Welcome back!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

glad you are doing well. Missed all the great links to interesting stories

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

moi aussi j'ai été abscente depuis 2 mois environ j'ai fait une crise cardiaque et j'ai eu 3 pontages ca été tres difficile a vivre meme encore maintenant j'ai d'autres conséquence mais bon je suis la c'est tout ce quil me faut dans la vie, en plus ma mere c'est ramasser a l'hopital et elle cest vraiment fait mal en tombant chez elle et en plus elle as attraper la covid a l'hopital et elle sen ai sortie en plus de ca j'aprend quelle fait de l'alzeimer et as partir de la faut qu'ont lui cherche une place superviser avec porte barrer pour sa sécurité ca seras pas facille a faire en tout les cas ma fete etait hier et j'ai été au resto pour me changer un petit peu les idées merci d'etres revenue a vous aussi merci et Bonne Journée

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Missed you, so glad you are back and feeling better.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Good to hear you are okay, looking forward to reading the newsletter, stay safe and well. xx

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

welcome back shipmate, will get to enjoy your writing again which i have missed greatly!!!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Glad to have you back, you have been missed. So ghood to hear that you are better.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Glad jou are back ! 👍💪

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank you for the update. Hope you're safe, well and full of zest.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Good to have you back and in good shape Manuel!

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Very happy to hear you are feeling better. You were missed by a lot of people, myself included.

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Im behind you all's good and thanks for what you do and WELCOME back

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Glad you are recovering!!!

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Glad you are recovering!!!

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Glad you are back. I have missed the news you provide to us. Stay healthy.

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I didn't pay attention to your emails for the longest time then one day I looked and am now hooked. I post your page to Gab. People love it.

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