WOW! Packed with all the pertinent, even the pole shift news!


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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

27 Minute Video at Top With Prophecy of Doom and Gloom:

Seen or heard about this a while back. I will stick with God's promise to never again destroy civilization by flooding. The WF video guy lisped way too much, and it was very annoying. If anything, it will probably be Wormwood/Nibiru, or cataclysmic doom by some object striking the earth. Pole shift is very problematic too. How about some cheerful news on occasion?

Sorry, Brasilia news has filled me with so much anger at communists ---for a week now.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I love this site, no bullshit; just damn great content .... kudos.

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Don't you think the fake insurrection in Brazil over the stolen election mirrors the fake insurrection in America over the stolen election just a bit too closely? You'd think the global cartel would have more than one script, but apparently having their antifa and BLM Brownshirts pretend to be patriots and cause destruction that is then blamed on actual patriots is the only narrative they have. How do you say "Ray Epps" in Portuguese?

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Yes 1 to 1 just 2 days and 2 years later…

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Been following that news too. All kinds of treacherous marxist tactics. Redchineseys and Lula are pals. Now all of South America will become a marxist-satanist outpost. Pray for those people in concentration camps. They are being tortured and clot shot. Bozobiden and his traitors in the c | a planned the marxist takeover. Yep.

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deletedJan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

Hmmm, well that hopium hasn't panned out. Don't forget homobama and bozobiden castrated and ejected most of the Patriots from our military. Now we have those trannypedohomo wokey pokey brass. I thought the USMC would have disposed of these traitors with military tribunals by now. Based upon the damage already done to America, when do you think the Patriots in our military will step in?

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Well, those are good points. I still want to see traitors hanged by the neck for 100% satisfaction.

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I lost faith in government and educational system back in the 1980's. When I went to the counter for graduation enrollment, I told the counter girl to mail my diploma. I told her ( I was on Dean's Honors) college was the biggest waste or money and time in my life. Walked away, and went to the Federal building to investigate leaving America. Love America, despise 95% of the people.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

How ironic is it that the 'greenies' NEVER bitch about 'rocket fumes' from massive amounts of fuel burned during take off, trains burning millions of tons of diesel, volcanoes spewing billions of tons of ash, geoengineering spraying 100's of tons of toxic heavy metals daily in the very air we breathe, private jets flown by those they worship, (oh wait, I may be on to something)....no NO....just give up you car, stove and guns and do what we say!....sounds like a plan huh?

Winnie the Poo Churchill was a Kabballist, Mason and follower of the Fabian society writings, not a nice guy!

Serious error my ass!......all part of the gun grab agenda, EVERY incident like this, the same MO!

Does anyone really give a bats ass about a fly??....millions of years???.....evolutionism's favorite statement....'given billions of years anything can happen'....then again, no one I have ever researched has been able to accurately time stamp beyond 50-100,000 years...and that is a stretch and guesstimate

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Nature does not do straight lines..... Also...the guys that go round vaccinating chickens use road ways. Great post as always 👌

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Oh and I bet there's even guards in the sewers.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Arizona beach front property: We have hundreds of miles of beach, but no ocean. Palm trees, tropical sun, and all.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I had to skip down to the comment section after seeing the first two items on this page! The disdain I have for those HYPOCRITES and their private jets gains intensity every time I see them. And that slippery, malodorous bucket of putrid slime Fauci, well, I get sick to my stomach at the very sight of that creature (can't call him a man). He will get his reward. Imagine how pricy his payment will be! That is how I cope with all the devils and God haters in these last days - by thinking about their future!

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Wonder how much their carbon taxes will be?LOL

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds


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Everyone needs to understand the 'carbon footprint' (think most here do)

ALL life on Earth is 'carbon based'...so a 'carbon footprint' is left by you and me!

So 'zero carbon' means exactly what they want.....zero population....except for those calling for it in their beach front homes with private gas guzzling jets and cars

So, zero carbon would mean the end of all life on Earth....and God says...NOOOO!

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Funny. On Friday my husband and I watched that Why Files. He has some good videos. And funny how Gary and offgridman were talking about those particular topics. Take care have a good Sunday.

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deletedJan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Hahaha, I quit paying any attention to nasa a long time ago. That is one of the biggest scams ever.

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deletedJan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The Video of the Path of Nibiru:

Didn't see this earlier. If that 2D diagram is correct, it was helpful to me. The Dark Twin part is new info for me. I heard it mentioned, but did not understand its path in relation to earth, sun, venus, and Nibiru.

Pretty interesting with that 2D video diagram.

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deletedJan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Not sure, as the inbred heathen retards will use up a large portion of my ammo when the shtf here. I need to hire some gunslingers soon.

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deletedJan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I stockpiled seven years ago, and now the boxes are heavier for some reason. 🤣👍

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