The clip about 17 cattle being killed by a "downed power line" is pure LIES. Look closely at that solo telephone pole standing in the middle of nowhere. The video on youtube says that the wire that electrocuted them hung a few feet off the ground and they bumped into it while grazing. Hung from where? Where were the other telephone poles carrying such power lines? The story also forced the narrative that 17 out of 168 cattle were killed. Where are they? There's not a cow in sight that is living but one.

Not one of the electric company workers had a cell phone to at least take some stills of the wires on the ground or their efforts to repair the damage? Why didn't they show the top of the telephone pole? Because there was nothing there, that's why! Those cows were killed by LIGHTNING! It's happening all over the world.

The electricity they pump into the nanoparticles of aluminum, barium, strontium, sprayed from jet aircraft for "solar radiation management" - the crisscrossing lines of what they say are CON trails - hold millions of watts of electricity like giant capacitors and release their energy all at once.

I have heard recently of other such events even one of 150 sheep being killed this way, by one strike of "lightning". Now, the media knows that people, even the sleeping ones, are soon going to get wise to their clandestine operations which are destroying the earth and we the people. So they make up stories like this.

Look at the lone telephone pole carefully. It looks like it has been put there very recently. It's a PROP, those bastards. We're under complete control by lies and deception and the innocent are paying for it and the ignorant are buying it! That one poor cow, lying there next to his fallen friends looking around wondering what happened to them. He may never know but we already know! I like how you post these questionable clips of random "news" stories so that we who are awake and aware of their madness can call them out! There's another tirade for you, Manuel. Well done. Keep the fake news stories coming!

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Miigwech niigi. There's so many things to comment on I don't know where to start. 400,000 just hanging out. Wanting to be part of the Mercian dream is all. Poor cows. I love cows. When I worked at the zoo, we'd say hello to all the animals. The highlander cow, Helga was my favorite. And the hornbill Hornrietta, with those eyelashes. Blinking. Ha.

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Envious of your hornbill encounters!

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She was so sweet.

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I love cows too. They're so cute and innocent. Look at the one live one in the video clip towards the end. Poor thing. All alone and wondering what happened. See my other comment about that clip on this thread.

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I know, wondering what happend to all the friends. Sad.

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6.1 mag. Earthquake in Indonesia today:

The antipode is Mexico and Northern S. America. See this alot lately too. Been watching this earthquake ping-pong for weeks.

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Hawaii had 3 small quakes today too. Wonder if those volcano will start popping off soon?

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I'd love to visit one day. That would be terrifying. Earthquake, on an island, with volcanos.

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Been to Maui and Honolulu. No more island adventures for me. Seen enough of the world, and I am sick of it. 😉

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Notice all the censorship bills lately. The pedosatanists don't want to be criticized for being demonic perverts. The truth can't get out. Where's pedoepstein's list? Nothing. What about hunter's laptop? Nothing.

wef and un are peddling legalizing pedo stuff too. These people are demonic as the day is long. Most people aren't perverted weirdos. So, this will backfire on them. Pray for that!

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People anywhere should be able to grow food, front or back yard. Government approved seeds. Makes me thinknof the rez and the "free seeds" they give away. Makes you wonder whats in it? Why are they free? Like the Obama phone everyone got back home. I'm sure it had nothing to do with spying of any kind. Spying, 50 folks took an oath to basically lie for pay. Almost like gay for pay. Who knows. They're probably being lied to as well.

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Even if "ex-acting CIA director [hadn't had] 50 spies sign a letter saying Hunter Biden laptop scandal was Russian disinformation to HELP Joe 'win the presidential election'", i'm pretty sure the election would have been stolen anyway in exactly the manner it was.

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I think you are right there!

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That ointment makes me think of the brother to Kim, being touched by a woman at the airport. Then dying.

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Maybe it is high grade fentanyl ointment? 😴

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Like from China? ( China said like Trump saying China) 😄

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North Dakota in that post vacks scene birth rate.....we ain't takin' shit. Lol.

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They keep warm during the cold winter days…

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Keeping warm the right way.

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Oh yeah, seen that. Very clear. Either it's from here or there. Ha.

I do believe they are real. Seen a few.

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