL

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✨✨✨✨What we are witnessing and living through is nothing less than the planned fall of ☠human civilization☠ and a💀 planetary-scale 💀ethnic cleansing genocide💀 against humanity✨✨✨

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Observed through the understanding of the genocide agenda, all the major events taking place today no longer appear as random, spontaneous “bad luck” events but rather as milestones in a much larger, far more nefarious plan.

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Yes it is. It was never increasing at the rate it is now. This is an obvious acceleration since 2021. That’s when they mandated it.

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Without a doubt. The media plays this down by designing every story to dilute the truth about the jab. The facts are that there has been a huge spike (nothing like it in history and never before seen!) in young persons with cancer, myocarditis, heart attack, stroke and sudden death. The real spike is OFF THE CHART! All starting with the jab. Don't be deceived. This is what they don't want you to know!

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I agree. And it is very painful to know and be unable to warn orhers. They refuse to see. I am devastated because in the back of my mind there is a constant fear of the phone call I could receive at any time. Two of my daughters fell for the whole scam, boosters and all.

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I would like to see a link to the place where you got that information. It is blatantly FALSE and created to deceive the people to take the jab.

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Take your pick - the increase in cancer among people under 50 has been going on for decades. It is an irrefutable fact. Sorry, but you don't get to make up your own truth and you can't blame COVID vaccines for every negative health statistic.

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You have left links to two of the most liberal and agenda filled left wing media sources which lie more than they tell truth; the third I know nothing about. Don't you know that there is an agenda to KILL and reduce the population and this shot was the pinnacle of it? You are right about cancer increasing across the board. At the beginning of the 20th century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer sometime in the course of their lifetime. And these stats were BEFORE the shot. I believe they can now "cancer" someone or give them the disease remotely. You've heard of the "heart attack gun"? Why not a cancer gun. You are arguing with the wrong people here. We all know that cancer is increasing but you seem to be defending the shot by your comments. It's a FACT that ALL forms of cancer have spiked in young people and children since 2021. And I don't make up my own truth. The stats I provided came from Health Impact News website “We lost the war on cancer” November 3, 2017

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'When I was living in the bush, I always had a bear spray and a bell…' WHEN I WAS LIVING IN THE BUSH, I ALWAYS HAD: A .357 MAGNUM; .223 CALIBER RIFLE; 11 INCH BOWIE KNIFE, LIKE JIM BOWIE///LOL

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Lol! I also had my rifle when I was sleeping outside

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The rise in cancer in young people is due mostly to the vax. The number one profit maker for the pharmaceutical industry is CANCER TREATMENT. If they could profit so greatly by giving the world a shot, how much more would they profit by designing that shot to CAUSE CANCER but not only cancer but TURBO, cancers, never before seen, rapidly spreading cancers of all sorts? Add to that all the other items Manuel mentioned and we have a very dangerous world (if we don't take their shot) and a very deadly world if we do. I never even took a flu shot. It just didn't seem right, even when I was one of the sheep, believing every lie they were telling.

1 Timothy 6:10 KJV The love of money is THE root of all evil. All new versions say that it is merely A root of "all sorts" of evil. Check it out. They change the meaning in mostly every new version. Why? That's why got me searching the new version issue 14 years ago. And since then, I have found countless reasons "why" they change the Bible. The biggest is that it's a BILLION dollar business! The KJV doesn't even have a copyright. It can be freely printed and copied. They are virtually FREE (1.50 at the Dollar Tree) The new versions are ALL copyrighted and restricted from being copied without permission. Again, why? Many reasons but the biggest of them being the gain of FILTHY LUCRE.

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Thank you. I've known the JFK assassination was by the CIA for a long time. Sad it took so long to release this info since it's been so long for prosecution - most are dead. Wonder what will be released 60 years from now?

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There isn't a celebrity or politician that hasn't flashed the 666 sign for the cameras. Often they actually put it over one eye or both to cover all the bases. It's everywhere. They are required to do it. It has zipitydoodah to do with "white supremacy".

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Good substack today, Manuel. Lots to say about stuff! I saw a list recently of the top twenty TV shows

over the last 10 years on cable, satellite and main stream networks. I can honestly say that I didn't recognize any of them except ONE which I only knew existed because I was with my dad visiting him once while he was watching it - The Big Bang Theory. All of the others I had never heard of before.

Yes, I watch my smart TV but NONE of the crap most people watch. I like cars so I watch Motor Trend but I don't see any commercials, I have the app. I watch a lot of Youtube on my TV but only carefully selected videos from carefully selected subs. Many Christians that talk to me say that I shouldn't watch TV and that I shouldn't even have one. I say to them "nothing is intrinsically good or evil but its manner of usage makes it so." Thomas Aquinas.

I have a TV but I use it for GOOD. I have a computer but I also use it for good. I'm not boasting, I just follow the Lord. He filters what I watch, if I'm uncomfortable watching something, my conscience is notified and I switch it off. Perhaps I shouldn't watch as much TV as I do but since streaming TV came along, that's a difficult thing to do. You can find virtually ANYTHING you want to see. When I was a kid, we had an Emerson black and white TV which had to warm up for a half hour before you could watch it. There were only 3 channels 2, 4, and 11. UHF didn't work on that TV so I didn't see much UHF channels until about 10 yrs old. I'll stop now, I'm just rambling.

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Thanks for the posts, Manuel!! A good way to keep up-to-date with things!! More people should subscribe to give you a little income for all you search out for us!! ;-)

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So cancer rates have been rising in young people for decades, with no single cause. Like most things, it's complicated, but lifestyles have a lot to do with this trend.

During the same period, rates of obesity have skyrocketed, and along with it, rates of diabetes and other diseases, including cancer. Sedentary Americans eat horrible fast-food diets, full of highly processed refined garbage. 90% are deficient in Vitamin D, which makes them higher risk for cancer in and of itself.

So the guy in the story was slim and fit - nothing mentioned about his family health history or his diet. Sometimes slim fit people believe they can eat however they want without consequences. Further, lifestyle includes one's sex life, and 42% of 18-59 year olds have HPV, and guess what happens when people have with HPV have anal sex? Rectal cancer, anyone? Oral sex? Yep, that would increase risk of throat cancer. Not to mention cervical cancer.

I can't control the levels of forever chemicals and other environmental carcinogens, but I can absolutely control many of the factors that might increase my risk of cancer. I can eat a nutrient rich high fiber healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, I can get plenty of outdoor exercise, get recommended cancer screenings, and choose a long-term monogamous relationship to avoid STD's.

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You're right! The new Twitter X logo is X-actly like X-ing out of an app or closing a page!!! It's mind boggling. I want my little bluebird back!

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The JFK doc's, ridiculous Americans and the world fall for this bull-drivel. National Security issues, UFO's National Security Issues, everything is a National Security Issues-that they don't want you to see because it exposes the liars and the lies. Has absolutely nothing to do with National Security, but "their" security-they know the American people would string them up by the gonads.

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The undersea "grand canyon" is one of thousands of such canyons (known as submarine canyons) cut into the continental shelf along the coast of all continents and most large bodies of land. One of the largest is off the coast of Puerto Rico. These PROVE that the earth was covered with water and that the oceans "sunk down" as the continents (and mountains) raised up. There were once oceans of waters UNDER the earth (before the great deluge) and when God declared, "the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11 The rain came down from the "canopy" surrounding the earth but most of the flooding exploded from beneath the earth! "The Genesis Flood" by Whitcomb and Morris is an excellent source of info on what actually happened according to the Bible (and it's not what we have been told, even by the churches and Sunday Schools all our lives!) I devote nearly a whole chapter to the submarine canyons in my book, "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy" by Jeremiah C Maddox (pseudonym)

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I have now lived long enough to see the "OK" hand gesture change meanings 4 times! First, as a child, it meant, "OK, and Good Job". Later into my younger adult years, it meant 666 and was a sign of satanic allegiance and even later it came to mean the "all seeing eye". Now, it's a symbol of white supremacy? ALL of this is an attempt to cover up its real meaning which was made by the Illuminati centuries ago which actually and truly IS the sign of satan. Similarly, the ROC (joining of the fingertips on camera to form a triangle) and the hidden hand placing the right hand in the third button from the top of the jacket or shirt) is a sign of Illuminati membership. This is how they operate. by CONFUSION and deception and now they have the entire media in all its forms to confirm that anyone who mentions any of it is a CONSPIRACY WACKO. Funny, isn't it? They are the insane ones yet they have programmed the world to believe it is WE who mention their nefarious and wicked activity who are insane. The backward world at its finest.

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That symbol in that form may actually be a yoga hand mudra

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Since the days of Gergen in the Clinton administration I have, and continue to contend David Gergen us Chelsea Clinton's biological father. Don't believe me, research Renaissance Weekend.

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