The laundering state! When do we get to recognize Ukraine as the 51st state?
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for October 25, 2022...
The US gives billions of $ almost every two weeks to Ukraine and they are always asking for more… First, they don't invest that kind of money to their own states... Second, we don’t know where this money is coming from (Tax payers? Money seized from the Central Bank of Russia?)… Third we don’t know how they spend the money… Ukraine is the perfect place for laundering all of the dirty government money…
Hillary Clinton already accusing ‘right-wing extremists’ of stealing 2024 election…
What the heck is going on in South Africa… 3 children die ‘bleeding from the mouth, foaming and vomiting’ over the weekend…
The new premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first government in the world to formally apologize for violating the civil rights of unvaccinated people…
Adidas ends massive deal with Kanye West after antisemitism controversy… Talent agency CAA also drops him…
Apparently, lockdowns never happened…
The corrupt German government want to sell one of Germany's major infrastructures to China… This is just one bold example, but this type of government behavior is becoming pretty main stream all over the western world in the last 2-3 years… Are we seeing now an advanced stage of the globalist takeover of sovereign nations by the means of installing remote-controlled puppets in power?
Seen on a bag of salt & vinegar potato chips…
Beyond Meat's stock has falled from about $150 a year ago (ignoring it's spike to $250 that was silly) to trading at 12.50 today… Now it is rolling out its steak substitute in grocery stores (probably another flop)…
Another step toward bringing the UFO subject into the mainstream consciousness. This square coin issued by the Royal Canadian Mint depicts a scene with the 1996 Yukon UFO sighting with a short description of the event on their web page.

Apparently it comes with a light. Here’s what happens when you shine the (included) black light on the piece…
My net worth takes a 50% plunge in one day every month when I pay the rent… China's richest people lost about $13 billion in just one day due to a market sell-off after President Xi Jinping secured a third term…
You can drop me a few bucks in my Paypal or DropBox accounts! Thank you!
Let us remember that some of their primary sponsors are sports betting companies… Ex-NFL RB claims the league is scripted…
Once again sci-fiction becomes sci-fact… Documents reveal the Navy's ambitious plans for terrifying drone swarms…
Current FBI agent: Stephen Friend claims that things are so broken at high levels inside the nation’s premiere law enforcement agency (FBI) that he had to blow the whistle…
Why? just...why? Government lab in Maryland plans to create a hybrid monkeypox strain that is MORE deadly than one currently spreading in US…
Vaccine maker destroys 100 million doses of COVID shots due to low demand…

First they use rats for mine clearing. Next they use them for search and rescue. For a critter that most people find disgusting rats are insanely smart and useful… Rats with backpacks could help rescue earthquake survivors…
Collusion in fixing prices does not suddenly become legal because you have an algorithm to do it for you to provide an extra layer of deniability… Renters filed a lawsuit this week alleging that a company that makes price-setting software for apartments and nine of the nation’s biggest property managers formed a cartel to artificially inflate rents in violation of federal law…
If there’s one documentary you watch this decade, it’s: THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI… Here in full-length…
Space ads could earn $2 million a day…
"Egypt to develop new currency indicator to wean people off U.S. dollar" - So, will the US invade, or will the CIA start an Arab Spring 2.0? If it comes close to harming the USD being the backing of the petrodollar, absolutely…
South African spearfisherman, Gerjo van Niekerk, in Sep 1989, bearing a recent wound from a great white bite. 'It was a one-in-a-million freak accident' he told reporters. Just two months later, diving Melkbosstrand, van Niekerk disappeared- and a few days after his shark-bitten leg washed ashore…
An endless stream of bats pour from a cave. Cueva de los Murciélagos, Mexico…
After oil and gas, Europe is now running out of wind…
'You can't wait 16 hours': Quebec doctor says patient died after lengthy ER wait…
Amou Haji, the "world's dirtiest man" who hasn't washed for over 50 years, has died today at the age of 94... just a couple of months after taking his first bath…
Russian Defense Ministry readies forces and capabilities to deal with radioactive contamination…
Get some Iodine tablets to prepare for the next nuclear disaster…
$1 USD in Venezuelan Bolivars… Will it reverse soon?
Ah this is about Chinese police operating on US soil. Oh yeah, didn't know that was a thing, did ya? Garland announces charges against 13 alleged Chinese spies…
EMP attack: Chinese physicists simulate nuclear blast against Starlink satellites… You should get the best EMP SHIELD around…
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On Hillary, when you're as demon possessed as Hillary is everything corrupt is normal.
I sure would like to know how much of the “aid” money that has been sent to Ukraine has been funneled back to the Democrats for their mid term election expenses? Record numbers have been spent so where is all this money coming from, ……….. maybe from us.