I think there is currently a problem with Substack. I want to publish today's newsletter but I am unable to. I was able to write it but now I am unable to send it to you. I hope it will be resolved soon. Otherwise you will get it tomorrow. Sorry for that! Manuel

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I had a good laugh with the graph the government put out about Biden "creating" jobs. Another bad fraud on the American people where people come back to work after what Biden caused with Covid and people stayed home from work and then you add in the huge number of government jobs "created". Are we all just saps as they think we are??? Maybe the 1/3 liberal population... The only jobs I see being created in America these days are by people creating their own work and doing well at that...

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Regarding beachfront homes: I thought that liberals and their bought and paid for researchers have been saying forever that the oceans are receding. Fools. Tides, shifting sands, shifting water, changing currents, etc...it is all unpredictable, but the dumbass liberals have it all figured out...

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I couldn't resist commenting on the first thing I saw today which was the idiot throwing coins into the South China Jet engine! One thing is for sure, the deep state, global "dumbing down of the masses" program certainly is working. And they said they did it for LUCK! What is the actual IQ of someone who would do such a thing? It would be like, "hey, honey, give me a few coins so I can throw them into the engine on the way up the stairs, you know, for luck. It works when we throw them out of the train window into the Ganges river, why not here?" What's more stupid than that? I"ll tell you what...getting ON the plane after doing such a thing! Man!

And what's up with every day something else is in the news about jets? One losing a wheel, another leaking fuel, and yet another's landing gear smoking to the point of nearly catching fire? But this one tops them all! They should throw the book at that person. What are passengers doing with access to the tarmac anyway? I used to fly around all the time and I only had to walk those stairs one time, maybe two. Those roll away stairs should be a thing of the past, now that we know people are capable of such stupidity. "Clown world" isn't sufficient anymore. We need a new definition for the stupidity of this age.

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LOL! Thank you!

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Love these total assholes that build houses right ON the beach and then complain about the WATER! What part of water being the most powerful natural agent on earth do they still not get?

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I agree to a point. Some of those houses have stood on those cliffs for 150 or more years! Why, all of a sudden is the ocean encroaching on their centuries-old, sturdy cliffs? I'll tell you why: Climate change; but not the climate change that the fake government and its alphabet agencies are crying about, I'm talking about the climate change which began when they began spraying the sky with nanoparticles of metals and other chemicals. go check our geoengineeringwatch.org What I'm trying to say is "global warming" isn't nearly as bad as they say it is. It's 10,000 TIMES WORSE!!! : C

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I've no problem with the older houses - it's these newer ones and this obsession with living as close to the water as possible! Live by the sword DIE by the sword!

I grew up in a town in NJ called Fort Lee. Of which a large part was built on the cliffs Palisades (Hudson River - across from NYC) over the years the cliffs have simply eroded due to the enormous high winds and nature. The wind comes off the river and hits those cliffs and the apartments above them bear the brunt. Om Monday the winds were easily about 50mph.


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I lived on the beach front of one the Great Lakes, and anyone knows that if you want to stop erosion of your property you need to put up a VERY STUTDY retaining wall. 😂🤣some people are just idiots 🤣😂

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Biden the great uniter, creating jobs he destroyed when he first got sworn in. Now people get part time jobs, unless you’re unvetted illegal alien.

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Prepare for April 2024: the meaningless DSM-5 psychiatry "bible" label of "autism" is officially rebranded as "neurodiversity"! https://annedachel.substack.com/p/as-you-are-and-as-i-am-make-it-all

(Anne Dachel: "As You Are and As I Am make it all about acceptance")

"As You Are, just like As I Am in Ireland helps to normalize autism.

Autism happens. We don’t ask questions. If it’s your child, too bad."

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