I do sincerely agree that, "To the believer, it’s prophecy, and the end times… To the non believer, its an agenda for the elite to enslave the world…" However, it is ALL a ruse. For any scholarly study of biblical eschatology will readily reveal, the so-called 'end-times' or 'last days' occurred 2,000 years ago and culminated in 70 A.D. This is beyond dispute. What is in dispute, however, is the fact that most Americans, as you say, are so easily misled and gullible, just as sheep, and cannot see past their favorite "prophecy gurus" misdirection that premillennial dispensationalism is a belief system less than 200 years old concocted to deceive people. Just one Scripture blows their whole premise out of the water, so to speak, (Matthew 24:34) and this is why it was redefined in the 1800's to mean something else entirely. Do NOT be deceived. These are not the End Times, but they are purposely being designed to appear as such for a final 'rug pull' that will leave "believers" with absolutely zero hope and further their integration into the New World Order. The Christian religion was completely infiltrated and diverted by Adam Weishaupt centuries ago. The truth is stranger than fiction. The world is not at all as it seems. And the majority of "religious" spectators are genuinely, although ignorantly (in most cases) believing a lie, much to their own destruction.

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You have a rude awakening coming! Apparently you've never believed, or you would have had miracles happen in your life that surpass anything and everything into the 'impossibility realm' that comes from ONLY ONE. But I assure you, you will SEE. And you'll have 7 years of Tribulation to decide to change your thinking. You were given Free Will, after all!

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Why don't you open a Gab account and post there. I post Strange Sounds to Gab every day. Your posts are what Gabbers like, There's not many loony leftist on Gab.

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just started to post a few minutes ago... Will keep on doing so...

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Ok I see your account.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

The Ukranian people are innocent pawns in what is really a war between NATO/USA and Russia. There are no nuclear weapons in Ukraine. They were all returned to Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. There are no Ukrainian armies with hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles or planes approaching and ready to fire on Russian cities or its capital of Moscow. I stand with the Ukrainian people who are fleeing or fighting. All governments are corrupt including ours. The Biden family, Joe, Hunter and James, has been involved up to their neckties in Ukrainian corruptions for years. Nobody here on the left seems to care. Biden would probably be hiding somewhere in the South Pacific right now if facing a foreign invasion such as what Zelensky and the citizens of Ukraine are facing. I have no use for Putin who is a thug and a killer and the entire world agrees regardless of the lame excuse he's used to invade Ukraine.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Great work! Would like to support you with a check. What is your mailing address?

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Hi and thanks! Please send me an email at info@strangesounds.org. Thank you, Manuel

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Animal cruelty is outlined by Susan Casey in her book on dolphins. - a posted comment about it https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-november-6-2021-326/#comment-1951116

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Here is a link to the BEST information /explanation I've heard in a very long time. It's worth hearing! It's also the solution!!

Rapture 2022: The Fig Tree Generation DEADLINE on May 15th-16th during BLOOD MOON on Second Passover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTumJgV0-34

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There are Many sites you have to prove you are Human...Has nothing to do with Digital ID....

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I grew up in a city on the New Madrid Fault. I was a child when the 5.4 earthquake hit in 1968. There are some places you don't want to be during an earthquake and I was in one of them, a full-size competitive swimming pool. Fortunately I was holding onto the side and not out in the middle of the pool. The earthquake shook the whole building, fortunately did not break any of the glass doors or windows. There were six-foot waves in the pool.

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The World is certainly reaching a tipping point now! Great coverage on keeping us all up to date as usual.

Regarding The Supposed Covid situation in China, China released a new Bio-weapon on one of its own provinces during the Beijing Games this year.....They also released it to everyone that was present at the Games. Just like in 2019 at those Games which was the supposed Covid; but actually was the death shot done via aerosol release. Covid as you know was nothing more than a snot stew.. This new Bio-weapon virus is a cousin to the Hemorrhagic Fever, for which there is supposedly no cures. They studied for this for over 2 years previously. Last report was around 6800 cases in the US but no one is talking...All planned as they want us Dead before the end of this year. Just keep taking Quercetin. It is the one thing shown to kill the nucleus of the living virus used in any Bioweapon. Proven by government tests on HIV1 but not released to the public.

A thought on the fake news on Russian Soldiers raping a 14 child there. Did anyone bother to validate the picture....Not in Ukraine....another attempt to get people mad at Russia. This is a political war where the Democrats and other Globalists have lost their Money Laundering Country that they tried to do a coup on in 2014......We took over the Bio-weapon labs in 1991. This is pure BS trying to get your attention away from all the indictments that are coming out and all of the other BS they are doing right now and don't want you to pay attention to what is actually happening here in the U.S. Don't be fooled people. How are Ukrainian refugees entering our borders now? Are they really or is it another effort to pull sympathy for this unnecessary war which the U.S. just passed a bill to give Ukraine $14,000,000 dollars as well as Weapons to fight. The current administration needs to force a war in order to stay in power...Don't believe everything you read...do some research...

Also on the massive Bird Flu that is killing millions of our feathered friends all over the world, well take a look at the chemtrails lately.....When you drop poison from the skies - things die - including people.

Take care, Blessings and prepare yourselves and your families for the Very Lien times ahead. Don't procrastinate on this or you will be the looser.

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I am cancelling my subscription to Strange Sounds because you just posted something from Busy Bee about support for Ukraine being required to enter a certain restaurant. Further investigation shows this to be a spoof, but you did not indicate that on your site. Not cool. It makes me wonder what else you are posting without indicating or perhaps knowing what is true and what is not.

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Hello Manuel, Nibiru/Planet X/Planet 9 is moving into our Solar System this September 2022. Military is worried. According to Ancient Texts from 5 different Ancient Civilizations, this is supposed to happen before the Tribulation. Nibiru started affecting our weather conditions in 1990s and they have been escalating every since. All Symptoms of incoming Planet are visible and increasing on a daily basis. For those of you that are now seeing RED Sunrises and RED Sunsets, that is due to the RED DUST from the incoming Planet. This is now visible in several parts of the World. Sightings started as far back as 2012. Now almost 2/3rds of this Planet can see Nibiru in the background. Also you are seeing an increase in Fireballs, tremors, major tektonic plate activations, Petro Balls/Bombs with noise in the air, higher winds than previously experienced, extreme weather conditions not normal for many areas, etc. There are many safe areas though; just not on the coast lines or the Mississippi River as it will become an ocean channel. I was told, from a higher power, that it would be here in November of this year. That appears to be somewhat on track if the entering into our Solar System is September of 2022. It may take a month or 2 longer to actually stop us in our rotation though. You will have a warning, besides the increase in storms, etc. You will have No Sun for about 2 weeks or so before we actually stop. Just be prepared and pray!

Short comment on Russia. The US has been funding the Nazi Leadership of Western Ukraine for the last 8 years and helping them fight the Eastern Russian Ukraine people. That is why Russia entered into Ukraine in 2014 to protect the 2 provinces that were pulling away from a fascist government regime. The Ukraine has Never been a Democracy. We are now not a Democracy as our own government has been implemented Communist Protocols one after another. The US government also supplied most Terrorist activity with huge sums of our Tax Dollars all over the Middle East, etc. They used Thermobaric Weapon Vacuum Bombs - yes the ones that Putin has been allegedly accused of using. NO he has not used yet; but he does have them. Shame on the powers that be for again not giving you the TRUTH about why Russia was Forced into this action. Russia destroyed Military areas and YES many Bio-Weapon labs being subsidized AGAIN by the US using OUR TAX DOLLARS.... Do not believe anything you see on main stream media. They are liers and are bought and paid for! for over 3 decades now. Follow Manuel and other uncensored news to find out the Truth... Also the Ukraine is NOT a NATO member due to the Fascist Regime there and are not entitled to have them come in......Last and not least the Ukraine Western part is the largest Money Laundering Country on the Planet and All of the current Administration, Globalists and Euthenists who pretend to help people instead of our current state of Killing people, are loosing massive amounts of money now due to Russia's invasion to protect the Eastern part of Ukraine and destroy the denied Bio-Weapon sites along his border.

Blessings to all of you! Stay safe, stay Strong and you will survive all.....Charlotte

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Hello Manuel, Nibiru/Planet X/Planet 9 is moving into our Solar System this September 2022. Military is worried. According to Ancient Texts from 5 different Ancient Civilizations, this is supposed to happen before the Tribulation. Nibiru started affecting our weather conditions in 1990s and they have been escalating every since. All Symptoms of incoming Planet are visible and increasing on a daily basis. For those of you that are now seeing RED Sunrises and RED Sunsets, that is due to the RED DUST from the incoming Planet. This is now visible in several parts of the World. Sightings started as far back as 2012. Now almost 2/3rds of this Planet can see Nibiru in the background. Also you are seeing an increase in Fireballs, tremors, major tektonic plate activations, Petro Balls/Bombs with noise in the air, higher winds than previously experienced, extreme weather conditions not normal for many areas, etc. There are many safe areas though; just not on the coast lines or the Mississippi River as it will become an ocean channel. I was told, from a higher power, that it would be here in November of this year. That appears to be somewhat on track if the entering into our Solar System is September of 2022. It may take a month or 2 longer to actually stop us in our rotation though. You will have a warning, besides the increase in storms, etc. You will have No Sun for about 2 weeks or so before we actually stop. Just be prepared and pray!

Short comment on Russia. The US has been funding the Nazi Leadership of Western Ukraine for the last 8 years and helping them fight the Eastern Russian Ukraine people. That is why Russia entered into Ukraine in 2014 to protect the 2 provinces that were pulling away from a fascist government regime. The Ukraine has Never been a Democracy. We are now not a Democracy as our own government has been implemented Communist Protocols one after another. The US government also supplied most Terrorist activity with huge sums of our Tax Dollars all over the Middle East, etc. They used Thermobaric Weapon Vacuum Bombs - yes the ones that Putin has been allegedly accused of using. NO he has not used yet; but he does have them. Shame on the powers that be for again not giving you the TRUTH about why Russia was Forced into this action. Russia destroyed Military areas and YES many Bio-Weapon labs being subsidized AGAIN by the US using OUR TAX DOLLARS.... Do not believe anything you see on main stream media. They are liers and are bought and paid for! for over 3 decades now. Follow Manuel and other uncensored news to find out the Truth... Also the Ukraine is NOT a NATO member due to the Fascist Regime there and are not entitled to have them come in......Last and not least the Ukraine Western part is the largest Money Laundering Country on the Planet and All of the current Administration, Globalists and Euthenists who pretend to help people instead of our current state of Killing people, are loosing massive amounts of money now due to Russia's invasion to protect the Eastern part of Ukraine and destroy the denied Bio-Weapon sites along his border.

Blessings to all of you! Stay safe, stay Strong and you will survive all.....Charlotte

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Noone is mentioning the exact parallel between what happened the last 8 years in Ukraine and what happened in Poland before WW2. Ethnic Russians being massacred this time instead of ethnic Germans, and done by the same tribe. Because noone ever heard about it, because history is erased... and noone cares. Instead of showing a russian crematorium, important issues could be addressed, there are too few voices crying in the wilderness. 9/10 fake "covid" deaths in UK are fully vaccinated. Covid "tests" poisoning people, etc in link here.


100 years from now students with zero freedom will be reading about the 2020 "pandemic". I'm done with clown world. Zarathustra is good, but he's a small fry in the world of truth. Siddharameshwar was not.

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Now we see there really was no man behind that curtain but AI (artificial intelligence or alien influence, take your pick).

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