They will have to anticipate and be wise to the fake leaders that have already surely been put in place by those actually behind the WEF COVID bioweapon like Rothschild son Klaus Schwab, and other Israeli military agents like Noah Harari, Al Bourla, Tal Zaks etc. who will have been carefully prepared from the very outset of this military program in anticipation of such growing sentiment amongst the peoples of the world to rise up and pretend to lead the peoples and co-opt any genuine movements for their own sinister NWO purposes, just as Karl Marx co-opted and perverted the genuine working man's socialist movement and turned it into a Jewish psy-op to actually enslave and then suicide the Gentiles, such fake leaders of the anti-COVID vaxx, anti WEF movement will really only lead them back into further enslavement and self-suicide.

Consider how Klaus Schwab has already employed 110,000 people to censor and purge the internet of any opinions against the WEF program, my own Wordpress site, 'mothman777's blog', which I had written on for over 11 years, publishing over 3,800 different articles on many different subjects, was ruthlessly and needlessly entirely deleted in an altogether vicious and vindictive manner by these swine for covering the COVID issue.

Think how Zelenko, the New York 'simple country doctor', said he found a cure for COVID, yet only gave it to Jewish POTUS Trump (I have a video of Trump being introduced by Jews on stage as the first Jewish POTUS) and gave it to hundreds of his fellow Jews in New York, whilst Trump not only failed to give all Americans hydroxychloroquine too, but then initiated Operation Warp Speed to poison everyone else to death with fake vaccine treatments that actually are the source of COVID themselves, and the Israeli Gilead company deadly toxic remdesivir which the WHO and Lancet had already said actually only increased death rates of COVID patients and had no therapeutic benefits on them whatsoever, and Trump also said he was the King of Ventilators, which are only tools used to murder people in this situation, when harmless and actually highly beneficial hyperbaric chambers could be used instead alongside zinc ionophores ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for instance and also use high dose IV Vit C, thiamine and hydrocortisone steroid for the sepsis which kills most COVID patients, also giving them high doses of Vit D3/Vit K2.

Zelenko later appeared on a Chabad Lubavitcher video justifying the coming implementation, under the intended NWO one world government, of the Noahide Laws, under which 6 billion members of all non-Jewish faiths will all face mandatory physical execution.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated on video that NATO armed forces of nations controlled by Israel will go from city to city all around the world doing the killing when the authorization is fully given under the coming NWO Judaic one world government in accordance with Jewish law.

Zelenko, actually a member of the Chabad Lubavitchers, the most extreme hard core militant racist Jewish sect imaginable, said that killing the 'demons' is necessary, so he was obviously never genuinely interested in saving the lives of billions of Gentile 'demons', but wished to appear as if he was in front of Gentiles as one of the self-purported leaders of a people's movement against the NWO agenda by going live on air taking about his hydroxychloroquine cure long after the horse set off by Trump had already bolted long ago and already irreversibly done all the intended damage necessary to further the UN/WEF Rothschild /Israeli NWO plans and do so irreversibly.

See 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch



There are plenty more fake leaders already primed and waiting to come out of the woodwork and many have already appeared who will strive only to co-opt any revolutionary sentiment among the Gentiles and then treacherously exonerate the actual perps and then endeavour only to instate replacements from the same tribe in order to continue suiciding the hapless Gentile victims further, they have planned everything meticulously long in advance.

We will have to have sharper wits than them if we wish to survive, and not allow any of them to get back into positions of power or influence in our Gentile nations ever again. If the necessary majority of people cannot find it within themselves to state that that is necessary, then according to the tenets of the Jewish militaristic world domination program contained in their so-called scriptures, they will simply just carry on killing us within our own lands from positions of leadership within our lands just as they do now to get this planet for themselves, exactly as the battle plans in their scriptures direct them to.

50% of all military generals in the US are self-professed Jews and of course dual nationality Israeli citizens, and look at all the dual nationality Jewish senior politicians immediately surrounding puppet Biden, Israel rules the US already, and is literally destroying the American people out of sheer malice, and misusing their armed forces to destroy many other peoples around the world, and all that has to change.

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Love the Banksy mural.

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We can assume Fetterman took the jab simply by nature of his political divide. Embalmers are pulling blood clots never before seen out of jabbed people and nearly 1000 professional athletes who took the jab are DEAD this year. Check out Stew Peters on Red Voice Media.

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