The reproduction of artificial intelligence begins with the xenobots! I always believed that when AI can finally reproduce itself, it will ultimately wipe out humanity. However, since this isn't in Bible prophecy, we know that The Creator will intervene before this happens. It has happened. How long can it be before He intervenes? I expect Him at any minute. Literally.

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Ugh. Bird flu Antarctica. Just Ugh. Pray friends.

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Does this mean you support government mandates to jab children? What about mandate giving children blood transfusions with jabbed blood?

"... parents should not be able to deny necessary health care to their children for any reason…"

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You can choose between both bloods, I think. And I would prefer giving my kid any blood than seeing him or her die. It is not even a question

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I would do that too, but we wouldn't need government to tell us. I wouldn't let my child get jabbed though, mandate or not.

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Gender affirming surgery is now considered "necessary health care"...

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If the kid is really, REALLY sick, is forced into the transfusion, and then dies anyway, what recourse do the parents -- who just had their rights, their values, their moral standards, their freedom, AND THEIR CHILD stolen from them -- have?

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Exactly what I was thinking! .A lot of my friends and family would not dream of getting a blood transfusion-especially now. There was a case here in NZ ,where the parents did not want their child transfused during surgery because of the risks from jabbed blood . Jacinda's government forced it. The parents were not Jehovah's Witnesses.

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“ Religious or not, parents should not be able to deny necessary health care to their children for any reason… ” Hummmmm listening to change in personalities story today about people receiving blood transfusions, or organs from others. …This child was probably Vaccine less (?) until the blood transfusion. Shedders and blood letters beware, Cancerous wear-wolf’s and so zombies afoot.

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thank you. I used to be a Jehovah's Witness and I would have been devastated if the State said I had to give my child blood. Today, no longer in the cult, I'm still not sure I'd want blood since they do such a poor job of screening and allow jabbed to donate.

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Parents shouldn't decide the healthcare for their own children? What about those of us who refused the vaxx for our kids when the world demanded it? Science, especially today's "$cience", is not the be-all end-all. We should have the right to raise our own children under our own standard of morality, even if the rest of the world disagrees.

And as far as the foreign-owned property, i don't like it, but don't a lot of Americans own properties in other countries? If you had the desire and the resources, wouldn't you try to acquire your "happy place", no matter where it is? The US bought Alaska from Russia. A much younger US bought the Louisiana Purchase from France. Just saying, freedom is freedom, even if not everyone likes it.

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On the use of blood and Jehova's Witnesses, it's a pretty steep slope you're on. Next, they're gonna say, I don't care about your beliefs, but you have to take the vaccine. If you put a human's conscience under law, there's no freedom of worship anymore. Furthermore, as a Christian and considering the JWs Christians as well, we can live by Romans 14. Don't judge them who are strong and don't despise the weak. We're children of God, not of any other human.

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