Oct 20Liked by Strange Sounds

I expect the internet to go down too.. Cant have it up when we need it. Great newsletter, TY

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Oct 20Liked by Strange Sounds

Maybe after the election, a shut down of the internet would be a good thing. There wouldn't be the mass communication going on to tell people where to riot and where to meet.

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Oct 20Liked by Strange Sounds

Theoretically healthcare is free in Canada but as a citizen here the system is in terrible shape. Long waits for surgery are driving people to go either other provinces or the US. In both cases you have to pay. With all that bullshit that mandated the jab for healthcare workers ,a lot of nurses were fired rather than comply. Some provinces were more anal about this requirement like the province i lived in British Columbia resulting in the jab being required for restaurants, movies and concerts. Other provinces never made it mandatory for healthcare and some provinces rehired the nurses a short time later but not BC. Only recently did they remove the restriction. By then our nurses had found work in the private sector or in less anal provinces. No wonder the system is in trouble. Too little,too late. We are in an election as i speak and hopefully there will be a change from the draconian government to a more common sense approach. I can only hope. The results are being counted as i speak and it's too close to tell. It's looking like a minority government either way.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

The rovers on Mars are tinted red, filmed in places most wouldn't recognize. If it involves space, you're just gonna get fantasy. The question is: why would they lie? Answer that and you'll be the smartest person in the room.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

I can answer that. The deep state, AKA they which control all things, needed enormous amounts of money for building (digging) their underground cities so NASA was created. The answer is they needed a very big institution for laundering their money so they deceived the people while entertaining them with a "space program" which is as phony as a three dollar bill and as profitable as Hollywood (which is essentially what it is anyway). Well, actually ALL dollar bills are phony. Fiat currency is what it's called but that's a story for another day.

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Truly speaking these are not sad news, in comparison with some others of yours...., all great;))

All is just Strange, like that Mars could be put into question, the deep space nebula comes BEFORE/in front of the deep space, cheap original US constitution (because it is OUTDATED, no more valid...), MIT, the one who contributed to covid genetically modifying injections causing massive cancers, now has a cancer diagnosis (how strange..), And then that Fernando, criticizing mirrors for bad human hearts. He must have lived many hundreds of years back, since any com-put-er encounter today would make his mouth open, like mine, just few days ago, while putting some japanese money back into an envelope in front of running computer and THEN just typing the number of yens I counted, the automated browser adds to that by me typed NUMBER only : 'YEN to USD'... Who the hell is watching me here and knows my question ahead of my typing????? That's a crazy 'accuracy'!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

The 'Eye Of God Nebula', Pretty cool but much TOO SMALL to be God's eye.

The lightning in Mumbai, yes, absolutely stunning. But has lightning ever been seen like this (outside of a volcanic eruption) in history? The answer is no, not until recently because enormous amounts of charged particles are what causes this increase in electrical (static) activity. Volcanoes produce such lightning because they emit billions of trillions of nanoparticles of elements. Was there a volcano in Mumbai? No but there was STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOL INJECTION of billions of trillions of nanoparticles of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium which are even better conductors of electricity. When this kind of energy releases from "cloud to ground" lightning, it is so powerful that it wipes out HUNDREDS of grazing animals with ONE STRIKE!

"Harvard scientists unveil a new AI model for cancer diagnosis, 96% accuracy!" DON'T TRUST IT! I mean don't even allow the thing to come within 50 yards of your body! But if you still believe that medical science is interested in KEEPING YOU CANCER FREE and they want you to be healthy because they're generally looking out for our welfare, go ahead. Let them work on you. Here's the risk. We all know cancer is on the highest increase ever seen and we all know that the medical industrial complex wants YOU as a patient FOR LIFE, the chances are much greater that this device will either FIND cancer (which isn't really there) or GIVE you cancer during the test. "Oh man! You're so cynical about medicine and mankind"! Yes. And you should be too! They just showed us how they absolutely cannot be trusted as we see the results of "Covid" (which was created FOR the vaccine) yet you are still going to trust them??? "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6

"How is a copy of the US Constitution not a good investment?" That's simple. It doesn't apply anymore!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

Not to trivialize the issue of death and dying, but folks really need to get past being aghast at the sight of a dead body. The CAUSE of the body being a dead one may be significant, but there is nothing to be alarmed of about a dead body.

Maybe I’ve just been to too many funerals - 20+ before I was 30. And the sight of many more via media. Two dead husbands myself by the time I was 55. One died in my arms. So many allow themselves to be influenced by stories that just have no substance. The mind is a meaning machine - it will give anything meaning - true or false. It just likes meaning and story.

Other than decomposition and the issues surrounding that, there just is nothing to freak out about regarding a dead body.

Respectfully submitted.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

Interesting "saying" at the end!! Thanks, Manuel, for what you bring to us!! It was good to know that some of the people in the mountains of NC are finally being reached. We will probably never know the real number of deceased! It is so horrific!!

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