Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The following came to my inbox from Strange Sounds; "Some positive news to start the day...." I thought about that for a second and before I even clicked on the link, I thought of the only possibly good thing that could be in THIS world...Dogs. (well all animals, really, but our best connection with the animal world) and low and behold, a cute and very happy dog filled my screen. Thanks Manuel! PS, I ALWAYS stop to pet stranger's dogs. It's a very good way to meet people and to get our daily fix of doggie interaction fulfilled. If you take your dog in public, you should always expect to be greeted by dog lovers, which I am one of the highest order! I always judge people based on their love of dogs. I know I shouldn't judge but we all do, face it. If they're a dog lover, they CAN'T be bad.

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I love them too...

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it is GREAT to have parents who cared for you and NOW it is your time, to give back:) Pray for them, every day:))

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

2 more remarks:

1. I NEVER TRUST FDA, it is all about DRUGS and killings, as a response to this one:

Hopefully this helps a lot of women… And men… FDA approves first pill for postpartum depression…

Btw. people never appreciate bioinformatics tools I'm posting on SS (Sub-Stack) for so long. When you go and search


for the TWO LETTERS CODE 'YR', equal to dipeptide Tyrosine-Arginine, then you will find 3 of those in the universally injected SARS-CoV-2 Spike. That small PEPTIDE, once the Spike is chopped into pieces, represents s.c. KYOTROPHIN, an opioid.... Pig's major prion protein has 3 of those Tyr-Arg, like the Spike, the one from humans has 2 of those... And imagine what its modmRNA possibly can do when it falls apart (IF it really does...) And once ONE single Spike is build AFTER the injection (and there are apparently trillions of them!!), you loose ~50 (FIFTY!!) tyrosines to build that ONE bioweapon molecule. TYROSINE + IODINE build up thyroid hormones (ENERGY factory for the entire body), tyrosine on its own is an ANTI-DEPRESSANT. => FDA is the biggest THIEF on this planet! Forget the F(raudulent) D(etrimental) A(rmy), go the health food store and get some TYROSINE for your depression... Or start finally growing some St. John's Wort, which grows like crazy, and make yourself cup of tea from the leaves, every daym or add some DHEA if you are older.. Or check out Robin Willliams shows, the ones for military are especially good... Or start working, working, working until you FORGET your depression..

2. Please work… And do not cost a million dollars per pill… 'Cancer-killing pill' that appears to 'annihilate' solid tumours is now being tested on humans…

Just wonder if there are restrictions on the volunteers conditions, like covid jab, for example, which was the reson for the cancer in the first place...

Manuel, I imagine positive news to be something, what will makes one laugh.... DO you have some good jokes?

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The good thing about being charged for feeding the hungry is that it is an opportunity for clarity. You get a chance to decide what you're about and to practice being strong in your choices. A friend of mine was arrested for feeding the homeless, in Venice Beach. She just kept on doing it. She also documented police abuse and harassment and actually helped the targeted homeless. There are so many nonprofits to help the homeless, but the problem is that they start to live more for infrastructure than for mission. They get funded by nice wealthy or nice government people, and then all of a sudden they are unable to do the needed work because it could cause them to lose funding. Can you believe that not one nonprofit assisted homeless in challenging fake tickets? They let these people get charged, fined, and arrested when they didn't pay or didn't show up in court or the beaurocratic court substitute. You know who helped them? One lady on her own addressing the problem, not placating it.

Mercedes Sosa sings a lyric:

Gracias doy a la desgracia

Y a mano con puñal

Porque me mató tan mal

Y seguí cantando

I give thanks to the disgrace

And to the hand bearing the knife

For killing me so badly

And still I kept singing

(song is Como La Cigarra)

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023

Note. Enforcement of crap statutes like not feeding strangers, or not singing in public tends to go the same way as the Biden and governor executive orders. It's total BS that won't hold up, but they find it very effective to do it and enjoy the benefits of it in the long period of time that it takes to challenge it. Many perlite in Venice would be ticketed for making music in public, but if someone would follow through the hoops required to get in front of a judge, the ticket would be dropped. In the meantime, music would be silenced, some fines paid, many people would get warrants attached to their name for not taking care of the ticket, and very few would go in front of a judge only to have the ticket dropped but only for that one person and not for the many others still being harassed, silenced, and ticketed. This is why it is true that the homeless and poor are criminals as accused , because they will be made so by hook or crook.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Another pill for depression. isn't that wonderful. I really trust big pharma now, they really want to help. I'm sure that pill will do wonders for the baby when it gets into the breast milk.

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Yep i also thought about that

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As a blogger and news curator I am especially fond of your approach as there is nothing else like it on the web. It is an intellectual version of the Enquirer. Thank you Ira Blacker https://ira1942.wordpress.com

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank you for the focus shift to balance between the yuk and the good, true and beautiful! Not faulting you - uhmm we’re here reading and commenting on the yuk stuff prettty regularly . It’s so easy to put attention on the yuk - it’s so dramatic! And we DO like a certain amount of drama - hhhmmm, wonder if those eeel eets play on that…

I don’t think it’s said anywhere in any of the holy books to focus on the yuk - seems to me, both have the same creator - in fact, that is said several times in one of the books I know better than the others.

I, for one, will enjoy this balance - sukkha dukkha - alternately is the way things seem to work here - there’s room for both. That said I certainly do like, enjoy sukkha more than the other…😉

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Good vibrations/frequencies!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Also, Vitamin D.

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I purchased both fenbendazole and ivermectin ('horsepaste') on amazon. If it's good enough for million dollar thoroughbreds, good enough for me.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Some decisions we make, like going against the murderous mainstream media and taking the Ivermectin horse paste despite their demonizing it to hell, keep paying off more and more as time goes on. Now we learn that it has anticancer properties! I'll take it for the rest of my life!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I've been taking the horse paste since 2020, bi-monthly as a preventative for whatever new coronavirus they had been releasing on us. I stopped the beginning of this year and something peculiar happened to me. I really hadn't noticed but the two years I was taking the horse paste regularly, I hadn't had any mosquito bites. While I was a mosquito magnet for decades, suddenly they stopped feeding on me.

BUT, this year they seemed to have returned with a vengeance as I had suddenly returned to being a mozzie magnet. I read an article on the return of Malaria to the states after 50 years absence because Bill Gates of Hell engineered mosquitoes and released them in Texas and Florida, (what is a computer geek doing releasing mosquitoes?) Malaria began to infect people in those states. But the article went on to say that while Ivermectin doesn't cure Malaria IT DOES KILL THE MOSQUITOES THAT BITE someone with Ivermectin in their blood!

No wonder mozzies weren't keen on my blood anymore! They detected Ivermectin in me! Needless to say, I went back to bi monthly horse paste Ivermectin. How the wicked, bought media demonized it by LYING about it, saying it was even killing people!

Those bastards, they put the fear into my brother who refused Ivermectin when I told him about it. He knew enough to refuse the clot shot but wasn't on board with Ivermectin. He got "Covid pneumonia" in 2021 and refused to take the horse paste. I begged him to take it but instead of taking my advice, he was hospitalized, eventually intubated and given 2 doses of the deadly Remdesivir according to hospital protocol. He died of complete organ failure in hospice 5 days before his 62nd birthday March 11 2022. RIP Nick, my only brother.

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Sorry about your loss. My approach (when trying to convince others) is to first take anything I recommend for at least a few months, even if I don't need it. This may explain why I never contracted covid or been harmed by vaccine shedders since 2020 and I never been healthier in my life! I have a huge apothecary, mostly herbal tinctures/oils and vitamins. Interesting observation in the mosquito bites, I have a rain barrel that frequently gets larva, so I put chlorine dioxide in it and this keeps them from laying eggs. I get fewer bites now, but I think I may increase my IVM to see how it goes. I once got a bee bite and the topical application of chlorine dioxide on the sting worked immediately! I read that chlorine dioxide is another cure for cancer.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I have Chlorine Dioxide in my own little apothecary and if I ever get stung again, I will certainly try that. Colloidal silver works for so many things. I use it daily, been making it for 20 years now by the gallon. I spray it up my nose, drink it, put it on insect bites (when I used to get them) even put it in my dog's water bowl and I give it to my weasel too (ferret). I spray some on the back of my hand and she laps it up like it's the fountain of youth! Thanks for your comment.

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one 12 mg ivermectin tab costs in EU ~50$..., according to:


I stopped buying on amazon LONG time ago, Bezos=CIA

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Tabs are expensive, but the paste is way cheaper- more bang for your buck. I think you can get it at a farm feed/hardware store? Been taking the paste off and on for years, no problems with it. The box on the outside says not intended for human consumption, but the tube inside says not intended for horses, lol

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Boy, never checked the box!! The problem is the paste is not concentrated like the tabs are, but it still works! Yes, animal food stores carry it, but if you try to talk to the clerks about the great advantage of taking it and explaining them the medical fraud around it, they might throw you out of the store and prohibit the sale under the pretext 'you might injure yourself (that happened to me...)

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Thank you for the positive stories. It is nice to know that not all the world is bad.

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"Texas man ticketed for feeding the homeless outside Houston library".

He should have gone to jail. The problem was not feeding the bums; the problem was attracting them all to a public library. He could have fed them where they were.

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Snap out of it, Manuel.

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Appreciate the focus on good news today - dogs always make me smile! Love that 4,000 lab research beagles are safe and happy! With modern technology, there is rarely any good reason to use animals, especially dogs, in medical research nowadays.

I hope the new antidepressant is safe and effective. My paternal grandmother suffered from postpartum depression so severe she spent the second half of her life confined to a mental institution. The baby was put up for adoption, while my dad and his other four siblings ultimately stayed with their father after spending a year in a children's home but grew up without a mother.

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Plastic bag charge in Italy over a decade ago caused us to buy a more permanent type of bag for groceries! They are great and I still have some that I brought back with me to the US. Love them!

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Quick comment on Cancer-Killing pill: Just take Quercetin/Bromelain. This is one of the protocols I have been telling people about (including here) since last year and the year before on other shared ideas and info web pages). It was tested by the government for AIDS (VIRUS STRUCTURE MAN MAD BIO-WEAPON) AND Cured it 100%. Also cured CANCER 100% as it is also a VIRUS STRUCTURE MAN MAD BIO-WEAPON. Our beautiful bodies are designed to handle anything Natural in this World. Nothing in the disease range we get is NATURAL - IT IS ALL MAN MAD BIO-WEAPON STRUCTURES.

Anything that is a VIRUS originated can be ELIMINATED by Quercetin/Bromelain. Also don't forget your zinc and D3, which you cannot take with the new steroid depression pill.....

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Just a quick comment on the FDA approves first pill for postpartum depression: Never trust the FDA, here is a link that will explain the side effects of this pill "Zuranolone" AKA Zurzuvae.


here is a link of all the Important vitamins that this drug negates and you are supposed to give up:


here is a link that shows you all the herbals you can't take:


It is interesting that this "DRUG" messes with your brain receptors and the Gaba stimulus in the brain. GABA that is a natural substance helps with the brain and nervous system. Now we have a drug that is interferring with this. and here is the rest of the story on Zuranolone :


Now here is a fact sheet on the testing on mice: It produces a "Dose Dependency" AKA Addictive pill that literally shuts you down - Remember the phrase "You will own nothing and be Happy"? Well this is the drug to get you there and dependent on it as well.

Manuel, Congratulations on trying to bring "Positive" news to us"! BRAVO but unfortunately anything from the FDA is a lie and a trap.

Blessings to all, Charlotte

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