They look man-made, and not natural. In one of the pictures, it looks like it has frequency waves directed at them.

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That is some first rate Chemtrailing you've got there. Nicely done. (insert my sarcastic face here).

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I don’t see anything here that I don’t see every single day in Oregon! Looks like they’ve decided to poison the Swiss as well. This is 9 out of 10 of our normal days. I’d be happy to share some pictures over the past couple of years. Not sure if I could upload them here. Some of our skies have been downright surreal and apocalyptic..

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Certainly Chemtrail related, that man made weather control that is destroying our earth day by day the last 35 years... Sickening and making us all sick too.

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Wow, I got a box!!!


One of the worst betrayals of many.

We should just start naming them!

'Tunellus engineericus’

We've had two beautiful sunny days here, but I feel on rocky ground. It's mostly been completely socked in.

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Where are you located Elizabeth? I think people should include their locations so we get a perspective of how vast this problem is!

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You can go on Dane Wiggington's feed to see where people are. Whether he is honest or not, many believe he is and there is open discussion. I came across one on instagram.

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Many times people comment but do not include their locations. Dane is not only honest but can back all his findings with data and research he has been doing for decades. I have been following him for years and enjoy his comment section. I do not do any social media.

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There are some with different thoughts about Dane. I don't know what is true.

I find him to be measured and very articulate.

I've had some very bad experiences on substack, which is also social media. Without the intense censorship.

I woke to horizontal bands in the sky today and now the sky is covered in pale pale gray.

I am in Maine.

Do you experience questionable skies?

Where are you?

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Try his site geoengineeringwatch.org. You will see evidence, research, scientific data, etc. What is true? Do you see the sky with your eyes? Does it look normal to you? The weather has been taken over by the usurpers for purely nefarious intentions. I am in NE Idaho.

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I'm aware of all this.

Wish I wasn't, but am.

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I think the problem is likely world wide.

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This is one of the best episodes of Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, by Dane Wigington, that I've heard in over 15 years of listening. He lays out the truth here and doesn't hold back anything. I can't believe that Youtube still allows his content to be told. That kind of makes me suspicious but nonetheless, it's still the truth. Have a listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=951jDqmB72Y

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The sky is falling! Or not. They look like clouds just having a party. I've seen a lot of wicked looking clouds during my 67 years.

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Just normal clouds :D

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been there, saw it, experienced it... Today in CA capitol there is a HORROR in the air. Winds blow interchangeably from all possible the directions with incredible speeds! There is a moment where you can get knock down to the ground and then lifted up again. As if the entire air stream is a totally uncoordinated bunch of pushes from all different directions, not a tornadoe...., added the e on purpose, doe.. Trees fallen everywhere, including on my roof... It is a DISASTER! Somebody totally covid injection injured must be on the steering wheel of all wi-fi towers driving this craziness. While talking that topic, a 20 min trip along a highway can up seeing 3-4 emergency vehicles standing by sombody in the car, needing a help... Safe and effective, genocide therapy!

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Head's Up about a new book out! "The Epic of Humanity" by Matt LaCroix & Billy Carson. Excellent in that they went through the Sumerian Tablets & Writings to piece together a more realistic timeline of our 'appearance' as the genetic experiment of the 'gods'!! Seems it happened about 200,000 years ago. There were amazing prediluvian civilizations, then the postdiluvian ones built upon the older constructions. I think we've all seen the huge megalithic structures.....now the one in Siberia is even bigger!!! The Old Paradigm is crumbling & a new one is being constructed by people who want to find out The Truth. Then we have the one about us living inside a Huge Clock.....who's to say the 'gods', themselves didn't build that Clock??? ;-)

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"Trumpet Clouds" eh? No more wacky backy for Manuel.

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