What?! Entire towns in NC and TN mountains were wiped out/washed away. I do not believe that hundred number relating to those dead. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Maybe that’s all they could find, so far, but it surely isn’t the total number of dead.

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The total number dead will never be known because so many people were carried away and buried under thousands of tons of mud and rock. The number is closer to 10 - 12 thousand, not in the hundreds.

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That’s the estimated number I heard, too.

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oh, just listening to the reports, fire caught the cell tower... How about the opposite?? Does anyone know how much POWER each of those towers is equipped with??? Do people know how to steer nanoparticles of metals like Aluminum, Strontium, Barium using microwaves? Exactly the ones emitted by the towers??? THe nanos used in ongoing geoengineering??? This here is REAL people:



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Thank you. I've been sharing The Dimming documentary by geoengineeringwatch.org (Dane Wigington) since it came out. I'm so glad to see others that have awakened to the absolute WAR against the people (we) doing the same.

I used to be all alone, just 5 short years ago. Now people are waking in droves. Those that are in place that the people (we) have allegedly "elected" to care for us (but were actually SElected) care nothing about the people (we) but only about their own agenda and it is the same across the board. That agenda is to carve this world down to just a half billion people the controllers can use as slaves for their one world dictatorship of their leader, the antichrist.

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Manuel, thank you for this very informative "StrangeSounds."

To add insult to injury for those poor hurting US citizens in NC who are still trying to recover from HurricanHelene, a gov official released a video reminding NC citizens that their PROPERTY taxes are due. This gov official made it clear that there will be no exceptions, including those hit with HurricaneHelene!!!

Can the gov give more reasons to be hated!?!?!

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Let's go Brandon!

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I like FJB much better!!!

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let's be politically correct :-)

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I was!!

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I am so sick and tired of those ruling over us that I could spit blood! (from biting my lip!!) I am so looking forward to JUDGEMENT DAY! Not the Bema seat where believers are given rewards (looking very forward to that as well) but the Great White Throne Judgement when we (those made righteous by the Shed Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ) will get to judge them too! (1 Corinthians 6:3) And we will see JUSTICE done at last.

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Omigosh… what you shared with us just makes my blood boil!! Horrible, greedy, evil people. Parasites and predators… Their days are limited if they don’t repent and turn to God for the terrible suffering, they have placed on everyone’s backs…

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also realized, WHY PG&E, the major energy provider is being served by PALANTIR, the one which collects ALL THE data possible about every single person, including who got the injections, and thus who didn't... It would be better, to get rid of ALL SMART METERS around any home, that's what some of the videos from Lahaina showed, one house with smart meter was burned down to ashes, the next one stood like a palace...It was literally caught on one video, how the fire, once reaching the device, suddenly got redirected by the wind from that house!!! Co-In-CIDE-ence?

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That's a very nice looking pile of abandoned cars; not like in Oakland, CA: https://x.com/MissJacque_line/status/1872957026332184711. Q: Is that "par for the course" for Oakland or is Oakland next?

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Strange Sounds is my fave!!!! Happy New Year Manuel :)

As soon as 47 is in office and I can afford non-essential expenditures, you are 1st on my list to upgrade to paid.

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Thank you!

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Personally, "term limits" are irrelevant to Me. I do not consent to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand in Ethical ground...

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

I Have Authority Over You (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-have-authority-over-you

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I wonder if a better way will ever be implemented?

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Well, I offer one, in those links and in most of the rest of My work here.

I look forward to Your thoughts.

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The 2 first pictures illustrate what I observe among the oldest who took the covid shots. ALmost always, if not dead instantaneously, they first lost the capabilities to walk=> spine/vegal nerve incapacitation.

That German National Socialistic Undeground 3.0="Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund 3.0" repeating the 2001 story, of sending Anthrax BEFORE the attacks?

SO many sad stories, terrible, and it is imaginable, that this surely by far is not everything.

WHo/what caused the Palisades fires?? Winds...??? Or an exploading Tesla lithium battery..?

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Like somebody dropping a cigarette inadvertently?

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one cigarette leading to such an inferno..???

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Did you see the psyop on the Top Page of the Drudge Report today? A fallen man burnt to ash complete except for his HEAD? What d' heck is that??? And another; I keep hearing on ALL msm outlets how the schools in and around the fire area WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY. No dahhh! This is making me angry. Why the continued effort to make everybody aware that the schools will be closed in this - the worst fire emergency EVER (so they are saying). No kidding? Really? The SCHOOLS are going to be closed? Who didn't know that??? Oh, I thought they would set up special trucks to spray foam on the schools and on the kids so they wouldn't have to cancel school. What are these morons up to?

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nice rant :-)

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My pleasure.

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It's all going down just like it was written over 2000 years ago! Bible prophecy is coming to life in our age as it has NEVER done before since the birth, life death and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ. Why? Because we are now in those days written about and in which the writers called "THE END OF THE AGE OF GRACE".

Mankind has been left alone in the last 2000 years. Since the beginning of the end times; about 200 years ago with the onslaught of Darwinism and the Industrial Revolution, while the "spiritual wickedness in high places" or the fallen angels who work in the spiritual realm have worked secretly with the governments of this world by satanic sacrifice, witchcraft and worship in underground ceremonies all over the world with a small number of men and their families, known as the Committee of 300 and have allowed them to gain enormous wealth. They have the POWER by this wealth, to plan the demise of this world BEFORE Jesus comes to remove those who love Him in the Rapture and pour out His WRATH on the earth (see Revelation 8-10 and Isaiah 24 for just a taste and billions will die.) sorry for the run-on sentences; I'm trying to pack as much info into the smallest space.

I've been sounding the warning that the day of Jesus Christ (the Rapture) is at hand and could happen at any minute since all of these prophecies have been falling from the pages of Scripture into reality, about since the time of Covid. The days of great tribulation described in the Bible and the events which will come to pass during those days have begun to take shape and the age of Grace (since Jesus ascended into Heaven) and the great tribulation (the 7 years after the Rapture) are now OVERLAPPING with each other!

We now see this world ready to receive its ruler with a one world currency (CBDC); one world religion (NAR); the mark of the beast (covid shot) and more. We also see the world that resists the ac (those who have read and understood the warnings given BEFORE the Rapture) being left out of the system now at the ready for the ac and his dictatorship. These who refuse his "mark" will have to FLEE and hide. They won't be able to buy anything or sell anything without that mark so will have to go underground where MILLIONS of people who refused the ac's mark will live in a post apocalyptic world of unimaginable horrors. Those caught will be rounded up in FEMA camps where many guillotines have been stored up for the beheading of MILLIONS who resist ac rule. (see Revelation 20:4)

All of this is TRUTH. I've been studying it all my life and never has there been a time when we "watchers" (for Jesus coming) have seen, because of everything coming into place for the days of great tribulation, the redemption of our bodies and the day of Jesus Christ so near.

We are told in Scripture that we would "Know" and see the day approaching when it was time. That time is right NOW. We can look back to the pre covid days and see how much has happened and how we felt about those days and these days of present do not compare! We would know because we could SEE by looking back and comparing how those days were to how these days are unfolding now at an astounding pace.

There is still time. God is Patient and Kind, not willing that ANY should perish. He is giving the fence sitters some extra time to finally come to Him. But there is that ONE holdout who, when s/he comes to repentance and is saved, will close the door of the Age of Grace and the Door between our space/time continuum and God's Eternal Realm will be opened by Jesus Christ Himself and He will call out in a voice like a trumpet, "Come up hither"! And all that have loved His Appearing will rise to meet Him in the air and be with Him forever. He promises that we will inherit ALL THINGS and that includes things that we have no capacity to imagine because they will require NEW SENSES to perceive them!

It is so simple to experience what I have experienced and what millions of others (not billions) who have sought to know Him, our Creator have experienced. We who have been born again KNOW IT (1 John 5:13) and when asked by anyone, we joyfully declare the fact that YES! We are saved and we KNOW that we are going to be with Jesus either at our death or at His Appearing (2 Timothy 4:8) which is our Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) and we do not fear our death because He lives in us (2 Corinthians 13:5) and CONFIRMS our true Faith and that we do indeed know the absolute TRUTH. You can know it too. Call on His Name RIGHT NOW!

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I really don't know where to start today. The LA fires might be a good place. How reminiscent of Maui and before that the Canadian and NE fires (seen being started on doppler radar) and the Paradise fire and so many others that I have forgotten. All with the same telltale, signature attributes; entire neighborhoods destroyed by fire yet GREEN SHRUBBERY AND PINE TREES STILL STANDING ALIVE!

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The ongoing saga in NC is SO sad. Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden News places the lives lost at 15,000 & from all I'm hearing, it might be more!! The churches are the ones still helping those in need with various centers from where goods can be sent out. The recent rains they had washed out many of the temporary bridges that had been put in & now they have the freezing temps to deal with & some are STILL living in tents!! Deep River Farm & Appalachian Navy give frequent updates. This is a Long Haul situation & we all need to be helping them anyway we can!! Seems the Ins. Co's are not coming forth as they should, as well. People helping People has saved many lives there!! Thanks for keeping the issue front & center, Manuel!!

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Thank you for your reports!

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Don Henley in writing The Last Resort described the path of the destructive Santa Ana winds which fire-fighters could not battle yesterday and today..

"Then the chilly winds blew down

Across the desert

Through the canyons of the coast

To the Malibu

Where the pretty people play

Hungry for power

To light their neon way

Give them things to do"

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Nobody is good enough to govern. Here lies the problem. Humans crave to be obedient. Largely outside of power they are only corrupt in their trade which limits their income. Political corruption though pays tremendous dividends.

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In the 70s Don Henley wrote this prophetic song about how the pretty people of LA raped and robbed the lands from the Indians. He wrote about a town called Paradise which in 2018 was totally destroyed by fire 13,500 homes lost. He also wrote about Malibu which today is being ravaged by massive fires at Pacific Pallisades. He wrote about Lahaina Hawaii which was also destroyed by fire in 2023.

"We satisfy our endless needs and justify our bloody deeds .. in the name of destiny and in the name of God"

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I'm from Canada. PP was WEF same as Jughead Singh. Right from the start i fundamentally believed that there was the devil we know and the devil we don't know. Create the problem and offer a solution usually resulting in less freedom. Hope for the best and expect the worse is our mantra. Sad but true!

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I am also Canadian but now living in Switzerland. Lived in Montreal 11 years and then my parents decide to move to Switzerland. Nice place too ;-). Have a great day, Manuel

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