"Tesla sells vehicles in person at one facility in Mississippi that is classified as a store, not a dealership. The distinction allows the company to operate outside state laws governing franchise businesses. This exception, and the prospect of other electric companies taking advantage of it, gives these manufacturers special privileges that traditional automakers don’t enjoy, according to Republican Sen. Daniel Sparks of Belmont."

Smart idea. Looks like some governors and senators are looking out for the best interests of their state and its constituents.

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Mar 4, 2023
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50% of the population are mental defective or some flavor of pervert. Hopefully the suicide shots will rid America of leftists, perverts, sheeple, and other undesireables.

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Mar 4, 2023
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Mar 4, 2023
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Yes, they failed the I.Q. test. Now they won't pollute the gene pool.

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Concerning Pablo Escobar's hippos,......it's in the water💧

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That's funny! "Mississippi, FIRST in everything" Probably more like 'WORST in everything." First in being the worst? Currently though, Alabama has taken the top spot for worst in education. Sometimes, even Mississippi can't save us from last place. Usually, one can count on MS, AL, LA, and WV to be the main competitors in the majority of 'worst' prizes. Categories like 'lowest percentage of bachelor's degrees,' 'highest infant mortality rates,' 'worst quality healthcare,' 'lowest wages,' etc.

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Mar 4, 2023
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COLON PHILLIPS is talking shit as usual. It probably lives in some blue craptropolis full of perverts with buttmonkeypox sores all over their face.

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Mar 4, 2023
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Yankee trash, that's all you need to know.

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Mar 4, 2023Edited
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Yankee trash always talks down at the South. Been going on since 1861.

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Hahaha - FYI - I am a her, not a him, and am qualified to speak about the states I mentioned, having lived in MS 3 years, WV 6 years (my husband's family's home state,) and AL 16 years (my dad's family's home state.) Haven't lived in LA but have traveled to and visited there a good bit over the years.

Many things I love about the South - low cost of living, mild climate, warm, friendly, courteous people, Second Amendment rights protected. I choose to live here in small town Red State flyover country.

That said, all the things I mentioned in my previous post are simply true and factual. Alabama is last in education and nobody seems to care enough to do anything about it. Which is why we are homeschooling a grandchild.

The quality of healthcare in my area is so awful, I could write a book about my bizarre experiences with sick family members in our local hospitals. The quality of care and access to services for the disabled, elderly, those with mental health and substance abuse addiction is almost nonexistent. Word is getting around that if you need long-term high quality drug or alcohol rehab, the Left Coast is the place to go.

Our politicians spent years prior to Roe v. Wade being overturned and millions of dollars trying to defend a total ban on abortion with no exceptions, while we have one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country. All this concern for the unborn, and zero concern for the babies who are already here. Those are just a few examples. There is an underlying culture of mediocrity and satisfaction with the status quo that permeates construction, healthcare, and many other industries. I think we could do better, and certainly need to do so.

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Nice manifesto of drivel. Go away. Nobody is interested in you or your baloney.

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Having friends with family in both countries I tried to stay neutral about the Brandon war. But, Ukraine has shown itself to be a nazi nation and that’s probably the only reason the left loves it. Hitler was an elitist communist. Right now Greene wants to put Brandon on the mat over nutty spending on the war and over a callous disregard for New Palestine, OH. God bless her.

Most water in the US is considered polluted, especially farm wells. I use tap water in the nasal rinse, but also add salt, a little boron, and a few drop of iodine. The tube holds 6 oz., and that much iodine is enough to sterilize a gallon of muddy water. Aside from that, our water has copper in it from the mines and calcium from caliche. In addition, scotch snuff once or twice a day. BTW, one more storm coming to AZ from Cali. Cali is supposed to get an additional 2-5 feet of snow to add to the already over 100 inches. Yes, Cali is cursed. Cursed by global warming conspiracy theorists. God is laughing, again.

I love snow! I love to see it falling. Watch it accumulate on trees and lawns. It’s so beautiful. When I get tired of that, I go to another page on the corrupter. We got 2.5 inches in the canyon and up to 14 inches on the Catalina Mtns east of Tucson. I felt pity for the citrus trees and palms. They shiver so in the cold.

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Yes Ukraine and nazis. I remember the news like 4-5-6 years ago talking about nazis in Ukraine. Pictures of them hudled together like they just won a basketball game. All they win is a spot in hell.

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Family in nazi occupied nations had nothing good to say of it. The Weimar Republic did it's part to seat hitler. They destroyed a golden economy, opened the borders, and stopped enforcing laws which led to woke. I hate to say it, but most were Jews, atheists, tho. As soon as hitler was elected, they jumped into the nazi party.

What we're in the middle of is hardly the first attempt to change this nation. FDR became a nazi and changed the DNC to very liberal. From anti-socialist to elitist communist. He did his best to keep the depression going. We went from a recovery, 9% unemployment, to close to 25% then dropped to 17% but not till WWII did it call under financial depression, 12%.

Except for JFK, every dem president tried to force us into a Weimar Republic scenario. That's why many people refer to the FDR Depression, the Carter Depression, and now the Biden Depression. These were not recessions, but full-blown depressions with massive unemployment. niio

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Thanks for the info. Yes, for reasons I don't understand even people who have the same ethnicity and or religion, your neighbors will send you to the furnaces. Humans suck sometimes. Giigawaabamiin.

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It's how soros made his first fortune, age 14. haw'!

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Oh yeah, back in Hungary. Ball sack face is what I like to call him. He has a wife my age. Like? Yuck!

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And kids older than I am LOL. His mind is going and now it's wyss we need to watch. The organization is twisted and bitter. He thought if he sacrificed everything he would be the antichrist's high priest and live forever.

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Hershey looks like they like the hershey highway more than customers. That's the Wokey Hokey Pokey dance straight to bankruptcy. Millions will boycott them. Their chocolate always did taste crappy.

Edit: if you are a shareholder, then dump and run. Nobody wants to eat crappy chocolate endorsed by some freak with a penis ring in its nose!

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Hershey, and Ghirardelli, Lilly and Lindt, are reported to have heavy metals. There's a lawsuit apparently.

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I like dark chocolate made in Europe. Never liked any of the commerical American brands really.

Almond Rocca was what we had around way back in the 60's. I did like that one.

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Oh yeah, that's it yummy stuff.

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We were only allowed to have one. My mother and friend's mother hoarded the can. I can't think of any others which stood out as far as American garbage candy. We were not allowed to have sweets alot back then. Beef jerky was what we would usually have for snacks.

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Beef jerky is wonderful. Lots of beef jerky here. At stores and gas stations, everyone's personal recipe.

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"A great tradition". Yeah, of satanically induced hereditary insanity. What a wacko. Don't people know how to think? I forgot, of course not.

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It snowed here in southwest New Mexico, US on Wednesday the 1st of March, and it was the strangest, stickiest snow I've ever seen, in that it stuck to the utility poles for several hours in direct sunlight without melting.

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Mar 5, 2023
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Yes, just shut up and ski, and pay no attention to the clouds that spit out the strange snow...

I am surprised that the Defenders of the Faith didn't pitch a fit about shaming the snow for being "different", because if it wants to be hail, or snow, or a rainbow - then we must all lend our full support, and must also eradicate those that believe snow is ever snow and should be allowed to Remain as Snow with no outside influence, because they are heartless troublemaking haters, and only want to steal the snow's freedom of choice...

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Author here doesn't understand that NASA only shows CGI BS. Nothing you can prove to be real from the trip to the moon to pics of the sun, usually in different colors. Fake, always has been. Maybe someone here that posts regularly can wake this guy up; might mean more money for him🤔💲

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