Thanks for your good work, God bless. Crazy daze!

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Jun 5Liked by Strange Sounds

Get rid of beautiful bells and change the frequency of all music for nefarious reasons. There is nothing they haven't tampered with to control and kill us.

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Jun 4Liked by Strange Sounds

I followed a cybertruck today through Valley Forge National Park. It's even uglier when seen from the rear. When it turned, the body panels looked like the Atlantic Ocean... except the Atlantic is shinier. Tesla has a lot of nerve to call it a truck.

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The Tesla pickup is even uglier and more ridiculous looking in person. Looks like a silly prop from the very bad 70s sci fi show Logan's Run.

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Jun 4Liked by Strange Sounds

Eighty-three year old woman gored by bison. Sorry, but in a way that is just hilarious. There was a picture in my grandparents’ house that said, “We get too soon old and too late smart.” Sounds like this lady was pretty ignorant and likely became very smart quickly, re bison. Really? (I’m old enough to be able to make this comment, by the way.) People like her give the rest of us older ones a bad look - stop it already, old people. You do not have to emulate the - uhm - current prez. Just stop.

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Jun 4Liked by Strange Sounds

The Yeast Connection, author William Crook - book has been around awhile, and helped me to remedy leaky gut which is also related to this yeast condition that without drinking one drop of alcohol can cause one to appear intoxicated. He tells a story about that. Mostly has to do with diet. (Ahem - sugar is not your friend, as well as carbs that produce certain sugars.). Too much yeast in the system can cause lots of physical problems. It DOES take some discipline to remedy it, but you come alive again afterwards. 😉. There are also other books referring to this.

Interesting article.

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Great work Manuel

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Jun 4Liked by Strange Sounds

That IS one ugly vehicle!

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Jun 4Liked by Strange Sounds

And... I'm canceling my Epoch Times subscription. Sorry Falun Gong

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the Epoch Times prosecution could go along with Trump's case... Lot of interesting stories, Thank you!

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"Skull of prehistoric 'giant goose' discovered in Australia…" The remains look like it could be anything. So, we're going to believe what "scientists" who say that we all came from a ROCK tell us? These are the same "experts" that came up with an entire skeleton of an ancient "hominid" (half man, half ape) which they gave the scientific sounding name, "Sinanthropus pekinensis" or Peking man from a couple of TEETH. It was later determined that the teeth came from a chimpanzee.

And who can forget Piltdown man? It was said to be the skull of a man with the jaw of an ape. It was discovered 40 years later to be a fake but for 40 years was touted as THE missing link in defense of the theory of human evolution. The "experts" of today, actually since the time of Darwin, hide behind their fabricated world of lies inventing "expert" sounding names and nomenclature. They construct their field of science with impossible to pronounce words and print textbooks full of nonsense and the world buys it all!

It isn't until someone who can still think critically begins to question these things that their façade begins to crumble under the weight of logic and truth. But only those willing to be ostracized from their group entirely have the courage to speak up about its inconsistencies. And when they do, they are ignored and called derogatory names, ridiculed to scorn losing jobs, livelihoods and reputations. Sounds exactly like a CULT to me because that's what it is!

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