Are you 100% positive that is a meteorite in that "Are you prepared for the End times" photo on February 20, 2021?

That looks similar to that "comet with a long tail seen in the Philippines on February 26 after sundown linked here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=XrJK1dMhQ2Y

that looks like the "glittering spear/sword" of Habakkuk 3:3-15 that God uses as a weapon of His indignation on His "day of vengeance and day of recompense for His redeemed" Isaiah 34:5-8 and Isaiah 63:1-6 That "comet" is 2 times larger than Earth and is supposed to come into view on the east limb of the Sun around March 31, 2021. Time Counselor

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Everything coming from the sky should indeed be taken like a sign of things that are going to happen... Beautiful or devastating...Manuel

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