Good morning, Manuel, hope your feeling better. Thanks again for your newsletter.

1. Why all of a sudden is no one connecting the brand new cancer epidemic to the so-called "vaccine"? Microplastics have been around for a few decades now; the vaxxx is brand new.

2. i'm in favor of the torture of terrorists, even to their death. Slow and painful. And constantly remind them that the 64 virgins they're promised are just the other incel jihadists.

3. Concerning the UN's "council", isn't it about time to add the "P" to the LGBTQP+ alphabet salad? They're not hiding the pedos anymore; why are we ignoring them?

4. As more and more actual scientists discover climate change is a hoax, why aren't they coming out and saying so? There is no integrity in the scientific community anymore.

Keep up the good work.

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Good points. There has NEVER been integrity in the scientific community, at least not since Darwinism. I must concur with the climate change "hoax". It's never been as bad as they have said it is. It's exponentially WORSE. This planet is literally cooked and so are the minds of the people that have joined up in believing one side or the other of their concocted lies, both sides are LIES (just like the political divides; both sides WRONG). So, whether it's Global warming ala Greta von what's her name or NO global warming by anti "conspiracy theorists" they're BOTH very wrong!

HERE is the truth; See geoengineeringWatch.org

We have very little time left and the confusion which the military industrial complex has built in and around the "global warming" and carbon crisis is perfectly fitting for their agenda. They are simply buying as much time as possible before the lid comes off and the people realize how they, the biosphere, and the entire planet has been destroyed by their secret geoengineering lies (brushed off by all media as CON trails) and weather management activities now known as SRM and AAI (solar radiation management and Atmospheric aerosol injection) There are hundreds of pics, even video of spraying these poisonous, heavy metals of barium, strontium and aluminum. Here are just a few.




And they tell us these are "con" trails of water vapor. Not since I've been around!!!

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i think you've overstated your point a bit. The REAL truth is that the climate cycle is cyclical; that's why it's called that. But alarmism is key:



Then in the 90s it calmed down, neither hotter nor cooler: NEW ABSOLUTELY UNAVOIDABLE CLIMATE CHANGE (formerly known as "seasons") IS HERE AND WILL KILL US ALL IN EXACTLY 12 YEARS!

Climate alarmists have been wrong 100% of the time every day for well over 60 years. It's about controlling the populace, not controlling the weahter. Just ignore them all.

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I totally agree with you about the climate "alarmists" and I'd ignore them all too but when I see images like those in the links I provided (did you see those?) and those above my own head, mostly every day, I can't. Also, did you visit geoengineeringWatch.org? Dane Wigington, the website host, is not a climate alarmist, he's a climate REALIST and I concur with everything the media have said over the years being false but these are two completely different issues. I can't ignore the real issues. Please continue reading carefully.

On one side, we have the media which lies more than they tell the truth and all for the agenda of the elite; to create confusion - their operative word. They function flying under the radar by confusing us. Then we have the elite on the other side, HIDING what they do and making the media lie for them about what it is our eyes are actually seeing! All TV weather presenters must sign NON-DISCLOSURE contracts to prevent any who would, from telling the truth! Look this up. Don't believe me.

I live in a rural part of the Mid Atlantic where all of us used to plant vegetable gardens - nice, HUGE flourishing gardens which so easily grew so much produce that if you didn't know how to can and store up you'd better learn. Around 2005 my garden (and everyone else I knew who gardened) began to produce less and less and by 2010 I couldn't grow ANY vegetables at all. Same with those who had grown gardens their whole lives. These aren't city, rooftop gardeners, these were Bubba, hometown, country gardeners who knew a thing or two about producing vegetables. None of us even attempt to garden anymore.

This is farm country and the farmers used to plant all sorts of crops. Now, it's only corn and soybeans AND ONLY from seeds supplied to them from Monsanto, seeds which they genetically modified to be ALUMINUM RESISTANT according to their own patents! Tell me if you can, why would they modify seeds to grow in aluminum contaminated soil?

Moreover, the farmers must now buy the seeds from Monsanto every season whereas they previously used their own seeds for CENTURIES, until circa 2007! The soil is now so contaminated with aluminum that the trees are all dying too. My prize Pin Oak tree, the centerpiece of my front yard is dropping more and more huge branches yet continues to struggle to stay alive each year. The limbs are hollow and covered with moss and lichens. It's absolutely heartbreaking.

It's no longer what "they" have sounded the alarm on, it's what is REALITY, hidden from those who won't look at the facts presented by Dane Wigington and now, thankfully many others are waking up to this secret destruction of the earth. But I'm afraid the damage has already been done. It's (much) too little too late.

Go to that website and look around. Try to ignore what you see because very soon, it will be too late to ignore the truth. We'll be headlong over the cliff crashing into the rocks as we see it happening and INCREASING all around us already!

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If the weather conditions being manipulated were a globalist establishment conspiracy, they wouldn't force "$cience" to do a 180 every ten years; they'd pick a narrative and stick with it if they controlled the weather. And the most logical cause of garden failure would be manipulated seeds, not manipulated global climate control.

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I suppose you could have (or I should have) stopped at your first comment back to me in which you summed up you comment by saying "Just ignore them all." I can't get everyone to look at the truth but I try.

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Thank you Manuel

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That sun CGI from NASA starting to grow on me. Bring more. And it's possible that people are seeing the shapeshifting folks. They are real and many of us have seen them. That it's a sickness is a cover story.

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Yes, our air, food, water and minds are polluted, and we eat too much sugar and low quality food.

You forgot to mention the role of the clot shots in today's cancer rates. The honest oncologists call it Turbo Cancer. Thanks Anthony Fauci.

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