Are you looking to get suicided?

Their body count includes people's lives ruined as well as killed. The Clintons are like a modern day Ahab and Jezebel. I am quite sure there is a very hot place in hell waiting for them. They believe they are untouchable like all the others whose souls are like bits of charcoal. But their day is coming.

Here's an interesting tidbit - one year that the Bilderbergers met for their annual gathering Bill, then governor of Arkansas, was invited to attend. He left from the meeting and flew directly to China to get some things cleaned up. That is the same year he was nominated for and won the presidency. The rabbit hole is very deep indeed.

I recommend reading the book Dark Majesty by Texe Marrs. Lots of background.

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Texe Marrs good source. JB Wells had him on a few of his old Coast to Coast AM Shows when he hosted a few Saturday nights. Part of the reason Wells got booted at C2C AM and had to start his own show "Caravan to Midnite".

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Caravan to midnight is a great show. Thanks for mentioning it here.

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if somebody would just take these lists, put a poster together with VERY LARGE print, and distribute it all over, people would start to read. Once enough people know about it, the support for criminals in gov would vanish.

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The two recent ones that were quite outlandish, and thereby memorable, were:

1) A man apparently tied himself to a tree with electric cord, therefore was immobile, yet somehow shot himself, and more remarkable, post death disposed of his own weapon, not found at the scene...which was ruled a suicide.

2) A former Clinton aide died from airplane turbulence. First person in like 25 years, or a 1 in 25 Billion chance (I believe there are better odds of spontaneous combustion or even phasing through a wall). Furthermore, no one else on the plane was injured, if I recall the original story correctly.



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In the 1990's there was a VHS Tape, that became like a Cult Classic, shown at Churches of every denomination and Civic Centers even, of the corruption of the Clinton / World Crime Syndicate. At the end of the VHS, the names of those this group killed seemed to go on forever as the VHS rolled on and on and on. Hillary is on what looks like hidden Camera even before she married Bill, at College, speaking to a small group from the Podium she stood at saying gleefully and assuredly, synopsis of her diatribe... on why you must kill any opponent you possibly can. (&) She came from an enormous organized Crime family...that was allowed to even change their name in the Courts! ( Join with me in Prayer against the great evil of this Crime Syndicate " OUR ALL POWERFUL GOD NOW UTTERLY INTERVENE TO NOW UTTERLY REVOKE THESE EVILS THAT ARE BEING DONE TO THE U.S.A ,WORLD, EARTH ITSELF BY THESE HORRIBLE DEMONS INCARNATE. ASSIST THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LOVED ONES, AND EVERYTHING TAKEN FROM THEM IN ALL OTHER AREAS OF THEIR LIVES" " THANK YOU GOD YOU PROMISED TO FULLY GIVE GRACE AND MERCY FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR ELECT!" "AMEN, AMEN AND AMEN!")

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I'm sure that some of these will be coincidental, but for them all to be a coincidence is stretching credulity too far.

Just to note that Goolag (of course), buries the search results for the Clinton bodycount, but others such as Yandex, do not.

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I recall a time during the Clinton - Lewinsky "affair" going to visit my mom and dad. I took my new girlfriend over to meet them. I was anxious to see what my mom had to say about Clinton who she loved dearly and who she thought could do no wrong. After greeting them and some small talk, I asked her, "so, what do you think of your favorite president now, mom?" Without even a brief pause, she blurted, "Jimmie, that man has a SEX PROBLEM!"

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LOL! Thank you

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Thank you, and yes most of know to an extent, another source material is( https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsv2e1xiCPWsB0bLtfiRzd013f1Xq5l-K&si=cOaWDFGq4idBcT9u ) He has all of Bill Coopers "An hour of our time" old shortwave audio broadcasts, Cooper knew Clinton Secrets before most anyone. This youtube guy Urupiper2 has thousands of video's and he makes the old audio only versions quite enjoyable to watch. He also has many other topics of "interesting" things, like WACO, and Randy Weaver stories, plus thousands more. I won't share this one though Manuel for your own safety!

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Thank you for the link.

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What's just as intriguing as the Clinton body count? Webb Hubbell being the real father of Chelsea Clinton.

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......and on the Clinton Body count....back in the 90s the count was over 50. I was paying attention to that Jezebel.

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I still think her dad is David Gergen. Super-impose her hair on his head and it's a dead ringer.

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Take care

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A year after Vince Foster, Fort Marcy Park was given a complete overhaul.

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Thank you for the list of Clinton "suicides."

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Question is......Who is in a position to DO something about all this???

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