"Queensland Supreme Court finds mandatory COVID-19 vaccination was unlawful"??

Wow really? 5 Years in and, lawmakers came to this startling conclusion? Who the hell are they kidding with that B.S.? It was PLANNED. It was ALL planned! And yet, there are STILL people who think this was all REAL, and came from "Wuhan" and believed the whole nine-yards and still do. The MODERN, WESTERN MEDICINE CRIME SYNDICATE, along with the "Deagel" elitists and DEMONIC Governments of the world are ALL GUILTY of committing, "soft-kill CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY".


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Ghana's new bill criminalizing sodomy: Newsflash: sodomy used to be illegal in ALL countries including the USA and it wasn't very long ago as I can remember the efforts to make it legal back in the early seventies. A third world country sticks its head out of the water in this drowning, wicked age and chances are that the world will CONDEMN them for it.

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The "autism simulator" is more like an SPD simulator with static screens. Not even slight mentions of PANDAS flares, stomach pains, rage, internal stimuli, mishearing words/MRELD, etc.

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Speaking of the weather, check out this clip... It shows TWO SUNS.


I have been seeing videos emerging lately of two suns and this is not new. I had been aware of this subject since Planet X and "Nibiru" were common in the alternative news some 12 years ago.

I never lost interest in the subject because the book of Revelation describes something like a star falling to the earth and I had always thought that this may be it. It's called Wormwood in Revelation chapter 8 which is said to make a third of the freshwater on earth "bitter".

The pictures and videos from that time were criticized as being either fakes or said to be "lens flares" which seem to show two images of the sun but in the video it can be plainly seen that these are videos that do not exhibit either of those because it would be impossible to fake them. I thought we were very close to the tribulation back then because of the two suns and here they are again after over a decade of relative silence about them. Perhaps we have been given a decade of warning. All I know is that He is coming and VERY SOON! Prepare for big changes.

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Autism simulator??? WTH is that??? I think there is much about autism in general that is hidden from us. But allow me to take a stab at the possibilities from a conspiracy "theorist" point of view. They can GIVE it at will using any of the dozens of shots injected into infants very shortly after birth - a service provided gratis for any human being who enters this earth and begins to breathe in the chemicals and metals sprayed from jets (which we ALL take in with every breath).

Wait a minute! What about the infant's own miraculous immune system AND the miraculous immune boosting biological compounds in the mother's breast milk? Oh, no need to breastfeed, we can do better than the Creator! Don't you realize how advanced baby formula has become? Well, nuts to you modern medical "science". The rise in autism has been closely related with the rise in the number of mandatory "vaccines" given to a child at birth. It's been increasing dramatically since the late 80s and the poor innocent little ones that couldn't tolerate all the shots, well, they just died.

The medical industrial complex had faced a quandary and had to come up with an explanation for all the sudden deaths of infants now seen to be increasing dramatically, so a cutesy and sad yet, ironically believable, little phrase put the minds of young parents somewhat at ease because they also explained (lied) that it's a very rare condition now appropriately named Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. That's right, if something can't be explained, mostly because they can't allow it to be explained, it's named this or that "syndrome". We now have SADS or sudden ADULT death syndrome which mirrors the mysterious SIDS and can be seen to have the same cause; vaccines!

Joseph Goebbels said, "tell a big lie and repeat it long enough and the people will believe it." Today, the people can't believe or simply WON'T believe that our leaders are against us to the point of killing us so, they believe the lies instead. It's psychological warfare and amazingly effective. But there must come a time of "critical mass awareness" which is so long overdue.

Speculation on what the autism "simulator" would actually simulate is an entirely different story with two very important questions to consider: how and why?

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The LG refrigerator story is typical of big business today. Don't let them get away with it. The issue is big enough to put the company out of business which is where they should be. I know I'll never purchase anything from LG because of learning about their business practices. We have to hold these lame businesses' feet to the fire.

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Sounds like that freeze is a day in the life of Mongolia, its capital is the coldest capital in the world...


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"Queensland Supreme Court finds mandatory COVID-19 vaccination was unlawful"??

The people give an inch (two weeks to flatten the curve) and the rulers take a mile ( two years of lockdowns and jabs). Then the rulers kindly gives us back our inch.

Simply a loaf of bread thrown to the peasants to remind us who their benefactors are.

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Alex Jones turns on Elon Musk after he's 'massively censored'… believe it. I was censored and banned even though I saw worse posts than mine. Apparently, NATO and Zelensky don't liek being called Nazis.

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