Love the French dumping manure in all the right places πŸ‘

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ASD was rebranded as 'neurodiversity', mostly because of a movement of mildly affected/mostly recovered/'self-diagnosed' teens and adults who had trauma and PTSD from coercive ABA 'therapies' (I partly agree with how ABA is very harmful and detrimental, and ABA-like 'therapies/parenting style' traumatized and regressed me further into ASD, starting at a very young age despite being homeschooled almost entirely and never attending any filthy, vomit-floored 'highschools' except for a couple months of middle 'school' which was like that).

This is the legacy of the extreme and unhinged 'autism acceptance' movement, supposedly just '1 in 36' (and supposedly not one in five) and now, in every state, ASD services have to reject new patients and adult ASD patients, or ration services, just because demand massively outpaces supply for 'neurodiversity'. If it's just a 'brain that's wired differently' and there's nothing wrong, WHY is this happening? https://slaynews.com/news/america-suffering-autism-tsunami-top-study-warns/?

ASD Costs already exceeding one trillion a year/underestimated? "Costs associated with ASD included β€œnon-medical services” like community care and day programs, individual and parent productivity losses, estimated special education costs, early and behavioral intervention, and medical costs."

Thankfully I have several healthy, older adult siblings (who were born in 80's/90's, only I was born in the 2000's) who could help take care of me so I don't get tortured, drugged, made severely obese again, or/and r--ped in a government-run 'independent living' prison-like housing facility. My mother is also physically disabled and needs hearing aids, so she can't keep caring for me much longer. My dad likely has high blood pressure and has many autistic traits, he is also a picky eater.

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Very sad and very true, but just too hard and disappointing for at least 50% of the 'free world" to understand or they don't want to accept such truths. The 'free speech' crowd that threatens anyone who even slightly criticizes the orange man or the 'freedom state' where Jeffrey Epstein 'did his business' trafficking children and women for self-pleasure. Some people, including MAGA 'Christians' such as violent stalker and harasser 50Cal/OffGridMan really love their 'lesser evils' in high places (politics) and their tiny spinning ball earth (a fictional earth, made by NASA and the Vatican) with curved water and mountains that have no origin but 'erosion' alone.

This severely 'neurodiverse' adult boy does not even play any video games (of any kind, even family friendly ones) or enjoy things other children (healthy children, or children with much less severe forms of 'neurodiversity') typically enjoy. He should've been able to have a girlfriend and perform on a high academic level, be able to read and write, eat without incredible dietary restrictions (such as the awful GFCF diet), etc, not be suffering 24/7 aluminum-induced encephalopathic rages and explosive tantrums: https://rumble.com/v2mvqn4-autism-is-not-a-gift.html ("Michelle Guppy’s son was born in a time before much research on autism’s relationship to vaccination was available. When Brandon Guppy received a multi-dose vaccination at three months, and then another vaccine a little over a year later, he became completely nonverbal. The cost of his autism diagnosis has been more than just financial. Michelle, on β€˜The People’s Testament,’ tells this heart-wrenching story.")

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"It’s not just antibiotic resistance… Crop-killing weeds advance across US farmland"

Anything they can do to kill & destroy our food supply, which controls "us", they will do ~ and they are.

GOD ALMIGHTY (WILL) GET THEM ALL ! (As we shall see...)

Matthew 13:40

β€œAs therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.”

Revelation 11:18

β€œAnd the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them (which destroy the earth.”)

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Is it a coincidence that actor David Oyelowo, who was in Selma, is also in a new movie called Role Play? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1020072

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