In all seriousness, before reading, I thought it was Greta Thunberg doll.

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Thanks. I learned about changing the frequency a decade or so back and realized there was a hidden hand behind our world that was not human-friendly. Well, now that's became incredibly obvious, and that we've been under attack in so many ways. All coming out now.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Man on the Street Video From 1979:

Yep, it was wide lapel, fat ties, and poofy hair back then. People talked to each other on the phone alot, and if you had a phone machine and a vcr, you were high tech. That one female in the video looked alot like a young Maud Adams (Bond 007 film and Vogue).


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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Yo, wow but you done outdid yourself Manny!

Women’s fertility drop? The population curve is bending towards level. While it might take a few generations the number of child born to one woman is far below what it was in the 50s (5 per woman). https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-13/earths-population-reaches-eight-billion-people/101643854

A lot of nations are suffering a decline in childbirth. 3rd world nations are working with Israel to help farmers transition from fields to aquaponics (organic version of hydroponics). There will be no food crisis if greedy politicians just let farmers alone.

Yes, liberal leaders are much the cause of Africa’s political problems. Carter ignored millions of deaths there which encouraged even more wars. Clinton encouraged problems because it led to sales of American weaponry like the M16. Obama same and the kickback from fast and furious must have been huge because liberals had to be stopped from arming drug cartels. BTW, most of the guns wound up in the hands of citizens because cartel soldiers kept having really terrible accidents. This is why people in Mexico keep hoping liberals will bring Holder back. Where Bush added homing devises, liberals likely pocketed funds for that. BTW, if anyone knows of a good supplier of 5.56mm ammo, many in Mexico today would like to know. Thanks to Holder, life in many areas is today much, much safer than it was in 2020...safer from the police and military as well as drug lords.

LOL, Vikings against Vikings; Scandinavia against the Rus. Looks like gates hope for a steep reduction in world population may just come true, but nt the people liberals want to get rid of a la nazism.

Of course the derailment happened in ND. It’s a very conservative area. The real accident was in uber mensch liberal Kali, where clean-up crews are scurrying all over to contain it.

Kali is cursed. Read Deuteronomy 28 and see it. Droughts, pestilence, floods, poverty, unrest. When Muslims read that, they rend to horrified by jihadists, the serpents who are destroying humans and are a curse on Muslims. More, thanks to the internet, Muslims are seeing Islam as apostasy because modern Qur’an is so different from the one Mohamed wrote.

Collect Irish American silver (contains no lead), copper, and zinc (brass is very good). You’ll need them to ward off what new plagues are being brewed by chicoms and liberal/useful idiots. We don’t buy colloidal silver but do use silver-coated utensils and bowls. Same with brass, zinc, and copper items. niio

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Hypersonic Sled:

I suppose if a human could withstand the g-forces you could create underground railway tunnels and almost teleport yourself across the country?

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Great work...as usual, thank you. The new website link though, still having some connection issues, can't log in or even use the Face Book login. But no problem here, I'm patient.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

This just in...a nuclear power plant in Toledo Ohio has melted down but residents are told to stay put and advised not to panic until the federal officials can determine if there is a need for concern.

In other news, A 50 megaton nuclear warhead being transported by rail has detonated in Kansas City after the train carrying it derailed but there is no need for alarm. The EPA says it is totally safe and the area need not be evacuated. (both fictional of course, for now)

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

528hz is supposedly a love and healing frequency. In your DNA and in plants chlorophyll.

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1979..that was the year I graduated H.S....it was also the year of the American Hostages in Iran that were imprisoned there for 444 days

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Federal "health" officials findings on our longevity as a nation... Satan Claus (sp?) would tell more truth about such things; I'd sooner look to the north pole for truth. I don't believe a single WORD any "federal official" says, in fact I believe the OPPOSITE. As a matter of fact, if one of them opens their mouth to say something, I begin looking for hidden agendas for their doing so (and easily and quickly finding them!) We used to be called conspiracy theorists but they can't refer to us as such anymore because we were proven to be RIGHT. That makes us conspiracy FACT revealers.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds


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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The A440 vs A432 issue is not that simple...it's actually quite complex. You can read my book series on the topic free on Kindle or email me for a pdf (or buy the physical copies on Amazon but happy to send pdfs.)

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks! & I love David Hoffman

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Excellent substack today, Manuel. They're always good but this one seemed to be tailored to my interests! Keep them coming!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Dirty Work 2: The CIA in Africa includes lessons on how to spot a spook https://www.worldcat.org/title/5494285

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