Jun 1Liked by Strange Sounds

"Gene-edited salad greens are coming to US stores this Fall… What do you guys think about this? I think it's dangerous, thanks for asking. Gene editing food for human consumption is a bad idea and it is illegal in many countries. However, here in the USA it's not only perfectly legal, there are no mandates on product labeling! That's why we all eat GMO corn, wheat, rice and many other agricultural food products without even knowing it. GMOs were banned in the UK, IDK if they still are. They should be banned worldwide in my not-so-humble opinion.

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Jun 1Liked by Strange Sounds

Agreed!! Netanyahu is an advocate in promoting 3D printed food that has no nutrients whatsoever. I believe I have experienced this when I inspected a piece of romaine lettuce in my salad. I could see the plastic in the veins of the lettuce when I held it up to the light. It came from a local restaurant and I haven't returned.

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Jun 1Liked by Strange Sounds

Vermont wants to sue big oil companies, that's good. It's a start. Some states are waking up but let's not leave out suing the deep state and military industrial complex for their destructive geoengineering, as big if not a BIGGER contributor to climate chaos than fossil fuels! Start with Raytheon, Northrup Grumman and Halliburton...ALL participants in the intentional, global destruction of this earth by geoengineering and weaponizing the weather. God will destroy them all. The end of verse 11:18 says in revealing part of God's Plan... "and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."

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Jun 1Liked by Strange Sounds

I'd like to know why Greta Thunberg isn't going after those corporations. Anyone with any knowledge of Co2 emissions, would agree it's definitely those corporations you mentioned as the biggest threat to the climate. Yet, she refrains from confronting the real problem and focuses on the " little guy ". Utter bullshit.

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Jun 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Also needing prison time is the satanic NASA for their lies, CGI and deceptions for decades.

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Jun 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks for the excellent, as always, news roundup, Manuel!! ;-)

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