Enron was the creator of the term 'climate change and global warming'....go figure
Vegans are not the healthiest people around, they do not get the right kind of proteins our bodies need
Lab grown meats are made from 10-20 different animals cancer cells....let that sink in....any and all 'nutrition' is pretty much 'sprinkled' on after its made and of very little good to the body
Humans can get all the protein they need from nonflesh animal sources such as dairy and eggs. No flesheating required for great nutrition. It isn't just a choice between vegan diet and meat, you know.
Um, no. where do they get carnazine? It's found only in meat. Friends from Asia tell me to not eat much soy because it has a disastrous effect on men's health. The FDA told stockmen to stop feeding soy to animals, but especially males because it has very nasty side effects. I stopped using any soy after developing a kidney stone. Now, mostly carnivore, which is natural.
I don't recall which 80s comedian said this but it has stuck with me ever since hearing it. "If God didn't intend man to eat animals, why did He make them out of MEAT?"
Do you mean carnosine or perhaps carnitine, because there's no such thing as "carnazine" - lol! Obviously, your knowledge of human nutrition is sadly lacking. Your kidneys and liver synthesize both carnosine and carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine, both of which are plentiful in plant-based foods. Even a vegan who does not eat dairy or eggs will not be deficient in these nutrients.
I was a vegetarian for 20 years and raised 3 very healthy, muscular, athletic children on a meatless diet. My kids excelled in competitive distance running, swimming, and gymnastics, and were very rarely ever sick with even a mild head cold.
Carnivore diets, especially those with large amounts of red meat, are strongly linked to increased risk of heart disease and numerous cancers, but you go right ahead and eat whatever you want. I believe in food freedom and I'm not telling anyone what to eat or not to eat.
True to an extent, can you find a healthy vegan in their 70's or 80's that has been a vegan for several years??
Did not God give us some animals as food??...while eggs and dairy do have protein, do not know of anyone that has lived a long life on that diet....an as a factual matter, it is a choice, there is always a choice
Actually, there are many vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians in their 70's and 80's who have eaten that way for a lifetime. I've known many from the Adventist Church. One lady I knew in her mid 80's used to hike mountains in Washington State on a regular basis.
Then God said (to Adam and Eve), “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30
God's original and best plan for mankind and all the animals as well was a plant-based diet. It wasn't until after Noah's flood that He finally gave humankind permission to eat animals because there wasn't anything else available. Funny coincidence that before the flood, people lived for hundreds of years (Methuselah: 969 years), but after they started eating meat, human lifespans plummeted to "three score and ten."
I knew a very bright, articulate lady who was in her 70s and dying. She refused to eat meat, tho the Bible commands us to eat at least some each week. They started to slip her things with eggs in it, and some butter, later, animal fats like gravy made with tallow. In a few weeks, she was up and smiling. No pain, no weaknesses. No animals in Eden ate meat. We're no longer in Eden. People lived for centuries, yes, then God put a limit, 120 years. Each generation accumulates and adds to their list of genetic mutations. Mutations can be fairly harmless, but also can be deadly. This is called the dying.
Please do share the Bible verse where God "commands us to eat at least some (meat) each week." Spoiler: nowhere in the Bible did God ever mandate meat consumption. He gave permission to eat meat after the flood, which was a very long time after Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, but that's all.
Your story about one woman proves absolutely nothing in the absence of her medical history, her dietary habits, lab test results, etc. Someone can exclude meat from their diet and be perfectly healthy and robust as were my family and hundreds of others I've known over decades, because we ate a nutrient-rich varied diet of grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and in some cases, also dairy and eggs. Or someone can exclude meat and eat such a nutrient poor diet that they don't get the macro- and micronutrients their bodies require for good health, in which case, yes, one would decline and die without medical attention and dietary direction.
I was a vegetarian for 20 healthy years - ran 25 miles per week in all sorts of weather and did intensive weight training several times per week on a meatless diet and thrived. Used to press over 300 lbs. with my legs - not bad for a 4'11" petite female. These days I eat some meat, not because I need it for my health, but because I like it occasionally, though I don't care for cured meats like bacon and sausage.
But like I said - I believe in food freedom. I don't have a right to tell anyone what they should or should not eat, and neither do you. My dietary habits have worked out well for me. I'm almost nine years older than my parents when they had their first heart attacks and strokes, and I just saw my cardiologist this morning for test results. My heart is functioning perfectly with no sign of disease whatsoever. My labs are perfect as well. I'm still hiking hills, backpacking, kayaking, ziplining, and climbing all over the playground equipment with my grandchildren, while people 40 years younger than me are sitting on their fat lard bottoms on park benches and scrolling through their phones while their kids play, after which they struggle to get up and walk a few steps to their cars so they can get to the fast food drive through and snarf down their triple bacon cheeseburgers, supersized greasy fries, 32 oz sugar bomb Cokes.
The best and simplest diet advice I've seen? "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Michael Pollan.
The land outside Travis AFB... I didn't read the attached article yet, but I will bet that it's a CCP Shell company and "we" (the government) knows it! The hypocrisy and lies emanating from Congress, MSM, UN, WEF (yes, they are one Big Club) is astoundingly hilarious anymore. Warning us "War with China is most likely by 2024" a few days ago but yet they still flood the higher education with students who are forced spies (threatened family, etc)- remember the China's 1000 Talents program? The same CCP mission that got scientist Charles Lieberman (Harvard Dept of Virology) and the Prof from UNC Chapel Hill Virology Dept (forget the name) arrested just prior to the planned-demic. Of course after the pandemic broke, those stories stopped because of their link to Faucci and Gain-of-Function. So while one hand says the CCP is our enemy, they continue doing major business with them. Don't forget, it was Klaus Schwab of the WEF who said we use China's Social Credit System as a model for us ALL to follow. They just changed the name to the SDG (Corporate scorecard) and ESG (the forthcoming peasant class scorecard) hoping we won't notice.
When the news media mentions something like the Travis AFB story and the "mystery" behind the purchase of the land, always remember this: Mystery = SECRET. The top of the pyramid knows EVERYTHING so nothing is a mystery to them. How could such a big purchase be a "mystery"? When I bought my house in 2001, my bank knew, my county knew, my state knew and the feds knew. I paid 110K for it. How is someone going to make nearly a billion dollar purchase SO CLOSE to a public restricted (or anywhere else) area without anyone being able to learn WHO it was? The multi, multi billionaires of this world are close to the top but even they don't know what the "all seeing eye" knows. Translation: EVERYTHING is scripted and done for the agenda of the New World Order for the antichrist. Don't believe ANYTHING that the MSM news says.
I saw the SpaceX fiasco on the 19th all the way here in SW New Mexico.
The exhaust plume was visible in the sky for as long as it took for the sun's light to disappear (about 3-4 minutes), and I thought that it was probably spraying something horrible into the atmosphere through it's exhaust, because it was like no other plume that I've seen before, spreading out and lingering oddly, very opaque...
I guess that it was just due to atmospheric conditions that I saw the plume last so long.
Spent the day at a waterpark yesterday - it was partly cloudy, breezy, not especially humid, and the temperature reached a high of 94 degrees Fahrenheit. Every five minutes while playing in the water we were warned over loudspeakers of a heat advisory. Seriously?
I grew up without A/C while living in southern CA, south FL, and MS, among other places. We lived 24/7 in very hot temperatures and sometimes high humidity and it was not a big deal. School was never cancelled. Life went on as usual without a single warning or advisory.
So what gives? Now we constantly assaulted with reports of heat waves and heat indexes and maps color-coded in various shades of red hot, every summer, all summer long. Methinks they are just trying to gin up climate change hysteria.
Manuel, you posted the link to Mod-ERNA new documents, so just went quickly through them all. In the first 3 there are 144+15 deaths. 'Not recovered' meaning, permanently injured goes beyond the LIMIT of the search engine which IS 1000, in the one alone which has 11.000 pages, about 2 entries (Subject ID=volunteering VICTIM) per page....Will write about it and link to this post... Sorry, did more checks on these files.. The same ID seems to be entered multiple times, ~5x, for every different symptom, always repeating the final outcome: FATAL.. Thus for example the file 1 lists a final table with unique ID's with 'only' 32 deaths just in the file 1. The same is valid for the 'NOT RECOVERED' keyword.. Practically, the more synthetic genetic material the worse it gets. Moderna had ~3x more of it then Pfizer shots, thus this 32 deaths in ~0.5 year in comparison to the first censored Pfizer report with ~1200 deaths from their shots with ~30ug (both Mod-E-RNA and Pfizer had similar number of volunteers divided into 2) seems 'strange' to say the least...
Lies are all around in the age of deception. It's been proved time and again, livestock can be used to cut the very CO2 they're accused of (and never mind we had far many more cattle in 1800 and no methane or CO2 problem, and today, many fewer; but a lot of vegans.
No, we know the coke in the WH was not Hunter's! There are no tongue tracks on the plastic.
Yes, just believe the gov, they do not know anything, but 'somehow' everything is 'Made In China', even the steel from 9-11 went there, as if it was theirs....
You know I've read the book, I know how things are gonna turn out, they know how things are gonna turn out, and yet here we are doing every thing the Bible said we'd do, every thing that would happen is happening. It just baffles ones mind, that we had all this information, a chance to change things, and we wound up doing it anyways. Ever since they started to allow shopping on Sundays.
I was a bit perplexed as well until I figured out they are usingThe Bible as their End times workbook. They want to be the bad guys and fulfilling the very words that will destroy them. It gives “hook in mouth”(Magog has a hook placed in their mouth by God Almighty). That why they tell you before they do anything. Remember 12 monkeys with Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis? They released the bio weapons from a suitcase at the airports. And what do we have at the Denver Lucifer Airport? A demon coming out of a suitcase. Just sayin. Look deeper.
And CO2 makes up 0.04 % of Earth's atmosphere..I saw a video featuring 4 climate activists who had n o idea of that fact.When asked their guesstimates were between 4 to 8%.
While you are correct about the veggie people (hehe) aspect, I would like to point out a couple of things....Genesis 6:3 And the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
However, these 120 years are a countdown to the Flood.1 In other words, mankind’s violence had reached its peak and God declared that 120 years was the “drop dead” date for mankind who is a mortal being (Genesis 6:3–7). From a quick look, these 120 years would seem to be the absolute maximum for the time given to build the Ark, but the Scriptures reveal much more allowing us to be more accurate.
For example, Noah was 500 years old when Japheth, the first of his sons, was born (Genesis 5:32). Yet Noah’s second son, Shem, had his first son two years after the Flood, when he was 100 (Genesis 11:10).2 This means that Shem was 98 years old when the Flood came, and it also means that Shem was born when Noah was 502 years old. So for Noah to begin having children at 500 means that Japheth was indeed the older brother, as per Genesis 10:21, being born when Noah was 500. Ham is mentioned as the youngest of Noah (Genesis 9:24).
When God finally gave Noah instructions to build the Ark, it was not at the beginning of the 120 year countdown. God told Noah that he, his wife, and his three sons and their wives (Genesis 6:14–18)3 would go aboard the Ark at this same time.
Deducing that Shem was born 98 years before the Flood, it could be no more than this. But even more so, Ham hadn’t been born yet! If we were to assume the same time between Ham and Shem as between Japheth and Shem, then Ham could have been born around 96 years before the Flood.
Although the Bible is silent on the exact timing, it is reasonable to assume that some time elapsed for the three sons to grow up and find a wife. I would be most comfortable giving a range of anywhere from 20 to 40 years making Ham no less than 16 at his marriage.
So if we think about this logically and tabulate it:
Years until the Flood Event Bible Reference
120 Countdown to the Flood begins Genesis 6:3
100 Noah has Japheth, the first of his sons,
when he was 500 years old. Genesis 5:32; 10:21
98 Noah has Shem who was 100 two years after the Flood. Genesis 11:10
Perhaps 95 or 96 the same time between Japheth and Shem.
Ham was the youngest one born to Noah and was aboard the Ark,
so he was born prior to the Flood. Genesis 9:24; Genesis 7:13
Perhaps 20–40 years for all of the sons to be raised and find a wife
Each son was old enough to be married before construction on the Ark begins. Genesis 6:18
~ 55–75 years (estimate) Noah was told to build the Ark, for he, his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives would be aboard the Ark. Genesis 6:18
Ark Completed
? Gather food and put it aboard the Ark. Genesis 6:21
7 days Loading the Ark. Genesis 7:1–4
0 Noah was 600 when the floodwaters came on the earth. Genesis 7:6
We would end up with a tentative range of about 55 to 75 years for a reasonable maximum time to build the Ark. Of course, it could be less than this depending on the age that Noah’s sons took wives.
It actually had NOTHING to do with eating meat, there have been 1000's of peer reviewed studies on this subject and not one definitive conclusion can be reached
Consider that the Ark was completed prior to loading the animals that the Lord brought to Noah (Genesis 7:1–4) and that they had to take time to gather food and store it aboard the Ark (Genesis 6:21). So carefully considering the text, we can conclude that the construction of the Ark did not involve the 120 years mentioned in Genesis 6:3 but 75 years at the most.
The fact that the Earth was a much more fertile and life sustaining place with higher C02 levels, no rain, only a mist to keep things growing and healthy, and the main fact that God chose Noah because he was flawless in his days, meaning his DNA and Genome were not flawed, think Nephalim and fallen angels who were corrupting the genetic make up of man, there were giants in those days and after that.............had NOTHING to do with eating meat!!!
And it NEVER rained till the flood
The earth was corrupt beyond comprehension, but we are certainly seeing a lot going on these days!....as in the Days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man
I like my meat from time to time, but I do a lot of greens as well, have four gardens
Enron was the creator of the term 'climate change and global warming'....go figure
Vegans are not the healthiest people around, they do not get the right kind of proteins our bodies need
Lab grown meats are made from 10-20 different animals cancer cells....let that sink in....any and all 'nutrition' is pretty much 'sprinkled' on after its made and of very little good to the body
Humans can get all the protein they need from nonflesh animal sources such as dairy and eggs. No flesheating required for great nutrition. It isn't just a choice between vegan diet and meat, you know.
Um, no. where do they get carnazine? It's found only in meat. Friends from Asia tell me to not eat much soy because it has a disastrous effect on men's health. The FDA told stockmen to stop feeding soy to animals, but especially males because it has very nasty side effects. I stopped using any soy after developing a kidney stone. Now, mostly carnivore, which is natural.
I don't recall which 80s comedian said this but it has stuck with me ever since hearing it. "If God didn't intend man to eat animals, why did He make them out of MEAT?"
Do you mean carnosine or perhaps carnitine, because there's no such thing as "carnazine" - lol! Obviously, your knowledge of human nutrition is sadly lacking. Your kidneys and liver synthesize both carnosine and carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine, both of which are plentiful in plant-based foods. Even a vegan who does not eat dairy or eggs will not be deficient in these nutrients.
I was a vegetarian for 20 years and raised 3 very healthy, muscular, athletic children on a meatless diet. My kids excelled in competitive distance running, swimming, and gymnastics, and were very rarely ever sick with even a mild head cold.
Carnivore diets, especially those with large amounts of red meat, are strongly linked to increased risk of heart disease and numerous cancers, but you go right ahead and eat whatever you want. I believe in food freedom and I'm not telling anyone what to eat or not to eat.
True to an extent, can you find a healthy vegan in their 70's or 80's that has been a vegan for several years??
Did not God give us some animals as food??...while eggs and dairy do have protein, do not know of anyone that has lived a long life on that diet....an as a factual matter, it is a choice, there is always a choice
Actually, there are many vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians in their 70's and 80's who have eaten that way for a lifetime. I've known many from the Adventist Church. One lady I knew in her mid 80's used to hike mountains in Washington State on a regular basis.
Then God said (to Adam and Eve), “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30
God's original and best plan for mankind and all the animals as well was a plant-based diet. It wasn't until after Noah's flood that He finally gave humankind permission to eat animals because there wasn't anything else available. Funny coincidence that before the flood, people lived for hundreds of years (Methuselah: 969 years), but after they started eating meat, human lifespans plummeted to "three score and ten."
I knew a very bright, articulate lady who was in her 70s and dying. She refused to eat meat, tho the Bible commands us to eat at least some each week. They started to slip her things with eggs in it, and some butter, later, animal fats like gravy made with tallow. In a few weeks, she was up and smiling. No pain, no weaknesses. No animals in Eden ate meat. We're no longer in Eden. People lived for centuries, yes, then God put a limit, 120 years. Each generation accumulates and adds to their list of genetic mutations. Mutations can be fairly harmless, but also can be deadly. This is called the dying.
Please do share the Bible verse where God "commands us to eat at least some (meat) each week." Spoiler: nowhere in the Bible did God ever mandate meat consumption. He gave permission to eat meat after the flood, which was a very long time after Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, but that's all.
Your story about one woman proves absolutely nothing in the absence of her medical history, her dietary habits, lab test results, etc. Someone can exclude meat from their diet and be perfectly healthy and robust as were my family and hundreds of others I've known over decades, because we ate a nutrient-rich varied diet of grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and in some cases, also dairy and eggs. Or someone can exclude meat and eat such a nutrient poor diet that they don't get the macro- and micronutrients their bodies require for good health, in which case, yes, one would decline and die without medical attention and dietary direction.
I was a vegetarian for 20 healthy years - ran 25 miles per week in all sorts of weather and did intensive weight training several times per week on a meatless diet and thrived. Used to press over 300 lbs. with my legs - not bad for a 4'11" petite female. These days I eat some meat, not because I need it for my health, but because I like it occasionally, though I don't care for cured meats like bacon and sausage.
But like I said - I believe in food freedom. I don't have a right to tell anyone what they should or should not eat, and neither do you. My dietary habits have worked out well for me. I'm almost nine years older than my parents when they had their first heart attacks and strokes, and I just saw my cardiologist this morning for test results. My heart is functioning perfectly with no sign of disease whatsoever. My labs are perfect as well. I'm still hiking hills, backpacking, kayaking, ziplining, and climbing all over the playground equipment with my grandchildren, while people 40 years younger than me are sitting on their fat lard bottoms on park benches and scrolling through their phones while their kids play, after which they struggle to get up and walk a few steps to their cars so they can get to the fast food drive through and snarf down their triple bacon cheeseburgers, supersized greasy fries, 32 oz sugar bomb Cokes.
The best and simplest diet advice I've seen? "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Michael Pollan.
The land outside Travis AFB... I didn't read the attached article yet, but I will bet that it's a CCP Shell company and "we" (the government) knows it! The hypocrisy and lies emanating from Congress, MSM, UN, WEF (yes, they are one Big Club) is astoundingly hilarious anymore. Warning us "War with China is most likely by 2024" a few days ago but yet they still flood the higher education with students who are forced spies (threatened family, etc)- remember the China's 1000 Talents program? The same CCP mission that got scientist Charles Lieberman (Harvard Dept of Virology) and the Prof from UNC Chapel Hill Virology Dept (forget the name) arrested just prior to the planned-demic. Of course after the pandemic broke, those stories stopped because of their link to Faucci and Gain-of-Function. So while one hand says the CCP is our enemy, they continue doing major business with them. Don't forget, it was Klaus Schwab of the WEF who said we use China's Social Credit System as a model for us ALL to follow. They just changed the name to the SDG (Corporate scorecard) and ESG (the forthcoming peasant class scorecard) hoping we won't notice.
Y'all have great weekends and thanks Manuel!
And don't forget Christine Lagarde wants Beijing as headquarters for the IMF
When the news media mentions something like the Travis AFB story and the "mystery" behind the purchase of the land, always remember this: Mystery = SECRET. The top of the pyramid knows EVERYTHING so nothing is a mystery to them. How could such a big purchase be a "mystery"? When I bought my house in 2001, my bank knew, my county knew, my state knew and the feds knew. I paid 110K for it. How is someone going to make nearly a billion dollar purchase SO CLOSE to a public restricted (or anywhere else) area without anyone being able to learn WHO it was? The multi, multi billionaires of this world are close to the top but even they don't know what the "all seeing eye" knows. Translation: EVERYTHING is scripted and done for the agenda of the New World Order for the antichrist. Don't believe ANYTHING that the MSM news says.
MadRambler, I'm going to steal your name. It suits me perfectly. Do you mind?
Suit yourself, I own no rights,
I saw the SpaceX fiasco on the 19th all the way here in SW New Mexico.
The exhaust plume was visible in the sky for as long as it took for the sun's light to disappear (about 3-4 minutes), and I thought that it was probably spraying something horrible into the atmosphere through it's exhaust, because it was like no other plume that I've seen before, spreading out and lingering oddly, very opaque...
I guess that it was just due to atmospheric conditions that I saw the plume last so long.
Is the chemtrail spraying causing the heat waves? - are the aerosols preventing heat from escaping?
The heat waves are caused by the volcano in Tonga that threw one hell of a lot of water vapor into the atmosphere.
Spent the day at a waterpark yesterday - it was partly cloudy, breezy, not especially humid, and the temperature reached a high of 94 degrees Fahrenheit. Every five minutes while playing in the water we were warned over loudspeakers of a heat advisory. Seriously?
I grew up without A/C while living in southern CA, south FL, and MS, among other places. We lived 24/7 in very hot temperatures and sometimes high humidity and it was not a big deal. School was never cancelled. Life went on as usual without a single warning or advisory.
So what gives? Now we constantly assaulted with reports of heat waves and heat indexes and maps color-coded in various shades of red hot, every summer, all summer long. Methinks they are just trying to gin up climate change hysteria.
Not to fear, pretty soon they'll be shrieking, OH MY GOD! It's snowing in Alaska! Beware of the ice age! That's called climate change LOL.
Manuel, you posted the link to Mod-ERNA new documents, so just went quickly through them all. In the first 3 there are 144+15 deaths. 'Not recovered' meaning, permanently injured goes beyond the LIMIT of the search engine which IS 1000, in the one alone which has 11.000 pages, about 2 entries (Subject ID=volunteering VICTIM) per page....Will write about it and link to this post... Sorry, did more checks on these files.. The same ID seems to be entered multiple times, ~5x, for every different symptom, always repeating the final outcome: FATAL.. Thus for example the file 1 lists a final table with unique ID's with 'only' 32 deaths just in the file 1. The same is valid for the 'NOT RECOVERED' keyword.. Practically, the more synthetic genetic material the worse it gets. Moderna had ~3x more of it then Pfizer shots, thus this 32 deaths in ~0.5 year in comparison to the first censored Pfizer report with ~1200 deaths from their shots with ~30ug (both Mod-E-RNA and Pfizer had similar number of volunteers divided into 2) seems 'strange' to say the least...
THANK YOU for this link!
Lies are all around in the age of deception. It's been proved time and again, livestock can be used to cut the very CO2 they're accused of (and never mind we had far many more cattle in 1800 and no methane or CO2 problem, and today, many fewer; but a lot of vegans.
No, we know the coke in the WH was not Hunter's! There are no tongue tracks on the plastic.
How about H.A.A,R.P. heat domes?
oh, there is another ABC report on it:
Yes, just believe the gov, they do not know anything, but 'somehow' everything is 'Made In China', even the steel from 9-11 went there, as if it was theirs....
Great! Well curated, or is that diseased? Grinning all the way to my haven.
"Death is Nature's expert advice to obtain our meaning from life." Goethe
Get free then safe.
Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸
You know I've read the book, I know how things are gonna turn out, they know how things are gonna turn out, and yet here we are doing every thing the Bible said we'd do, every thing that would happen is happening. It just baffles ones mind, that we had all this information, a chance to change things, and we wound up doing it anyways. Ever since they started to allow shopping on Sundays.
I was a bit perplexed as well until I figured out they are usingThe Bible as their End times workbook. They want to be the bad guys and fulfilling the very words that will destroy them. It gives “hook in mouth”(Magog has a hook placed in their mouth by God Almighty). That why they tell you before they do anything. Remember 12 monkeys with Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis? They released the bio weapons from a suitcase at the airports. And what do we have at the Denver Lucifer Airport? A demon coming out of a suitcase. Just sayin. Look deeper.
And CO2 makes up 0.04 % of Earth's atmosphere..I saw a video featuring 4 climate activists who had n o idea of that fact.When asked their guesstimates were between 4 to 8%.
While you are correct about the veggie people (hehe) aspect, I would like to point out a couple of things....Genesis 6:3 And the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
However, these 120 years are a countdown to the Flood.1 In other words, mankind’s violence had reached its peak and God declared that 120 years was the “drop dead” date for mankind who is a mortal being (Genesis 6:3–7). From a quick look, these 120 years would seem to be the absolute maximum for the time given to build the Ark, but the Scriptures reveal much more allowing us to be more accurate.
For example, Noah was 500 years old when Japheth, the first of his sons, was born (Genesis 5:32). Yet Noah’s second son, Shem, had his first son two years after the Flood, when he was 100 (Genesis 11:10).2 This means that Shem was 98 years old when the Flood came, and it also means that Shem was born when Noah was 502 years old. So for Noah to begin having children at 500 means that Japheth was indeed the older brother, as per Genesis 10:21, being born when Noah was 500. Ham is mentioned as the youngest of Noah (Genesis 9:24).
When God finally gave Noah instructions to build the Ark, it was not at the beginning of the 120 year countdown. God told Noah that he, his wife, and his three sons and their wives (Genesis 6:14–18)3 would go aboard the Ark at this same time.
Deducing that Shem was born 98 years before the Flood, it could be no more than this. But even more so, Ham hadn’t been born yet! If we were to assume the same time between Ham and Shem as between Japheth and Shem, then Ham could have been born around 96 years before the Flood.
Although the Bible is silent on the exact timing, it is reasonable to assume that some time elapsed for the three sons to grow up and find a wife. I would be most comfortable giving a range of anywhere from 20 to 40 years making Ham no less than 16 at his marriage.
So if we think about this logically and tabulate it:
Years until the Flood Event Bible Reference
120 Countdown to the Flood begins Genesis 6:3
100 Noah has Japheth, the first of his sons,
when he was 500 years old. Genesis 5:32; 10:21
98 Noah has Shem who was 100 two years after the Flood. Genesis 11:10
Perhaps 95 or 96 the same time between Japheth and Shem.
Ham was the youngest one born to Noah and was aboard the Ark,
so he was born prior to the Flood. Genesis 9:24; Genesis 7:13
Perhaps 20–40 years for all of the sons to be raised and find a wife
Each son was old enough to be married before construction on the Ark begins. Genesis 6:18
~ 55–75 years (estimate) Noah was told to build the Ark, for he, his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives would be aboard the Ark. Genesis 6:18
Ark Completed
? Gather food and put it aboard the Ark. Genesis 6:21
7 days Loading the Ark. Genesis 7:1–4
0 Noah was 600 when the floodwaters came on the earth. Genesis 7:6
We would end up with a tentative range of about 55 to 75 years for a reasonable maximum time to build the Ark. Of course, it could be less than this depending on the age that Noah’s sons took wives.
It actually had NOTHING to do with eating meat, there have been 1000's of peer reviewed studies on this subject and not one definitive conclusion can be reached
Consider that the Ark was completed prior to loading the animals that the Lord brought to Noah (Genesis 7:1–4) and that they had to take time to gather food and store it aboard the Ark (Genesis 6:21). So carefully considering the text, we can conclude that the construction of the Ark did not involve the 120 years mentioned in Genesis 6:3 but 75 years at the most.
The fact that the Earth was a much more fertile and life sustaining place with higher C02 levels, no rain, only a mist to keep things growing and healthy, and the main fact that God chose Noah because he was flawless in his days, meaning his DNA and Genome were not flawed, think Nephalim and fallen angels who were corrupting the genetic make up of man, there were giants in those days and after that.............had NOTHING to do with eating meat!!!
And it NEVER rained till the flood
The earth was corrupt beyond comprehension, but we are certainly seeing a lot going on these days!....as in the Days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man
I like my meat from time to time, but I do a lot of greens as well, have four gardens
Blessings to you and your family
thank you