Mike Johnson’s wife is what we Christians call a prayer warrior. Please be more respectful of things you may not understand but are very powerful in our lives and in our relationship with God.

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Harsh, but surely truth. In our relationship with God and with our country established on his principals.

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Please take no offense, but I hope the downfall of America at the hands of Marxists and their ignorant minions bothers you more than the new speaker's wife kneeling in prayer. In fact, I would hope that any God fearing person that loves our country would be kneeling in prayer begging for divine intervention as the new Babylon has clearly turned it's back on God. At this point, good vs. evil is merely a matter of life vs. death. What say you? On another note, I look forward to reading your most interestingly titled articles! Thanks Manuel. Aloha.

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Sorry, I just don’t believe what politicians say. If you trust one good for you. I think they are just lying puppets run by their masters. But hey! That’s just the way I am…

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I agree with that. I don't believe them either. But I do believe in prayer. ;)


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Can you imagine if all of us prayed at the same time for positive, well anything I guess. For the bettering of humans and animals and earth, all at the same time...we'd probably raise up another level. Man. That would be wonderful.

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Yes, it would be amazingly wonderful!

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well said!

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I'm just getting so sick and tired of the wicked getting away with all of their murders and destruction of this world! The Acapulco hurricane was INTENTIONAL! That makes them MURDERERS! The deep state has PATENTED weather technology and has had it for DECADES which allows them to steer hurricanes wherever they choose and to increase or decrease intensification allowing them COMPLETE control of the hurricane. Don't believe me, check it out on YouTube!



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Yep! And with this new atos computer, they are going to get even more powerful…

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They care nothing about us, it's in their satanic deception. Just like most narcissists, it's all about "I", the world revolves around "me", etc...

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"GDP: US economy grows at fastest pace in nearly two years.."

I call B.S. The economy is in far worse shape than "they" will admit - and has been for several years.

"They" are B.S. artists, LIARS. Believe them NOT.

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Just imagine the power of that new quantum computer. What in this world would require such a powerful machine? It's actually getting frightening the level of technology mankind is achieving today. I suspect that spiritual wickedness has been unleashed on this earth and when I first saw the Hindu ceremony at CERN which showed several people dancing before a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction, I learned what CERN is all about.

I suspect that the physical activities of particle acceleration and the collision of subatomic particles combined with their calling upon the Hindu gods (which are wicked spirits that serve Satan) opened a portal which allowed demonic spirits to be released into this dimension. It coincides with and would certainly help to explain the sudden and huge increase in wickedness and lawlessness we are now witnessing in this world.

The Bible says that these wicked spirits are chained in darkness (2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 9:3) but perhaps they or something like them have been released for these end times. All that can be certain is that CERN is now suspect of anything wicked that the imagination can muse. Could they be trying to change the physical properties of this space/time continuum? Could they actually be changing time itself? Could they be traveling through time? If mankind could learn how to actually visit and change the past, what kind of chaos might occur?

Many a sci-fi story has been written, delving into the possibilities and problems this might cause. I believe that although they are attempting to travel through time, they will be forbidden by God Himself. Time is SET and unable to be changed except by God because if man could go back and change time, the space/time continuum would be completely disrupted and complete chaos would result; and God is the God of ORDER not chaos.

In other words, if man could travel time, Satan would WIN and chaos would take over the entire universe. God MUST have designed our space/time continuum to be UNCHANGEABLE because if it were possible, what is the first thing that Satan would want to prevent from ever happening? He would go back in time and somehow attempt to PREVENT Jesus from dying on the Cross!

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As a 79 yr old Grandma who spent most of her life within the Christian Community, I was very relieved to find out that the so-called "God" of the Old Testament is NOT The Creator of The Universe!! Thanks to Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino we now know that key words in the O.T. were translated incorrectly & we have received a skewed version of what these O.T. stories are really all about!! His book is "The Gods of The Bible"! Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis also points out the same thing in his book "The Eden Conspiracy"!! I would say The Bible became one of the best tools in The Toolbox of Our Controllers!!

We need to quit believing what the Roman Gov't put out there for us! A question for the O.T. Believers......check out Numbers chapter 31 & explain what The Creator of The Universe needs with 32 virgins??? Hmmmm........

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Just imagine the power of that new quantum computer. What in this world would require such a powerful machine? It's actually getting frightening the level of technology mankind is achieving today. I suspect that spiritual wickedness has been unleashed on this earth and when I first saw the Hindu ceremony at CERN which showed several people dancing before a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction, I learned what CERN is all about.

I suspect that the physical activities of particle acceleration and the collision of subatomic particles combined with their calling upon the Hindu gods (which are wicked spirits that serve Satan) opened a portal which allowed demonic spirits to be released into this dimension. It coincides with and would certainly help to explain the sudden and huge increase in wickedness and lawlessness we are now witnessing in this world.

The Bible says that these wicked spirits are chained in darkness (2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 9:3) but perhaps they or something like them have been released for these end times. All that can be certain is that CERN is now suspect of anything wicked that the imagination can muse. Could they be trying to change the physical properties of this space/time continuum? Could they actually be changing time itself? Could they be traveling through time? If mankind could learn how to actually visit and change the past, what kind of chaos might occur?

Many a sci-fi story has been written, delving into the possibilities and problems this might cause. I believe that although they are attempting to travel through time, they will be forbidden by God Himself. Time is SET and unable to be changed except by God because if man could go back and change time, the space/time continuum would be completely disrupted and complete chaos would result; and God is the God of ORDER not chaos.

In other words, if man could travel time, Satan would WIN and chaos would take over the entire universe. God MUST have designed our space/time continuum to be UNCHANGABLE because if it were possible, what is the first thing that Satan would want to prevent from ever happening? He would go back in time and somehow attempt to PREVENT Jesus from dying on the Cross!

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The Sapolsky scientist "...we have no free will..." is in the same boat as Yuval Noah Harari, jewish heritage, and believes there is no God (about halfway down in the article). Their philosophies, as those of the past, may have slight merit, but only to the extent they are just another man's opinion, but because he has a diploma and wears a "white coat", there will be those who will be brainwashed in believing "the lie".

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China and new virus, Yay! What we all (have not) been waiting for.

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Mike Johnson, sponsored by the Koch Brothers, it can be seen as a sexual innuendo. Being on her knees... Buying his way, through his wife... to the position. No one saw that? Lol okay?

Take Care Manuel. Thank you.

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Are you so depraved that you do not understand no one speaks of a man's wife in that vulgar and insulting way. There are times when even pimps should know to keep their mouths shut and their hands off of the keyboard. If you were to stand before a husband and say such a thing, before you took another breath, you would most likely find yourself transported to the prone position. If you don't believe me, instead of residing in the shadows of anonymity, go out into the world and give it a try.

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Riiiiiight. A'hem. He said that....about his Own wife. If he thinks that EVERYONE, will automatically think " oh she's a prayer warrior" than he is out of his mind. This guy is not a good person. Duh. None of them are. You think he is faithful to his wife? Pfff. Der der der. And yeah dude, I would say that to his face. And yours. Because it's blatantly obvious. And guess what, we don't live in Roman times, so gasp. Nothing would happen. He said it. Regular fricking people all over the land thought it. Why? Because it's obvious.

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Not only are you depraved but delusional and not as clever as you believe. Your assumptions about what "... people all over the land thought ..." are simply part of your craven fantasy. Since you seemed to immediately focus upon oral sex as what the Representative was implying you seem to be unusually preoccupied with the topic. So, I feel I must ask, are you Gay and do you despise men and women who are in a faithful heterosexual union and feel you must attack that relationship. As for Roman times, Romans, especially in the wealthy/elite circles lived their lives with nearly no moral or ethical standards when it came to matters concerning sexual behavior, so I have no idea what your point might be. But then you are confused, aren't you? Please don't bother replying since I have no interest in your drivel, nor your lifestyle, and will not be reading any more of it and will not respond further. Anyway, I will be unsubscribing from this site leaving it to your ilk. I do however regret that we will not be meeting at any time in the future, I do believe I would have enjoyed making contact with you.

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I'm so happy that you're better than me. Bless your heart.

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Man in the security pictures looks nothing like the mugshot.

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I have the ''sure cure'' to END, forever, ALL CLIMATE CHAOS, once and for all.

It involves "TAR, FEATHERS, a C-141 Transport plane, and an open / active volcano.

You can visualize the rest on your own.

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Lots of meaty stuff again todqy. Have to take it in a little at a time. First though, the new speaker of the house and comment about where his wife was - “You’re kidding, right?” As they say. That’s all I can think of to say right now . Don’t care who they say they pray to, don’t trust any politician. I sense high degree of sleaze.

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Exactly, do not trust any politicians

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The land under antarica looks a bit like Atlantis....

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I wonder who/what made them say this if they have no free will?

"Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will…"

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To see "The New Republic" say that what Mike Johnson said about his wife was "crass", and to have Manuel make a negative comment about it as well makes we re-think a few things on this site. I love the info, but..... would they say the same thing if Mike J were a Muslim in prayer? Probably not. Last time I checked, this country still had "freedom of faith". Very disappointing comments.

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It is not about religion, it’s all about ‘do not trust any politicians’ because they are just lying in our faces…

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