I suspect we'll see more and more of these type of individuals in the coming days. I don't know if it's their fault or not, but recently, we've really nice people go nuts. I wonder sometimes, if an outside force is controlling their minds. There is graphene oxide in some of these people. However, I for one look forward to these news letters, as they're a relief from the madness in the world today.

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Manuel, don't let the jerks throw you off your wonderful mission. I stopped my facebook page years ago because so many "friends" suddenly started calling similar names. I honestly would never think of the names you mentioned being in any way ever associated with you. A lot of these people are suffering from spiritual and physical parasites. They are not well and don't yet realize it. Many aren't thinking clearly because their veins are filling with fibrous materials (I'm sure you've seen many of the videos) and when people are scared, they tend more toward attempting to be accepted by the herd to feel safe, even if it means throwing rocks at an innocent truthteller or people that are actually trying to help them. They are so full of fear and hate, they can't see the grand manipulation that runs things. Surround yourself with protection, thank the creator you have eyes to see and ears to hear and share what you are learning with like-minded souls like all of us subscribers. Sending you good vibes friend!

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Hang in there, doing what you're doing!! We appreciate it!! Hugs from this Grandma!! ;-)

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My scripture for today


October 30

1 Peter 3:14

14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats ; do not be frightened.”

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You aren't alone. I am rarely perceived correctly. Please don't be discouraged. Most people choose to perceive others in whatever way makes them feel superior. They are the ones with the problems, not you. I enjoy reading your newsletters every day. Thank you for all of the time that you invest in your website.

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Hey Manuel! Those nasty mouthed people can be awful! I tried Twitter years ago and got mercilessly attacked over a local political issue. I ran screaming away from all social media at that point! Amazing how vicious keyboard bullies will be.

I appreciate your posts. You always find unique stuff. I don’t always agree but so what! I still look forward to reading what you have. Don’t let em get to ya. The world is a very messed up place right now but there is still kindness out there😊

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Sem·ite = a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs. = Technically, Palestinians are Semites! What they are REALLY referring to is POLITICAL ZIONISM, which IS a legitimate topic of discussion/// Not all JEWS are ZIONISTS, and not all ZIONISTS are JEWS, eg we have CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS// that IS a legitimate topic//

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Delta Force, I will weigh in below you as I cannot access a separate posting box.


Manuel, from what I am seeing I feel that the division is purposely amped up. (maybe too obvious to state?)

Many have been deeply indoctrinated to believe particular pieces. There is a lot of generational trauma being used against people. And there are many who believe Jewish people as a whole are behind much of what we see.

Both stories have been fed for so long.

It's sad and exhausting to the extreme.

Thank you for this post Manuel.

And thank you Delta Force for teasing it apart.

I feel in the best of times many don't listen well.

This is not the best of times.

And in the best of times many are very adhered to having opinions and knowing. (another deep indoctrination)

Which makes it very hard to see a bit more deeply into what is true.

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And this 👆👆👆

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Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it.

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Ignore the noise and ignorance of haters. Keep up your great work Manuel. Take care.

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I hear you loud and clear, Manuel. When 'identities' get triggered, it can be ugly.

Keep doin what you do!! Old divides have to fall away. Best.

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Manuel don't change a thing the Zionists Hate is very powerful and well paid for out in the world but they are losing. Remain decent because they are not!

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Don't even start to justify or defend yourself. That only gives these name-calling people who are reacting based on emotions rather than facts more fuel for their fire. Name-calling and shaming is all they have in their quiver. You keep doing what you're doing; you are appreciated.

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It would be interesting to know how many 'keyboard warriors' are paid by the Pentagon and other federal agencies to attack and harass people who don't tow the official narrative line....

Keep up the good work Manuel.

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Always great info! I totally understand because its everywhere. I feel like there is no common sense or logic anymore. The people spewing this hateful garbage are the ones with issues. Sadly we dont treat or call mental illness for what it is anymore. Be blessed my fren and shake off the haters 🐸

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And since the US blind support for political ZIONISM is about to wipe us all out in nuclear WORLD WAR III, WE BETTER DAMN WELL TA;LK ABOUT it BEFORE YOU ARE all RADIOACTIVE ASH, SO F***K THEIR POOR ;LIITLE FEELINGS, WHEN NUCLEAR ANNIHALATION IS OIN YOUR DOORSSTEP!! Poor little cry babaies, waaah wahha , your ant anti semite lmfao rofl , that is a ZIONIST CODE WORD to stopp criticism of the ZIONISTS and ZOG///

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Yessss!! We can’t keep our heads in the sand any longer!!

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It's possible one reason you have encountered such behavior is due to the fact both sides have blood on their hands. If they attack people they disagree with they might be able to convince themselves the blood on their hands is righteous.

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I simply do not understand any hate directed toward you. IMO, it's used to elicit some response which can be used against you... for what exact reason is unclear.

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