Was there ever a real Crooks?? Was there ever a real cremation? We're simply supposed to take the word of the FBI... an institution complicit in an assassination attempt on a President? Was the shooter really Maxwell Yearick?

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I saw that Larry McDonald interview years ago and it has aged like fine wine. (I borrowed that from a commenter on Youtube) They wouldn't let him talk but he remained calm. They couldn't silence him with words so they killed him along with some collateral damage... a planeload of innocent people!

He was a democrat then. Now can you see how far the wedge has been driven between the two manufactured parties? The word is getting out about how this world is controlled by very wicked and evil men and this truth is now coming to light. What isn't coming out in the open is knowledge of these wicked rulers LEADER.

There is a core of leaders of this world whom, by practicing witchcraft and human sacrifice in very secret underground places (beneath the Vatican for one) are getting their instructions from wicked spiritual powers and principalities; these are the "spiritual wickedness in high places". (Ephesians 6:12)

This includes their god who goes by many names but commonly by the name Molech. He is satan himself and THAT is who is running this world into the ditch of a one world government for himself and his minions. It has been this way since God confounded the languages of mankind at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) a few hundred years after the Ark landed in Mt. Ararat.

Satan's plan is almost complete. He is waiting for ONE event to happen then he will begin his destructive takeover and most of the world will follow him. The event is the Rapture of the believers and it will happen very soon according to Bible prophecy. Jesus said in Luke 21: "when you see all things things happening (at the same time) know that your redemption draweth nigh. (See Luke 21:31) That time is NOW.

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They don't care how many they kill.

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Floride in the water and toothpaste has been the culprit in dumbing down the population.

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"Falling IQs have become yet another mystery for scientists to solve." Well, let's hope they can before they become too STUPID to solve it…..😂😂😂

Just made me laugh out loud and my morning is starting off better!

You have such a cheeky, sparkling humor, and I love how you weave it through all of your articles!

Thank you!

There’s so much heartache and suffering in everything we see and hear today.

Sometimes we really need to laugh.

I plan on having a better day.

And thank you for all the hard work you put into this.. 🥰🧡🙏🏼🌼

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Rep. McDonald was on the Korean 747 shot down by the Russians. As Q said 70% of all aircraft accidents are not accidents at all.

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Concerning the "evidence" of life on Mars, one thing we've learned about anything new and never seen before declared by "$cience" is that the first several analyses of the data are wrong.

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Thanks for the update, Manuel! For anyone interested in a wider Cosmic View of Everything, check out THE URANTIA BOOK!!! It is blowing my mind & am relieved to find out there is a Cosmic Order to all this. We each play a part by the decisions we make. How many of us were kept in chains because of our Childhood Brainwashing??? I know, I was!! ;-)

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[Hi Loxie. Being that this forum is an open one, uncensored in any way, I must add to your comment respectfully.] I would be neglecting my calling if I were not to warn any who may be reading the above comment by Loxie Lou Davie that the Urantia book is a twisted version of Christianity. The two biggest contentions are that the book denies that Jesus' Crucifixion was the ATONEMENT for the sins of mankind. If that is true, we have no hope whatsoever and are lost in our sins. The book also denies the virgin birth which is critical to Christian doctrine. It also supports the false teaching of annihilationism (those who don't come to Christ aren't sentenced to eternal damnation but are simply wiped away into nonexistence - the Bible teaches that we are ETERNAL beings). If you are interested in learning the TRUTH of Christianity, read the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

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There is only ONE book and ONE way... through OurLord JesusChrist.

GOD is the creator, including the "cosmic order"... the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

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Thank you, Jimd, for your thoughts......my Father was a Baptist Minister so I am well aware of the Biblical Mindset. One must decide if one chooses to accept the Jesus the Roman Gov't. handed to us in 325 A.D. or explore other options! Basically, it comes down to deciding which "book" one chooses to follow! No hard feeling!!

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Totally agree. None taken. However, Constantine's mindset in 314 AD was "if you can't beat em', join em' and he decreed the Roman empire to be "Christian' with a twist...he changed it all to mirror the gods and goddesses of the day, giving heed to the spirits of the Juno god and Diana worship. That's what the entire Reformation was about. Christianity was ALIVE in the first three centuries after Christ rose into Heaven and it was literally threatening to take over the entire world (empire) at that time. Constantine was FORCED to take control "from within". But Protestantism got the people back on track and the Bible was loosed from the grip of the RCC after millions perished at the hand of the RCC.

So, In that book (of 66 books) lies all the evidence for its claims. I'll choose the book that proves itself to be of Supernatural origin. The fulfilled prophecy of the OT prophets (and NT too) is THE proof that it can be trusted. For just 8 prophecies made about Jesus in the OT to have come to pass EXACTLY as foretold, in ONE Man; (DETAILED prophecies like the parting of His garments for lots; how much money He would be betrayed for, and so on) over 800 years beforehand, the chances are 1 in 10 to the 28th power. There were over 300 such prophecies. Adding the rest the chances decrease to 1 in 10 to the 5460th power. God provided the ABSOLUTE proof that it's from Him.

So, that's proof enough for me and well should be for anyone who puts any thought to it. Can you provide some similar kind of proof to justify that what you're reading (Urantia) is the truth? Just askin. I mean, if I didn't have the truth, I would most definitely want someone to show it to me and tell me WHY it's the truth, then I'd look for myself. That's all I'm doing here (and everywhere else). Okay. I have another motive. I love my fellow mankind members and I want EVERYONE to know the truth I found!

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Given that I spent 70 years within the Christian Community I am thankful that my Guides led me to the Urantia Book. The proof is in the reading; we each are on our own path. We have no need to "prove" anything to each other! Blessings on your Journey!!

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Hello Loxie Lou. I read this string with interest. I would point out one thing you said, "that we are each on our own path". A more true statement could not be made. You also said "we have no need to prove anything to each other". Also true. We each have a choice to make, whether to accept the gift from God, of the death of Jesus Christ to pay for our sins if we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, what I believe is that this is a straight forward decision and each of us on our own path have a decision to accept, or deny God's offer of redemption. I wonder if your Urantia Guides will be with you when you come before God to find out the consequences of your decision, which of course he already knows what you have decided. What I am here to say is you can change your mind right now and accept the gift of Jesus dying on the cross for your sins, and have everlasting life in heaven. Failure to do so will end up with severe consequences for your eternal soul. Decide wisely. You have been advised once more...

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