Santa, Easter Bunny, yup agreed! Christ “thee” son of God. Anything in quotes in the versions of the “Good Book” indicates the author him/her self, “changed… the word”. Yes Dick and J E Hoover (we are living in Hoover’s electronic state) are a lovely pair, of coconuts. ;~>

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I don't know how long Bill Burr has been saying it, but to a child, God and Santa aren't all that different. If your parents go to all that trouble to lie to you about Santa, why wouldn't they also be lying about God, who probably seems even more unlikely to a child. When my son was in kindergarten he smelled a rat and demanded to know if Santa was real. I was honest with him and then had the horrifying realization that he would tell his friends, which he did. They told him he was wrong, and that was the end of it. Modern parents use the elf on the shelf as Santa's security apparatus. It just gets worse and worse.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Yes, conditioning young humans to believe and celebrate fiction and fantasy is at least partly responsible for the gullible public we see. Whether done in the name of organized religion or otherwise doesn’t seem to make much difference. Faith is the opposite of critical thinking.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

That collage has really hit the mark for me today. Thank you for it. I'd seen each of those but never together like that. Could you provide a link to that to download? It's very hard to read the balloons in some of them.

To understand how deeply entrenched their plans are for the NWO and the coming antichrist, and to see how carefully they have manipulated those plans should make every breathing man, woman and child on this earth AT LEAST SUSPICIOUS of their nefarious activity behind the scenes.

It's like they even planned the IGNORANCE of the people in this age, what am I saying? Of course they did. How do we wake people up to this? IF they can see such proof of our world being governed and planned for takeover and death of the people and yet ignore it all, how can we introduce them to the fact that Bible prophecy goes much further in describing the end result of these plans and their final outcome? And it doesn't look good for the future of this planet.

We are engaged in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and that's a fact. The wicked rulers of this world have planned the demise of every person that resists them and most of them that even go along with them (and they know everything about every single one of us).

As soon as millions of people disappear, antichrist will emerge saying UFOs took us. Don't believe it! We were taken by our Creator, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is now very little time to examine this and get your house in order (everyone in earshot).

Do it today. We don't have many days left until, in the twinkling of an eye, this world changes into something unrecognizable and chaotic. Normal isn't coming back; Jesus is!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Santa, Easter Bunny, etc., cute stories, but by the time a child begins to realize they MAY be stories, they’ve already been absorbed as truths, reality of a sort. I remember disappintment when I realized they were fairy tales, just like the stories in the fairy tales book, and confused as to why all those other stories weren’t also some kind of holiday.

There are other tales just as confusing - Superman, Spiderman, soooo much of the disney stuff - lots of modern ones, not just the older santa one, which is actually a twist on the true santa story, or whatever that is. Could also include religious “saints” here.

Maybe humans are really from a fantasyland. There sure seems to be a lot of fantasy celebrated.

Isn’t there a way to have enjoyment and celebration without stories that are not true?

I was also conditioned to the santa fantasy and passed it to my offspring. We’ve had some fun times in that fantasy, but I think we could have had those same fun times without the lie.

Thanks for posing the question, Manuel.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks for the Swedish Flying Christmas Tree!!! As for Belief Systems.......there are two men at The Tip of The Spear in unraveling the centuries of brainwashing we have had concerning the so-called Christian Belief System.....Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino & Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis!! Why have we never questioned why we believe what we believe??? ;-) Same as Santa Claus!!!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Predictive programming at ITS finest…

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I didn't lie to my son about Santa or the Easter Bunny or any of the lies parents tell their kids because it messed with me. I figured if they lied about these things, they lied about more. And they did.

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my kids are 40 years old now, but just before we had our first son a friend who's daughter was about 6 found out Santa was a lie from her schoolmates. when she confronted her parents they came clean and told her the truth. She didn't talk to them for a week! we decided we would never do that to our children. we didn't and when they had their own children they didn't lie to them either. it breaks down the family too. if you want to communicate honestly when they are older do the same when they are young. our families were really ticked at us for that and supposedly spoiling Christmas. hmmm, I thought it was about Jesus. love your page. thank you for all you do.

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Notice if you change the letters a little it spells satan

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I agree with you Manuel. I always told my kids that Santa Claus was just a nice story made for children and Christmas was supposed to be about the birth of Jesus Christ. They did not seem to mind... We always exchanged gifts as a symbol of love for each other. Ditto with the Easter Bunny, we always celebrated Easter as the Resurrection Sunday and still painted eggs for the children to have an egg hunt.

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Could you please change the red lettering to a darker color ? Its difficult to read

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