Re North Carolina updates - StatusCoup News on yt has real reports.

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The kerry character, along wih many others would look good with a certain type of metal decoration right in the middle of his forehead. One that causes the eyes to close permanently. Some just don’t deserve to be on this gorgeous planet.

Outages - along with “weather” devastation, longshoreman’s strike - hhhmmmmm, so many coincidences.

So happy for the folded man!

I’m in north central North Carolina. Not affected where I am. Have been to the mountains, of course. Acquainted with a few people who live(d) there, or have property there. I suspect a few people who comment here may be from the mountain area. Depending on what you’re able to see in media, if only msm - not getting a real picture. It is absolutely horrid. And there is lots of guv “mishandling” of the situation adding to the misery. Surprise, surprise. You know that saying, “I’m here from the guv and I’m going to help.” I suspect “the theys” want the land - also in FL and the other areas hard hit. There are likely more suspect purposes than I can think of right now. In addition, some “high integrity people from other places in the world” were discovered looting from houses and businesses that didn’t wash away. Gee, I wonder how they got there so fast….they were arrested - I wonder how long they will stay arrested. Tragic, horrendous and disgusting. Pretty sure you can “catch my drift.”

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"John Kerry admitted that the first amendment is a threat to government power."

Why is this piece of ***t still employed by OUR tax-dollars? How has he not been

"euthanatos" (Greek)?

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I took saliva from my dog and sent it to 23andme. The results? My dog has Jewish ancestral roots. Oy!

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won't spend time on investigating this, if the 1916 flood is what it's there today:


just one can be told, Malone is one of the biggest shills out there, working together with the US military, for decades, and while PERSONALLY developing mRNA gene modifications, he NEVER admitted the real truth about the covid19 shots. Now, his great denial of HUMAN made climate change is equally sickening. How to expose Robert Malone and his LIES???

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You jest? Right? Go look at the data released for the last 453 million years and see how your "man made climate change" works out. Reeeeeeeee!!

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Thanks, Manuel! It seems even some of the newscasters in NC are questioning the feds inactivity in W. NC. Looks like it's back to mule trains in that area it is SO bad!! As usual, the local communities are trying to pull together to help each other, but with roads & bridges washed out it's a hard go!!

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When it comes to Jackass Kerry, it think it was best said that : If the Government wants to get rid of the constitution, it's because the constitution protect the people from the Government. I'm an Alex Jones fan and I think when he's speaking, he's mainly pointing his finger at InfoWars. Now when it comes to North Carolina, this part of the state has a large Lithium deposit. Prime real-estate for people like Blackrock, and Helene did a good job, just like the Lahaina fires. Weather manipulation has been going on since the 50's when they dropped dry ice into a hurricane and it changed direction, hitting Savannah Georgia. Just had to put my two cents in with these facts. I hope you all have a Blessed Week.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

That which I have been talking about and warning about; that which I have been awaiting for decades; that event which will change this world into an unrecognizable chaotic mess, turning it upside down and delivering those who love Jesus Christ from the bondage of sin and death is expected within the next 2.5 days now as ALL of the Biblical warning signs of His Coming in the Rapture for those eagerly expecting Him ARE OCCURRING ALL AT ONCE. I am approaching this with careful anticipation because so many things have the possibility of being slightly off, any one of which would postpone this long awaited event called the Rapture. For any who are interested, here is a video link to the man who breaks down Bible prophecy in a VERY compelling way, predicting that the Rapture will happen during this Rosh Hashanah 2024 which is October 1-3. He is so convinced that he is giving away his entire life's work for FREE. He is a successful author and speaker, respected in the Christian community. Check it out.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6invbQwegqc Please watch

and consider carefully. I have watched this 3 times. There is STILL time to escape the wrath of God that is coming upon this earth (isn't it high time for the Creator to intervene????) and live in glorious, new, immortal bodies promised to all those who would simply BELIEVE! If you learn that millions of people all over the globe suddenly disappeared and you don't hear from me on this thread after hearing of that news (and experiencing it; it will affect every person on this earth) then we know that this man was right. If nothing happens, for which I am also prepared, then he was wrong and we will just watch longer at the events leading up to that glorious day (glorious for we who love Him; terrifying for those who don't)

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Futurist eschatology, which includes the rapture theory, is a relatively new idea in theological circles, dating only back to the 1830's. I'm more of a traditionalist in my adherence to historicist eschatology. I'm not buying into it as it has very little scriptural support from Bible verses that can be interpreted quite differently. It's a second chance concept, as in, Oh well, if I'm not included in the Rapture, that's ok, because I'll have another chance to get my spiritual act together during the tribulation. The Rapture is all very dramatic with planes falling out of the sky and people up and disappearing suddenly - makes for good TV, but I don't think so. So now it's October 3rd and we're all still here. By tomorrow, your author and speaker guy will be reframing his prediction and kicking the rapture can down the road to a future date, just like so many other 'prophets' who thought they could nail down the day and the hour of future scripture events.

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First of all he didn't name a day or hour; he named a TIME in which no man knows the day or hour. That is the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah which is also known in Hebrew as "the day which no man knows the day or hour!". It is a period of time, about three days depending on the full moon so he didn't name a day or hour. Secondly, he may very well be recanting that idea and go back to the drawing board but the Rapture theory is NOT a relatively new idea.

The church fathers, Josephus, Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Origen and more; they were all Millennialists who believed in the Rapture BEFORE the great Tribulation (according to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54) and the 1000 year reign of Christ. Amillennialism didn't become a thing until after 314AD and Constantine declared Rome a Christian state. (in the greatest example of "if you can't beat them, join them" in history)

Why did the church fathers believe this? Because it is WRITTEN and we have it today even in the counterfeit new versions it can be proven that there are TWO "second comings" of Christ. One in which He comes HIMSELF and calls all believers up to Himself, the dead in Christ rising first and then we who are alive at that time and THEN 7 years later when He comes again and places His FEET on the Mount of Olives and He commands His ANGELS to gather the elect from the 4 corners of the heavens. Zechariah 14:4 The Scriptures CLEARLY define these as 2 separate events.

Every Rapture denier uses only one section of Scripture (Matthew 24) to "debunk" the truth of the Rapture but it's addressed throughout Scripture; see Isaiah 26:20 and even Jesus Himself tells us in John 11:25 and again John 14 AND in Matthew 24:40

At one time I wasn't sure myself about the truth of the pre trib Rapture (because of so many deniers) so what did I do? I went to SCRIPTURE and I determined myself to STUDY UNTIL I was satisfied that I had come to the truth of the matter NO MATTER WHAT THAT TRUTH WAS. I studied and studied, comparing Scripture with Scripture, rightly dividing it and mining it for its truth. That is when I learned that Scripture makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WITHOUT a pretribulational Rapture of the Church.

And yes, I admit that I may have gotten over anxious about His return, I always do get extra anxious about this time of year but I know that it is much better to be OVER anxious and truly desire His Appearing RIGHT NOW than to not be expecting Him at all.

Most casual Christians deny the truth of what the Bible says about His return for those who love Him in "the Catching Away of the Saints". They have not determined to seek the truth but they believe someone else's worldview WITHOUT looking (honestly and intently) for themselves and taking a casual attitude because the Bible says that those people will be SURPRISED at His coming. I will not be surprised. I will be CHANGED into my glorious, new, immortal body like the body of Jesus Himself! That's our Blessed Hope Titus 2:13

Moreover, if He comes tonight at midnight or before dinner next Tuesday, or on my Birthday next year, I will be READY and waiting because He has washed me from my sins in His Own Blood (Revelation 1:5) and I KNOW HIM because I have sought the truth with my whole heart (Psalms 119:58) and I "love His Appearing" 2 Timothy 4:8

Go ahead and look up those Scriptures that I have listed here. Study them if you desire the absolute truth IN YOUR HEART, you will find it. But only after you seek Him DILIGENTLY.

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There will be no pre-tribulation rapture. Not for the masses. That is when we suffer and have our heads cutoff if we proclaim to be followers of Jesus Christ. It sounds nice that one could avoid this, but it is clearly written in Revelations.

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That's Revelation (singular). That's a common error many people who are unfamiliar with Scripture tend to make, that it's plural. See my comment to Colleen Phillips this page.

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I have seen and heard many people speak about Bible prophecy and, of those who have attempted to come to a time period for the Rapture of the church, NONE of them were like this man. He has studied his entire life to the point of learning the HEBREW meaning of English words in the KJV so that he could understand the timeline God had set up in His written word. If you watch this video you will see what I'm talking about. Does it stand to reason, since God knew beforehand that there would be MANY who would be WRONG about His coming, that He would prepare, at the end of the age, ONE person to alert those who had been waiting for Him, to give them the time (yet not the day or the hour! Amazing!) of His coming? I believe so and I also believe that this man just might be him. If I'm wrong, I'll talk to you all next week. If I'm right, I won't. Remember, the invitation is still good, up until that moment in time that Jesus comes in the clouds and says to us, "come up hither!!" I get goosebumps just thinking about that.

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THANK YOU Manuel for so many important news!

For weeks, AFTER the DEATH of WOjcicki these titles indicate as if she was still there...:

'23andMe CEO Wojcicki Not Open to Third-Party Takeover Proposals'

strange! Also that vulcano indicates our air is on the verge of electrical breakdown! Soemthing only Tesla managed to generate...

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