"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the

Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and

that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.

During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to

balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we

would need it for the final social cataclysm."

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8 Million for Israel. 6 Billion freed up for Iran to attack. And the there is the Ukraine. I just can't add that high.

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And then we have Maui.......makes one wonder exactly WHO is running this planet, doesn't it?!

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Si, es verdad!

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You named it! WHO is running this planet! The World Health Organization and every other 3 and 4 letter alphabet agency which has hijacked our freedoms. WHO, WEC, WTO, WEF, UN and 25,000 more international governing agencies, soon to merge into ONE global governing system for antichrist.

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I forgot to say we should all mourn the migratory bird deaths. :(

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Just reading Book III of the "Sands of Time" series. Took an exciting ride in one of the triangular craft!!

It's amazing what has been going on since WWII that we know nothing about!! :-0

Thanks for the news roundup, Manuel!!

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Global cooling? I was 13 in 1975 and I had a paper route delivering the Pittsburgh Press (now defunct) to 45 daily and 60 Sunday customers in a suburb of the Burgh. I recall my dad telling me before accepting the route to consider the responsibility carefully meaning that the winters were extremely rough and cold in the 1970s and the papers needed to be delivered NO MATTER WHAT. It was big responsibility for a kid and I learned habitual consistency and tenacity along with responsibility.

I'm not sure why winters were so harsh back then but I know that the picture of the "chemtrails" and planes spraying them is the secret reaction to how much the world is warming in the 2010s and 20s. There is so much deception and PLANNED confusion by propaganda (never forget Al Gore of the 90s, the poster madman of global warming) over global "climate change" and this is deliberate.

What they don't mention is that our SUN is changing and the other planets are warming up too. Another thing they don't mention is that the secret effort to halt runaway global warming has been taking place in an accelerating program of geoengineering since world war two ended.

A couple of things should be painfully obvious to EVERYONE that breathes; we are being lied to by a wicked cabal of globalist billionaires who are [Bill Gates of] Hell-bent on global everything. Also, something very big is being covered up. There's not much mention of 'planet X' anymore but for a decade in the 2010s it was discovered that there was a big planet in an elliptical orbit coming into our solar system and made its way through every 3500 or so years.

The squabble began in a 1981 Washington Post article mentioning that Planet X was entering our solar system and that lit the fire of conspiracy which fizzled out after so many predictions about its collision with earth had failed. I believe that it is not just ONE planet but a whole system of heavenly bodies nearing our solar system and we can see the evidence of this every day in the earthquakes, (also mentioned on this substack today) landslides and weather mayhem, mostly created in the effort to control the weather, which they most assuredly DO, weaponizing it against those who don't go along with the agenda.

The bottom line is that after all of the hype of "something BIG" coming, you can rest in the fact that the statement is actually false. There is not something big coming. There are MANY big things coming and that's why they have stolen our tax dollars to build elaborate underground cities ALL OVER THE GLOBE.

Think about this. They have shown us the huge tunnel boring machines which can bore through the earth at the rate of 30 meters/day! Do the math and see how far they could have gone in the 30 years since beginning to dig. They employ these behemoths that dig like moles in your yard, tunneling up to 25 miles beneath the earth in a complex array of maglev connected cities spanning the entire globe.

They have also shown us one of the entrances to these massive bunkers which is located at Denver International Airport (a very mysterious place in many ways) and there are eyewitness whistleblowers who have driven semi trucks to destinations HUNDREDS OF MILES INTO THE EARTH. (and probably buried in the earth themselves by now for talking)

The elite have plans for us, the people; the "useless eaters" and they also have plans for themselves which do not include us. Thankfully, their Creator has plans for them which they either don't know or don't believe and as soon as the very last soul whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life comes to Him and is saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ, He will break through to this space/time continuum and call up those who have been saved, the dead first and then we who are alive and remain. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

The war in Israel right now, I believe is the beginning of the Psalm 83 war. And although the surrounding Arab countries are condemning the attack, they will all side against Israel (see Ezekiel 38) soon. What I can't understand about this Hamas attack is how did they penetrate the multi million dollar "iron dome" around Israel? It has been successful in the past at stopping thousands of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, what happened this time? Anyone know? Anyone guess?

I believe it was PERMITTED, even foisted for the purpose of some BIGGER attack, perhaps nuclear. One thing and ONLY one thing is certain at this point. Jesus Christ will remove those who love Him and then pour out His WRATH, the Wrath of the Lamb, on this entire world for seven years. Let's see, that's about 2030 if He comes this year ...hmmm. Things that make you go hmmm.

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Research pole shift, and that'll tell you why we have all the earth changes. The elite don't want the public having this knowledge and being too prepared, as well as, rioting now.

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Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini

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The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the

"agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The

war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism

(the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

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Thank you Manuel.

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