Macron, such a turd.

Trump doesn't need that money.

Yes, the ex drug dealer that spoke about the French comedian and Celine. The comedian allegedly had boys run out of his after the accident. Then they shut down the show and gave fines. Crazy.

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Remember that satanic commercial with the babies she made about two years ago? She's a vampire, so are quite a few. Mel Gibson knows. Keanu Reeves knows too. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

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Did you see the article on macrony's wife. It is supposedly a tranny, like big Mike. Hhahaa.

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No, I'll look it up.

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Newspunch at top. Lol

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Yeah she's older than him, such an odd smile. Almost every picture I had seen she was making a weird face. Or that's just her face. Ha. There's a video on yt somewhere of old timey aristocrats and the manly looking wives and how, basically they were sword fighting.

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Yep, biggest insult to God is for satanic elitists to fornicate with demons.

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No media wants to report on the riots in Oedipus Macron's France. Saw three videos. Looks like people are really pissed off at the Davos/Wrathschild puppet. Perhaps mad enough to bring out guillotines.😁

*Edit: Another video shows riot police and firefighters joining the protestors.

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It’s everywhere in Europe… too far from the US…

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One could hope!!

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That dagger is beautiful, such a style.

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Restoration must have been painstaking. That blade style is still made. Holds up to the test of time.

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The Utah, God hating parent who gave reasons why the Bible should be banned as retaliation against their utterly blatant sodomy and pedophilia in libraries:

I know the Bible and I don't know where it mentions either "fellatio" or "dildos". I believe it was sandwiched in to add drama to their claims however, if anything sinful is included in Biblical text it's there to CONDEMN the acts not to promote them. And these two are not specifically forbidden, in fact probably NOT sinful at all within the confines of marriage (man and woman of course) and that's probably why neither is mentioned in Holy Writ.

There are many things mentioned in the Bible that are wrong, even downright evil (as the description of passing their babies through the fire as sacrifice unto Molech) but these things are detestable to God and the Bible clearly condemns every evil within the context.

The mention of those wicked acts in the Bible isn't remotely comparable to the pure sodomite pornography being found in school libraries. This Utah parent is the prime example of the absolute twisting of the truth. Attempting to compare the Bible, God's written word, to this age's immorality and proliferation of smut is the epitome of destitution and the zeitgeist of this age.

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Trump: Every bit of his life at this time is a PERFORMANCE!! The media is the production team and the elite are the producers. They play out their entirely scripted theatre before the eyes of those whom they lulled to sleep by years of psyops, brought to you by the media in all of its forms. It's then gobbled up by the anxiously waiting, completely deceived public just as they (the elite billionaires; the producers) planned for decades. For those asleep, it's reality, for those awake it must be seen as brilliant deception. Pure evil but brilliant.

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Macron and his disappearing watch: DEPLORABLE. Their conspicuous consumption and opulent way of life is so entrenched in them that they can't hide it. They're PIGS, feasting on delicacies while they destroy the earth and the people on it just trying to live the lives they have been given. The pinnacle of wickedness and evil is on full display in the governments of this world. REVOLTING!!!

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Headline: World Athletics bars trans athletes from competing with biological women if they experienced male puberty…

Imagine the outrage if girls tried to participate in boys' sports. Oh snap, they already do, by court order over 50 years ago. Boys are taught to never be aggressive toward girls, then are forced to play aggressive sports WITH girls at ages where girls have the natural physical advantages of speed, strength, and coordination. Boys have NO place just for boys, and there are tons of just for girls groups and events. Women created the condition of males and females on the field together with their lawsuit, and it took 50 years for them to start reaping what they sowed.

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The PSP Pedo video is 1 year old... but still shocking. I swear my DNC neighbor, DA, and township police along with the Lutheran church are a part of like nefarious activities which will be exposed. But... the content creator and father should have had their act together as far as current vehicle inspection and emissions. I am PA resident.

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Thanks 🙏🥇🇺🇸

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You welcome! Have a nice day

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Thanks have a nice weekend

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You too!

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I generally appreciate the lengths you go to find great and interesting news from around the world. I do wish you would stop bashing Trump. He did more for our country (peace, prosperity and lifting people out of poverty) than any other president in our time. History will bear this out.

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Fettermans clone smiles. I wonder if his mini me on his neck is behind all.of this.

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He does look much different. Almost like a different person. You could say his wife is cheating.

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President Trump does not need 1.5 million dollars from his supporters. He worked for free during his presidency, and did plenty to help other people. That 1.5 million was how people show their support and refusal to be ruled by tyrants in a Banana Republic. We are a Constitutional Republic. We are not socialists here!

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I don't believe anything I hear and half of what I see. Who really knows if the $1.5M is true. PS Since Deepfakes... I don't believe anything I see either #-)

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Well, the main point is he needs no money. The 1.5 million reported indicates support. Conservative people work for a living, and have little time to riot and burn down cities like marxist-satanist trantifa, or marxist-satanist blm.

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Yep, that's Penna.

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Pennsylvania: my home state. Been pulled by several state cops for stupid reasons. Pulled twice in Virginia, current residence, once for a headlight out and another for (dig this) too much tint on my windows!

I had just bought the car and the tint was FACTORY but came from out of state. He then explained to me how it is easy to remove after holding me up for more than 20 minutes showing me his pocket "tint guide" of which my windows came up very borderline.

I watched several cars go by with MORE tint than I had! If this cop pulled everyone with tint like mine or darker, that is all he would ever accomplish in his job! Every car on the road that I see lately has much more tint than I had that day 15 years ago. I have to wonder to this day why he REALLY pulled me over.

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A search. Anything he may have seen would have led to a long search and your arrest holding till the search was done. I do not go to PA with anything American Indian and very little Trump showing. niio

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