Something fishy going on in Acapulco??? Big Tourist Destination just wiped off the map kind of like what happened in Maui.....no??? Such strange things happening world wide!!

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There is this super truthful book that told us about this over 2000 years ago. Stay tuned Lou - its only gonna get worse. But don't worry - a man will soon come along to "fix " all, demand that you worship him and get branded. Keep thinking its a joke and its all fairy tales, even when its happening right in front of your face. Get Jesus Christ before it's too late. God Bless.

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Agreed Michael. Coming like a runaway freight train...

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"Look here! No wait, look HERE instead while we rewrite what happened over there!"

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This guy specializes in "lone shooters" hearing voices and going on a rampages. Makes very interesting videos. Check him out. https://www.youtube.com/@LookoutfaCharlie/videos

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Been watching him for a long time now.

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Iran and the mil bases, and the Maine shooter.

Yup - agree with you.

Those adopted boys - mmmm, wasn’t there a similar situation for former prez O? Wonder what they may be being prepared for…? I have no idea, just sayin’.

Oh - remember when people used to joke about having to pay to breathe the air…?

Sick, sick, sick stuff.

Thank you - I hope you and yours are well.

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Manuel, not sure on the two gun shot wounds... however two guns were found with him. I don't trust links like the leading to daily mail...

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What's going on Manuel? You're siding with the terrorists now.? When Hamas mingle with civilians and launch their attacks from hospitals, schools, mosques, and daycares, how is Israel supposed to respond? Israel doesn't target civilians. Hamas does. And you pity the monsters reporting from the war zone because their [alleged] deaths were caught on video? Weird how there's that much destruction from the explosion and the camera's just fine. i guess you haven't been paying any attention to "Palestinian" propaganda over the past fifty years. And with Iran's history of supporting terrorism for thousands of years, i don't see a problem with fencing in the rabid dog.

The shooter was news for the same reason Israel's self-defense is: It fits the narrative. If the shooter had been black, it wouldn't even have had a mention. Hamas attacks TARGETING INFANTS, CHILDREN, WOMEN, AND OTHER CIVILIANS are ignored, while Israel's justified retaliation targets the TERROR CELLS HIDDEN AMONG THEIR OWN INFANTS, CHILDREN, WOMEN, AND THEIR OTHER HUMAN SHIELDS. And your sympathy goes to the terrorists.

i'm starting to worry about you, bro.

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Thanks! I’m fine!

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Please read my comment on this page - the one about Israel and the Bible. I'm beginning to wonder about things too. But we know that the division of the people wasn't wide enough and specific enough. We had to know that it would continue, pitting brother against brother, father against son and mother against daughter. Everyone must pick a side in this one. But those who don't believe the Bible as the written word of God, true in every detail, will side with evil every time.

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If he’d been in the mental hospital, why did he still have access to his guns?

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I agree. I think the security pictures and the mugshot are 2 different men. Blaming the mugshot guy as a patsy and actually used the man in security pics to do the shooting. Take care.

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Iran and Russia have 50% of all oil production We need these resources as Saudi Arabia has probably come to a logger head in their real capacity.

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In any war, the elites control both sides like chess, adding intrigue to the game. None of this is real and it will never make sense.

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If you believe the Bible is the written word of God then you MUST believe that Israel is RIGHT and Palestine is WRONG. Most of the world not only disbelieves the Bible but actually HATES it because it is God's Message to us.

In the Book of Joshua, the land which God gave to Israel was TEN TIMES the size of the sliver of land they now occupy (since 1948) and have their God-given right to all the land from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River including all of Jordan, Iraq and half of Saudi Arabia!

The Arabs hated the Jews (and their God Who is by the way, the God of CREATION) since the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because Abraham's seed (one from Haggar, that is Ishmael and one from Sarah who is Isaac) and have wanted the Hebrews DEAD, that is WIPED off the map.

There is a very large and detailed history about those countries in the Middle East and how they became the present day Arab countries and every bit of it is detailed in the first 5 books (and beyond) of the Bible called the Torah or the Pentateuch.

The modern day nations including the US know very little about this long and rich history of Israel (Moab) and their struggle with the Hagrites (Arabs) and with the convenience of the internet it's now easy to gain a very firm understanding of the ancient Hebrews, God's chosen people however, very few will do this simply because they're not interested in the Bible. Of course, the world is going to side with the "Palestinians" today because the world belongs to Satan (for now, but very soon will be reclaimed by Jesus Christ after the Battle of Armageddon which is now brewing in the Middle East)

The Bible clearly states that this is the end days war against Israel which was prophesied by Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 and leading up to Ezekiel 38. All nations are allied against Israel. When we reduce this "war" down to its basic elements, we have a war of Good vs. evil. Period. God is backing the Jew; does anyone think He will fail?

Every time Israel was attacked, God has miraculously intervened. From the 1948 War of Independence to the 6 Day War in June 1967, although vastly outnumbered and with every surrounding country against them, they succeeded in gaining back the Golan Heights, the Sinai Peninsula and the West Bank! The very existence of Israel would be impossible without the constant intervention of God. Now, whose side do YOU want to be on?

The controllers, i.e. the money printers, AKA the global cabal of spiritual wickedness in high places, are using the war in the Middle East to divide the WHOLE world into two very opposite camps - good and evil (and those siding against Israel aren't even aware whose side they're on!) and they are succeeding very well. They are using the media to portray the Israelites as wicked "child murderers". Remember the first Gulf war when CNN showed babies in incubators and broadcasting "live" from their studio in Atlanta? They have been caught fabricating lies about this present war more than once already. They will continue until they are stopped.

God will intervene very soon. These are the very last of the very last days and you will be required to choose whose team you will be on. If you haven't already chosen, you will be forced to do so with the acceptance of a MARK in the next few years after the Rapture of the Church. Best thing to do is go with us when He takes us (we who love Him and are washed from our sins by His Shed Blood) because the following seven years will be years of unspeakable horror. "...Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen me to put my name there." 1 Kings 11:36 KJV

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Let see how it ends up. I hope we will make it through...

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The God of the Bible, said the Jews were given Israel and they were his chosen people. That was done long before the creation of Palestine by the Romans, 1st and 2d centuries. The land given by God thousands of years ago, is still the land of the Jews called Israel. The believers in Jesus Christ as savior to all who accept him as the messiah are grafted into the chosen people of God. The Chosen People of God are still the Jews and the believers in Jesus Christ. When God said that the lands he gave to the Jews which he called Israel, he never took that decree back. It is still the property of the Jews, even when it has been taken from them by force, or given back to them with lesser lands by the UN, or anyone else. God's decree still stands. You either believe the Bible or you do not. Each side has it/s own belief. One side is correct and one side is not. The Jews since 1948 have been wishy washy on their stewardship of Israel and they continue to allow Palestinians, Hamas, and Muslims from many countries attack and kill them, over and over, while allowing them to live in Israel lands. That is Jewish weakness which has been evident all throughout the Bible. It would seem perhaps that they are deciding to end these endless attacks and turn Gaza into a parking lot. That would be a wise decision. Perhaps then the feckless political discussion would be rendered moot on the Palestinian issue. Of course the West Bank will also have to be dealt with one day as well. When you have a cancer in the body, it must be removed, or the poison continues to kill your cells, and the cells are like people in Israel being slaughtered by the cancerous poison the Jewish state allows within their borders. Remove the cancer, the poison can do no more harm. Jews will continue to be killed by Paestinians, Hamas, Hezbolah, Iranians, Muslims, etc, etc etc., and if your country is attacked, utterly destroy the offending barbarians, or be destroyed yourself and be carried off to Persia, or Egypt, to be made slaves of...as in the past. Defend your country, defend your state, defend your people, defend your way of life, or lay down and die. That is the choice. Who cares what the world says, or does. Israel has the nuclear capability to defend against anyone and a strong military. By the way, America should STOP giving money to Israel to defend itself, let them pay for whatever they need to defend themselves, they can afford to do so. Jesus said in the New Testament to sell your cloak and buy a sword. Was he saying to hide it away and never defend one's self? I think not. Man has the inherent right to defend himself, his family and his country. In America, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and you believe what the Bible says, you must support Israel's right to exist and defend itself. If you do not, you are not a believer in Jesus Christ, the God of the Bible or the Bible's words. You cannot have it both ways.

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You're preaching to the choir, brother. One thing I might add is that not only is the cancer in the body of Israel, which indeed needs to be cut out, they are SURROUNDED by the cancer and actually live AMONG the cancer. That is the reason that the whole world is drawn into the fray when the battle of Armageddon comes. I believe we are seeing the precursor to Armageddon.

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Not everyone believes as you, or I do, on every issue. Am I changing minds? Probably not, just setting the record straight with truths that I know and are mostly historical and/or biblical, regardless of the blowback. That is and always will be my MO...

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Mike Pence suspends his 2024 Presidential campaign. Not his time. There should never be a time for you Mike Pence. Globalist Rino. Like all the rest save a few like Jordan, Boebert, Gaetz, Senator John Kennedy. The jury is out on the rest.

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With regards to the "War is for peasants only" artcle.....How very antisemtic...anything to pick apart the Jews and Istael I guess. I mean people who belive and perpetuate lies will say and do anything (obviously). Seriously - is Bidens drug addict son or daughter headed to Israel with a gun in hand? How about Ukraine. Nope - whats good for Israel is good for the US leadership as well. Best of luck with your hatred - see where that gets ya.

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Oct 28, 2023
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You can say anything you want but that doesn't make it right. All men were created in the image of God (they have body, soul and spirit) and God has created every single one of them in LOVE. All present day races come from the lineage of just THREE men. Noah's sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. All Israelites and Arabs come from Shem, all European and Asian come from Japheth and all African and Ethiopians and some Egyptians come from Ham.

The population today has been intertwined but they are ALL able to be SAVED by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ and therefore should be respected as being an equal part of the brotherhood of man. You want to place blame on someone? Place it on the wicked MEDIA who produced an entire culture of thugs, promoting violence, gang life, drugs and killing. Blame it also on the deep state who control the media and divide the people, manufacturing in people broad brush condemnation of an entire race with hateful opinions like yours.

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Sorry I don’t like such comments… removed!

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Good on you. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those hateful rantings Delta wrote and you know me by now, I'm not afraid to defend the TRUTH and the truth of that comment was pure HATRED. Wow.

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