I was just at Walmart (oh bliss) doing my three week stock up of essentials and the number of people WEARING MASKS was higher than it was last time I was there three weeks ago. One of those wearing a mask was a young woman in nurse attire with what appeared to be her mom, also donning face mask. I felt like saying, "so, nurse...what do YOU know that we don't seeing you're covering up your breathing holes and aspirating your own waste gases? Is that for my protection or for yours?" I have to physically restrain myself from ripping these masks off these peoples' faces and that's not an easy task and getting harder all the time. One old guy had a mask on covering his mouth but his nose was completely exposed. This man is THREE times confused. These frightened, MSM pandering, left wing, liberal bleeding heart, snowflake, psyoped, deluded freaks actually WANT another fiasco like the CV19 garbage. I"m convinced now. They WANT the gov't to tell them what to do!!! These are the same people standing in line at the pharmacy to get their "bird flu" jab. How pathetic can this population become? Don't stand so close to me! Coming soon to a Walmart near you. Thanks for the outlet Manuel. Just a little coming-back-from-Walmart ranting.

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I am also witnessing that masking is on the rise in Switzerland too... But when you listen to the people wearing them, most are from Germany, France, Spain, etc... They probably follow what's being told in their countries...

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Pepperidge farm remembers.........!

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LOL ! Exactly

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Who could ever forget? Oh, just about EVERYONE that's all. Just like they forgot the Sandy Hook false flag event which had more evidence that it was fake than it ever had evidence that it was a real event...all forgotten, even by Alex Jones who uncovered it all back then and who didn't even defend himself by bringing any of it up in a national trial which depended on everyone's short term memory loss (12 years is short term to me) and AJ's commitment to his employer, the deep state. What a jumble of mass confusion and deception we have to wade through every single day just to keep our sanity while those around us willingly give theirs up to psyops covering them up to their chins!

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Whenever you see someone in a mask in public, gently (or not) let them know that the last fake pandemic is over and the next fake pandemic hasn't started yet.

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oh, one more in regard to the unhappy German face. From Nature Briefing:

Meet the ‘woolly mouse’

Biotech company Colossal Biosciences have unveiled ‘woolly mice’ — genetically edited mice that harbour a mix of mutations modelled on those of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius), as well as changes known to alter hair growth in mice. The company claims that the animal is a breakthrough in its quest to bring back woolly mammoths by engineering Asian elephants — the mammoth’s closest living relative — with genetic changes. Some researchers remain sceptical that the mouse is a substantial advance. “It’s just a mouse that has some special genes,” says genome engineer Stephan Riesenberg."

If 'they' can change the hair so drastically, maybe 'they' can, maybe, tweak the human mouth muscles a bit in the other direction, to make a smile out of sadness...?

Just joking, very ironically. It is all in fact, disgusting.

Hopefully that creepy figure won't show up here in comments to dismantle our discussion..??

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strange, I wrote a comment and it disappeared... it was about the last add, a nice and clear message..

And the face of the new German man is definitely not HAPPY, so maybe this will help:

"Advancing Face and Hand Transplantation"

Principles and Framework for Developing Standardized Protocols

by nationalacademies.org...

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I don't know. Sorry for your lost. I am going to search for it in the internet archive... Is Substack starting to delete comments... I don't know...

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oh, Manuel, do not feel sorry, the comment was not too long, which even the cheezy memory can catch;)) What I noticed though, things are getting edited automatically, AI? Sometimes with no sense, thus discrediting... All what I see 'online' these days is not very good, important things are disappearing, take the Eps..ps. files, gone.. That not to say, substack? hm..., WHO knows.

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Manuel you're preaching better than many are listening 👍. However, any new moon, Mars or space talk being released is smoke & mirrors me thinks. Know some people at JPL, it's all pictures and letters. We find more provable facts on Sesame Street and Elmo than from NASAty. I did hear that McDonald's has started construction on a new robot operated drive-in on the moon for that hungry Venusians 😃🍔

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1. The Boeing murder swept under the rug? Who was president then? Who ran the DOJ? There's a new sheriff in town and the complaint is that a century's worth of corruption hasn't been fully corrected in his first month in office.

2. Third world disease like dysentery in Portland? Who do you blame, unsanitary criminal trespassers or unsanitary resident hippies?

3. America is finally going to hold other countries accountable for their use of the American weaponry they've been gifted? That's a good thing. Maybe now the bums in Ukraine will stop selling our state-of-the-art weapons that they were given as handouts to the terroristic Mexican/South American drug cartels.

4. Bird flu plandemic groundwork was already in place before the current US administration was in office. Knowing it takes 4-6 months for newly hatched hens to begin laying eggs, Biden slaughtered hundreds of millions of HEALTHY chickens because they MIGHT have been exposed to a relatively mild disease that most of them would have survived while developing immunity in the process. The weirdest thing his how bird flu only seemed to affect large-scale egg operations ONLY IN THE USA, but not pigeons in the cities, not migratory birds, Nor any other avians.

5. Prison staff strike? Fire them all. Of course, i think any labor strike by any employee anywhere at any time should be fired. Labor unions are a microcosm of communism.

6. Dour estimates are trying to derail President Trump again, but it's been proven over and over that every negative prediction about any Trump policy has turned out to be 100% wrong.

Thanks for the articles, Manuel. "Now we know, and knowing is half the battle!" -GI Joe

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I'll upgrade when the knnts give me access to my Bank....

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