'WEF bioethicist wants to genetically modify humans so they become allergic to meat…' ???!!!! That horro is here already!!! Put your glasses on.

First this, OXITECH releases FIRST GMO mosquitos in Florida in 2021:


2 years later, just recently end of July:


The new 'disease' is called alpha-gal syndrome...

Is it a coincidence that '21 is the same year of 'releasing' the first mod mRNA injected HUMANS???

There is now another issue, leprosy!!! The biotechnology has to GO!!! To hell, where it came from.. People need to wake up!

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Oxitech and Gates once again implicated with the tick-meat. Someone, anyone, please take these assclowns out, and I don't mean out-to-dinner, but.....

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You and I both know Who is going to do that! We'll also get to WATCH as justice is served, ever so satisfyingly. Coming, sooner than we think.

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Amen! But wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if it occurred sooner, LOL

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There are over 200 biolabs in the United States alone. What in God's green earth would be the reason for this? It's an attack against the population of the world by the wicked and it is now being done on many fronts. It's so obvious that the deep state is carrying out (or attempting to) the "first commandment" in the Georgia Guidestones, which is to maintain global population at or below half a billion". Math wasn't my strong suit but I'm coming up with a figure of about SEVEN billion people needing to be eliminated for that to happen! It's also fulfilling end times Bible prophecy which is speeding up so fast it's difficult to keep track of it! See my longer comment on this page.

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Maui Hawaii fires...D.E.W. just like Paradise, CA 2017. But why?

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Why not?

Is there sense to most of this?

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The Paradise, CA version seemed linked to a railway project they wanted, not sure a railway on Maui would be worth all that...however, as said, who knows what evils lurks in the hearts of men? God does...they will get their righteous judgement-eventually. Someone like MonkeyWerx (you tube) will search the sky radar (he's ex-military air traffic control converted Christian) and see if those DEW planes capable of delivering the fatal beam strikes were in the area--hopefully. On a side note, the NORD stream pipeline "blow-up" dissaster which was MSM opinion Russia did it. Monkey said 3 days after it happened, too much evidence was showing it was England and USA war planes were directly over the damage zone as it happened. Now a year later, massive evidence has revealed it was NOT Russia, but NATO forces that did it. Sorry for the ramble, but keep an eye out, the cause and reason (were told it's because of a hurricaine 850 miles away-LMAO) will eventually be revealed. Not that it will change anything but expose the truth--I only try to keep people from falling for the deceptions being played on us. I'll end with this...

We often hear, "Life is short...better enjoy it." How about, "Eternity is long, better prepare for it!" Mark 8:36

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I know, I understand the pieces. I was being flip. I apologize.

Yes there is a game plan here and the players are concealed.

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I figured you knew, no apologies necessary ;), kind of just helping others who read these threads some avenues to search out answers for themselves. We're good! Thank you.

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There is a lot of conversation on this feed about the fires in Hawaii, locals weighing in:


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Excellent! Good threads. We know that we know their shenanigans, but just as the one poster was referring to the issue with a jabbed person, they just don't want to know the truth. So similar to Judah's situation after Nebuchenezer destroyed Jerusalem (Jeremiah Ch 40-48, post destruction), God gave them 2 options, stay in Judah and do not fear Nebuchenezer and Babylon and I will relent my judgment and protect you, OR trust your own instincts and flee to Egypt out of fear and death will still find you. Guess what they chose; their own instincts and they were destroyed. Sounding very familiar with American culture these days. Pretty confident we can kiss the American Dream goodbye by our governments actions, they've effectively gaslighted 80% (my guesss) of the populace and we will become one of the 10 UN Regions (O'Biden has already signed the deal with Trudeau and Canada and also Mexico-about 2 months ago,) and deemed it the DNA Treaty (or close to it), the District or Division of North America. I think we can anticipate a rapid acceleration after May of 2024 when the World Health Organization gains control (read dictatorship!) or Sovereignty over ALL our health care (no more freedom of choice). Sad days ahead. Thanks for the info!

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Where were all the helicopter with buckets of water? Was it too windy? Planes do it too. Doesn't make sense. And the alarm didn't go off.

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Exactly! Not like they would have to travel far to fill up the buckets either, LOL (I know its not funny, what is funny is how stupid they think we are). The natives who live there should be extremely pissed , no friggin' excuse for not responding better, quicker, etc rather than blame a damn hurricane 850 miles away. While their at it, maybe they should look into Dr. Fuddy's mysterious plane wreck death (the only death on the plane of 8) too. Ironically, just 2 years prior, she was responsible for the release of the so-called Obama Birth Certificate fiasco. Sorry, just venting...

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In response to the "WEF bioethicist" ~ I'm INTOLERANT to "you". I'll EAT what I WANT, NOT what you and your "dragon" following lizards cronies, tell me to. It DOESN'T work that way, sorry.

I eat what I raise, store, preserve, hunt, catch, fish for, and trap - and I WILL continue to do so.

And the "WEF" is NOT going to stop me or mine from doing so. Ever.

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The Dr. that made the documentary, Watch The Water, claimed that Zuckerbuns gave the jab to over 100,000 wild game over the last yr and a half. That information had been posted in hunting magazine's. That how they/we found out. So be careful. Take care. They're trying to get "it" in us however they can.

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Thanks for the heads-up. We are careful. We pay attention to the "flora and fauna" so to speak.

We're fairly isolated with a very healthy eco-system around us, and a very sparse population of people. The best we can do, is to rely on CHRIST our LORD, which we do.

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While we contemplate eliminating WEF, we probably ought to add WHO, UN, CFR, TLC, IMF, Tavistock, Bilderbergs, and any other group y'all can think of.

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AMEN. There is a HUGE list when you really get down to it.

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almost forgot Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders School (est ~1978) at a 1000+ year!

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You all know my tin foil hat is well cared for. But I can say that hurricanes do come without rain on the west side when the area lies in the shadow of the mountain. We call it an SPF 50 event here on the Kona side. I think it might have been arson or homeless. I agree with the paradise fire being DEW experiment. Won't gander on this one. But I can say that the developers are salivating. It is heart wrenching. You want to pucker...check out this video. This is the scariest thing I have seen. It looks like Hiroshima! https://twitter.com/i/status/1689244697074790401. I decided that I should be more grateful for what I have everyday. Maybe we all should. God bless and please pray for those folks on Maui.

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Yes! saw that, I was reading the feed and someone asked if the person laying on the road was dead (of course she was, the heat at that point is unsustainable for more than a few minutes without a firesuit). The people driving are extremely lucky, if they hit a road block in the direction they are going they could easily be in the same condition, those cars can only handle so much heat themselves if they aren't going fast enough to cool the engines. Totally horrific!

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Biden admin to invest 1.2 billion... as if that senile, perverted pedophile could actually gather enough thought to tie his shoes. The likelihood that Biden makes any decisions whatsoever becomes more laughable with every public appearance. He can't even accurately convey the information he's given on the teleprompter. Did you see how he brushed a bug off of the chest of a female reporter in his last public appearance? WTH? Moreover, until the elephant in the room of geoengineering and spraying of toxic metals into the stratosphere, destroying the Ozone layer, poisoning the biosphere, killing marine life and destroying the earth with flood and drought etc. is addressed, every cent of any money spent to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere is wasted.

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LASER weapon technology is not 'new' as they would like us to think but has existed for decades. Harken the 80s movie, "Real Genius" with Val Kilmer. I suspect that this is how the many fires burning throughout the world right now have been intentionally set. They have had such secret, advanced technology that can actually vaporize a human target from space, for decades. This secret, advanced technology (most of which we have no idea about) will be used to make everyone worship the antichrist in the tribulation.

He will claim to be God and using this technology as "proof", most people will be convinced and will follow him. Much of the reason for the world's faith, belief and trust in him is the "lying signs and wonders" he will seem to perform actually calling “fire from Heaven”. "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders". 2 Thessalonians 2:9

Deception is rampant right now but will only increase through to the seven year tribulation. This deception is DELUSION and is actually sent by God Himself! God's word says that He will send them (those who rejected the "love of truth") "strong delusion" that they should believe the lies of Satan but it gets even worse. The reason for the delusion is that they who do not believe should all be damned! The explanation is found in the verses directly after the one quoted above in verses 10-12 of 2 Thessalonians.

I've been painting a picture on this thread for the last...I don't' know...time seems to be moving so quickly, let's just say since the beginning of the plannedemic and it is a picture of things very soon to come. I do not desire to appear boastful, all of me and everything in me is from God but I have acquired much knowledge about Bible prophecy over the last 15 years of my Christian life and God has allowed me to have this knowledge which is TRUTH simply because I asked Him for wisdom and truth.

Along with this truth He also has given me DISCERNMENT and has equipped me and prepared me to share this truth boldly and to expose the deception of these very last days of this age. I feel drawn to this page every day and I'm sure it is for a very specific reason. I shall continue until I can no longer type in this space/time continuum and that time is drawing ever so near. I am a watchman. I have been waiting for these days since 1993 when I began to take my Christianity seriously.

Back then, I knew that the end times were yet future. I didn’t begin to KNOW that we were in the very last days until recently, that is, about 3 years ago and since that time I can hardly keep up with the prophecies that are coming to pass!!! EVEN THAT is Bible prophecy; that in the end times, the prophecies would speed up greatly.

I cannot stress enough the importance of seeking to know Jesus Christ and to be SAVED by His Atonement for our sins available to us right now. (when someone is saved, they KNOW they are saved 1 John 5:13) In a very short time, those who have put off making the big decision for faith in Him will find that things have drastically changed. Salvation will no longer be FREE as it is now but one will have to WORK to earn their salvation by hiding, running, being incarcerated in a FEMA detention camp and ultimately, if they reject the mark of the beast, decapitation by Guillotine.

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Hi Manuel - my malware program is reporting for the last 2 days every link in your website as having phishing malware attached to it - I am in Australia

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Thanks, I will look into that. It probably means that Substack and the MSM is going viral 😀

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Thank you Manuel for your update and your humor! Anyone else's arms getting tired from walking around upside down?!?!

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