If you don't understand Musk and Larry Ellison want to bring us an AI driven panopticon technocracy every bit as much as Gates and Schwab you are either willfully blinded by ideology, or not paying attention.

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Looks like the LAB made 'mirrored world' in order to thrive would need to change entire cosmos

in order to overwrite our current Creator given world, I'm talking the polarization of the sunlight...

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Manuel that Zombie Apocalypse story from CDC goes to a link in your local file... You need to correct that to see to CDC statements. I remember the original image 2-3 years ago on CDC web sites, was NOT a cartoon,,,, It got changed.

In terms of the anti-RFK Jr letters, got debunked:



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Jillian does a great job on this, thanks!

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"Quantum dot implants would be used as biological vaccine passports, where their detection in human skin would be required to enter grocery stores, restaurants, gyms, and to travel…" Hmm.

Where have I heard this before? I'm sure that I read it somewhere...

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 6:16

If the book of Nostradamus said something like this it would be picked up by the mainstream and gone viral a thousand times already. But it's in the Bible so most people ignore it. There is coming a time in the VERY near future where the people will not be able to ignore it anymore.

The smart ones will recognize that this, along with every other Bible prophecy WILL happen or has happened already and they will do what the Bible says to do, CALL ON THE NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME!!! JESUS CHRIST for the salvation of their souls and they will be very soon leaving before much of the worst of what has been prophesied comes to pass!

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Exactly... Thanks!

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Did that letter to the DOJ regarding the 10 days of no social media…only affect the DOJ? Or was that across-the-board to all military.? Sorry, I am not the best at interpreting the official jargon.

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I am not the best at interpreting their jargon either... I would say, all DoD but... see the many exceptions... Probably trying to prevent some leaks like in the French Navy: https://www.euronews.com/2025/01/15/french-submarine-crew-accidentally-leak-sensitive-information-through-strava-app... but with all those exceptions, I wonder...

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OK, thank you that helps!

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Yikes! You're wonderfully able at letting us know we are all in danger here.

I soooo would like to go back to the 70's.....The zombie link isn't working, for me anyway.

As for the lunatics wanting to use dna for data storage, DeepSeek just pretty much put them out of business from what I can tell...or hope.

And doesn't Trump recall that ORACLE botched the Obama healthcare system, rendering the entire thing unusable?



True, Obamacare was a scam as well...


Now to be fair to Homan, my guess is you fund him, he gets them. Pretty simple, plus the perks being shut off should be major motivation IMO for a lot of the freeloaders to leave.


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Zombie link is back!

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thank you!

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"Mice with two dads have been created using CRISPR"

It’s a new way to create “bi-paternal” mice that can survive to adulthood—but human applications are still a long way off. By Jessica Hamzelouarchive page January 28, 2025

all made in China. THIS IS THE END.

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You got me on a roll today, Manny. The video about "chirality" didn't mention something important but I will. Another item that forms in chirality are amino acids. "All amino acids are left handed and all nucleic acids are right handed. Had any viable forms of amino acids been produced randomly, they would have been 50% right-handed and 50% left handed as racemate would dictate. In nature, only LEFT-HANDED amino acids are qualifiable and right-handed amino acids in most cases DESTROY the left handed in the process of protein synthesis proving unequivocally that such processes cannot happen by chance. (Excerpt from my book Evolution: Fact or Fallacy by Jeremiah C Maddox, my pseudonym available wherever books are sold. Here's the Amazon link;


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Of course!!! The ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! How did this escape me until this very moment? That too is in Scripture. "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Revelation 9:6 KJV What in the world will that look like? I'm so glad I won't be around to find out!!

I'll keep preaching and preaching as long as my fingers exist in this space/time continuum but very soon, as I keep demonstrating here, me and my fingers will disappear! "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 See also 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 This is the doctrine of the "catching away of the saints or RAPTURE. All who know they are saved and know that Jesus Christ is REAL and they have had their sins removed will be taken away. THESE are those days we have waited for for decades! We're in them NOW.

Every time I come to this thread I encounter more "news" that mirrors what was said by John of Patmos almost 2000 years ago when God showed him the future. He wrote down everything he saw and described it to the best of his ability in the book of Revelation. God showed him those very days THAT WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW!!! Time is running out, fence sitter. Don't be sitting on that fence when He comes to this realm and says in a voice like a trumpet, "COME UP HITHER!", Revelation 4:1

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