Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The pet rent story, is as appalling, as it is insane. If your state goes blue, you are thru. Concerning the UNNATURAL fires, check out the radiation spikes where the smoke goes. The theory is, that Fukushima spread to trees here over the last 13 plus years. I included a link to the site. It is daily so you can monitor it. The increase came with the fires. I love real science, cause it exposes fake ass science. You know, like safe and effective shots, or the ice caps will be gone, due to mammals breathing and cutting the cheese. kudos Manny .... https://www.netc.com/

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Using doublespeak for obesity: big FAT joke

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The moose rabies story, most likely false. Look at its source; PBS! Almost guaranteed fiction with an agenda. Just another reason to stick needles into us and our pets. I have stopped injecting my animal with ANYTHING. And they're going to cull the moose to control the tick population? Does anyone see anything wrong with this? How about letting the moose live and KILL THE TICKS! Backwards, upside down rhetoric at its finest. Then again, what should we expect from the WHO and every other alphabet agency now making all things global?

Knowing the lengths that they have gone to get every single human being in the entire world injected with MRNA, spike protein inducing, lipid nanoparticle delivery and 5G technology microcircuitry which reacts to electromagnetic radio waves for whatever purpose the elite are planning for us in the future, it's no needles for me or my pets from now on. Period.

Would you put it past those manufacturing the rabies, distemper and other pet vaccines from being bribed to allow the elite to produce shots for our animals containing MRNA technology? On second thought, the same big pharma manufacturers that make the covid (whatever that is) shot make our dog's rabies shots too! No bribe necessary. Only compliance with ONE accord. The agenda of the elite who, by the way, want us all DEAD.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I have chronic appetite disregulation? Gee, that’s such a relief. All these years I thought I was fat. Well, it is an American Indian thing. Grain is why. Go carnivore and stay away from any carbs, even fruit. That makes the insulin get out of whack and too much means you retain fat. One large meal a day and get someone to exorcise any demons of food. Remember diet is a 4-letter work that keeps you fat.

Assange is lusted after by vindictive liberals.

The shark problem is, they stopped seeing humans as bigger predators. If this is a problem for you, please, feel free to invite anyone who sees sharks as just another harmless woodland critter to hug one. I do, but for some reason liberals aren’t amused.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Not by works.org talks about selection not election. J B Hixon shows Biblical proof of all that is going on. Thanks for all your work. 💜

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thank you

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Thanks 🙏 ❤️🇺🇸🐸

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