FYI - as a licensed RN - their is no “vaccine” for a virus - ever - it’s a farce 🤪 PLAMDEMIC - brainwashed many

And if you go to germ theory versus terrain - one will find the truth and understand

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Has anybody given any thought to the “Leprosy” break out in Florida and connected it to the GMO mosquitoes released there? Maybe a nothing burger - but hey when Bill Gates of Hell is involved anything is possible with the crazy infiltrators of the beautiful kingdom in which we live. The infiltrators want to destroy it all

😑 Just a thought. They have tried pushing different panic attempts - Marburg, etc 😂🥲 once one sees and understand the playbook - it is so ever apparent

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And you are correct for thinking the way you do! They will do anything and everything and will allow nothing to stop them in their daily progression toward their one world gov't and religion and it's moving toward this with greater speed every day.

I could not say this just 4 years ago: This world is now completely set up for the great tribulation of Isaiah 24 Revelation 6-10 and much more. All we're waiting for now is for Jesus to come and remove those who love Him and then the antichrist, their leader, will be revealed.

You think it's bad now? Read those Bible verses above for a taste of what it will be like! It's still not too late to be removed. Just call upon His Name. If you truly want to know Him, He will come to you and SAVE your eternal soul from what is coming and worse, from an eternity of DYING in a place of eternal torment. For us, we think of dying as the end but after our bodies die, our spirits live on forever; they cannot die.

It is still the choice of everyone that can read this where they will spend forever and ever. Sorry for being so blunt but I'd rather frighten people into Heaven than flatter them into Hell.

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thank you. The story about the 87 year old woman who fed the desperately hungry teen who assaulted her, was so beautiful. To be able to forgive and help in adversity shows a loving soul.

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My last chime in for the night - the sooner GOOD humans realize that they are in a slave matrix - maybe - PLEASE - they will quit subjecting themselves to being a subject

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Would be great indeed

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We have been lied to about everything. Once one truly opens up their minds and realizes this - the better for the collective

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Is that iceberg BOILED ❓

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LOL! We are going carbon neutral here on the Big Island of Hawaii! Please let our active volcanoes know! Have a beautiful day Manuel! Thanks for another great read.

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I suspect the missing "ancient" craters are not so ancient.

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You need to be a bit more terrified!???

There is a LIMIT of cortisone in everyone... Thank you for the IMPORTANT NEWS!! Some as always, questionable.. Looks like now the MSM 'science' redefines a virus, strange they do it AFTER they injected billions with something what was supposed to work against the old definition..

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For the next one

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yes, it is like in socialism, the plans are always for the next ~25 years...

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The fake missionary who misappropriated funds which were allegedly supposed to be for sending Bibles to China picked the very worst possible Person in the universe to dupe...GOD and His written word! Not only does that demonstrate his unbelief (who would do such a thing in the name of God, claiming to do the work of God unless they completely disbelieved in God?) He could still be forgiven if he was truly sorry in his heart and came to God for forgiveness by the Shed Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ (His Atonement covers EVERY sin ever committed if the sinner repents) and it may even happen. But, if he doesn't, well, let's just say that I wouldn't want to be that guy when Judgement comes. There are hotter levels of Hell or the Lake of Fire.

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I do not fear their intentionally produced fear porn. Even if it's real, which some of it probably is, I have no fear at all because of the promises found in the Bible. Specifically Psalm 91. More specifically v. 9-10 which says those who make the Lord their habitation, i.e. by praying, reading, seeking Him daily, longing for His coming, there will be no plague (sound familiar?) in your dwelling place and He will keep all evil away from you. He will give His angels CHARGE over you. I am living proof of these promises. When Covid (which is a Corona virus or a COLD) was spreading in 2020-21, I didn't get it despite everyone around me getting it. I refused their clot shot also OUT OF FAITH. So, they won't allow me to travel the world without their shot, they can HAVE this world, it's done for anyway. There is NOTHING in this world that I want to see that would cause me to allow them to stick me with an experimental, biological weapon of warfare! I don't trust the airlines anymore either. I have said it before and I'll keep saying it until God removes me from my keyboard; don't put your trust in ANYTHING of this world but in the LORD who created you from NOTHING.

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