On Hillary, when you're as demon possessed as Hillary is everything corrupt is normal.

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Lara Logan got booted from newsmax for discussing satanic elitists dining on the blood of children. Pretty sure Hitlery is the type of vampire Lara was referring to.

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Indeed she is brother

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"Rodeo" troll changed its name from Rhonda Picola to Rodeo overnight. Rhonda was spouting leftist drivel and polluting the board with shitposts.

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“ And God said, "I made you, now pick one; blue, red, green, white, or black."

Is that what happened? Is that the real Creation story?


OCT 26



Is that what happened? Is that the real Creation story?

You can be Democrat, Republican, Climate Change New Deal, African American, or white American?

You can be “independent,” as long as you’re one of the above?

I continue to write and talk about what INDEPENDENT means. (Listen to my free podcast on that subject.)

INDEPENDENT means separate from the majority and the consensus and the minority and the status quo and the opinions of others.

It means you cook up your own reality.

It means you fight against THE AUTOMATIC.

Otherwise, you’re not really a Constitutionalist. You’re not seeing the deeper meaning in that document.

You don’t respect other people enough to be different from them.

And you don’t demand that respect from them.

“I want to be different, but I want to stay the same.”

Good luck.

I’ve dealt with people like that all my life. I know them well. They’re always holding hole cards close to the vest. Each concealed card makes them the same as other people.

That’s their game. Out front, they’re playing DIFFERENT, but in close it’s THE SAME.

This con infects the culture at every possible level. I’m not just talking political, I’m talking personal.

But I’ll give you a political example. A very clever instance.

It’s called Anthony Fauci.

Think about how he positioned himself, and how the media positioned him. He was the lone voice in the wilderness. He defected from the heinous Trump camp. He stood there and spoke truth to power and gained the love and respect of a grateful nation.

He was different. A man of courage.

All that bullshit.

Actually, he was yet one more craven mouthpiece for Rockefeller medicine and the National Security State. He was THE SAME.

He was delivering the goods for tyranny in the same way many tinpot dictators have.

He wasn’t any more different than the CDC or WHO is different.

But he presented himself as independent. The man representing science. “I am science,” he said.

The perfect technocrat’s declaration as the curtain lowers on freedom.

But you see, Fauci knew what he was doing. Most people who strive to look different while actually staying the same are doing it with very little self-knowledge. It’s second nature to them.

They shrink back from thinking about what INDEPENDENT really means.

They don’t want to go there.

Where DO they want to go?

To other people who are playing the same game they are.

That’s where the comfort is. That’s where the warm and fuzzy is.

“I like Johnson. He’s different but cautious. He doesn’t take things too far. He speaks his mind, but he’s always cognizant of what other people can handle. He has a firm grasp of the facts.”

Right. In other words, Johnson goes around in circles. He takes his boat out to sea, but he always brings it back in time. He keeps his eyes glued to the weather reports. You’ll always get off his boat before the first raindrops fall.

He’s different; but he’s the same.

Upgrade to paid

“My favorite is Dr. Smith. First of all, he IS a licensed physician. He speaks out against the COVID vaccine for children. He doesn’t claim the vaccine is dangerous for EVERYONE. And he certainly doesn’t come down hard on all vaccines. In fact, he believes there may be important uses for RNA technology. He’s balanced. He appeals to a broad cross section of the public. He’s different, but he’s the same.”

Indeed he is.

To put it another way, he’s shifty.

He’s very much like the boss who gains the loyalty of his people because he can talk out of several sides of his mouth at the same time. And he can do it while he’s “warm and generous and caring.” When he gives a cutting edge TED talk, the audience is loving him. He’s different, but the same. Just like they are.

—“So Fred, why are you here? I’m rather surprised to see you wanting therapy.”

“Well, Jim, I was hoping you could steer me a little. It’s my relationship with Helen. We’ve been married 30 years, and I’ve always taken into account what she wants, and I defer to her on important issues, and I do my best to consider her feelings, and she does appreciate it. She’s told me that many times. We’re not exactly like other couples. We’re different, but we’re also the same, if you get what I mean. But lately I’m beginning to feel something’s missing…”

Yes, something’s missing. Up close and personal, where it counts, the candle has burned down to a nub, and it’s about to go out. Because SAME AND DIFFERENT expires. It’s based on self-deception.

A long time ago, Fred decided to play that game. Two steps forward, two steps back.

In Vegas, they know a lot of Freds. The house always wins.

The house is the Culture.

“Give yourself some rope, then walk it back. Repeat over and over.”

Never INDEPENDENT. Not even close.

-- Jon Rappoport”

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You're busted troll. Lame ass.

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I sure would like to know how much of the “aid” money that has been sent to Ukraine has been funneled back to the Democrats for their mid term election expenses? Record numbers have been spent so where is all this money coming from, ……….. maybe from us.

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Taxpayers foot the bill, and søros dark money front groups get spiffs. Some politicians get spiffs too. There is no audit on this money, nor is our corrupt government ever audited. The reason, people would revolt.

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Presidential candidate, again as gop nominated for presidential front runner, again at beginning midway end of term presidential election, and after loss of election Mr. Trump declared elections crooked. So did trump win presidential election crookedly, Hillary loose crookedly? Was it Joey who won lost, or Mr Trump, crookedly in that election cycle? Come on trump fess up… Hillary is? Babble heads

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Rhonda, your comment shows you're obviously being groomed by the alphabet snooze networks. They have you right where they want you. Time to wake up.

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She voted for Hitlery. It is obvious from her nebbish shjtpost.

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Wow...some people are gluttons for punishment. I just don't see what people see in that little demonette outside of pure evil.

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And God said, "I made you, now pick one; blue, red, green, white, or black."

Is that what happened? Is that the real Creation story?


OCT 26



Is that what happened? Is that the real Creation story?

You can be Democrat, Republican, Climate Change New Deal, African American, or white American?

You can be “independent,” as long as you’re one of the above?

I continue to write and talk about what INDEPENDENT means. (Listen to my free podcast on that subject.)

INDEPENDENT means separate from the majority and the consensus and the minority and the status quo and the opinions of others.

It means you cook up your own reality.

It means you fight against THE AUTOMATIC.

Otherwise, you’re not really a Constitutionalist. You’re not seeing the deeper meaning in that document.

You don’t respect other people enough to be different from them.

And you don’t demand that respect from them.

“I want to be different, but I want to stay the same.”

Good luck.

I’ve dealt with people like that all my life. I know them well. They’re always holding hole cards close to the vest. Each concealed card makes them the same as other people.

That’s their game. Out front, they’re playing DIFFERENT, but in close it’s THE SAME.

This con infects the culture at every possible level. I’m not just talking political, I’m talking personal.

But I’ll give you a political example. A very clever instance.

It’s called Anthony Fauci.

Think about how he positioned himself, and how the media positioned him. He was the lone voice in the wilderness. He defected from the heinous Trump camp. He stood there and spoke truth to power and gained the love and respect of a grateful nation.

He was different. A man of courage.

All that bullshit.

Actually, he was yet one more craven mouthpiece for Rockefeller medicine and the National Security State. He was THE SAME.

He was delivering the goods for tyranny in the same way many tinpot dictators have.

He wasn’t any more different than the CDC or WHO is different.

But he presented himself as independent. The man representing science. “I am science,” he said.

The perfect technocrat’s declaration as the curtain lowers on freedom.

But you see, Fauci knew what he was doing. Most people who strive to look different while actually staying the same are doing it with very little self-knowledge. It’s second nature to them.

They shrink back from thinking about what INDEPENDENT really means.

They don’t want to go there.

Where DO they want to go?

To other people who are playing the same game they are.

That’s where the comfort is. That’s where the warm and fuzzy is.

“I like Johnson. He’s different but cautious. He doesn’t take things too far. He speaks his mind, but he’s always cognizant of what other people can handle. He has a firm grasp of the facts.”

Right. In other words, Johnson goes around in circles. He takes his boat out to sea, but he always brings it back in time. He keeps his eyes glued to the weather reports. You’ll always get off his boat before the first raindrops fall.

He’s different; but he’s the same.

Upgrade to paid

“My favorite is Dr. Smith. First of all, he IS a licensed physician. He speaks out against the COVID vaccine for children. He doesn’t claim the vaccine is dangerous for EVERYONE. And he certainly doesn’t come down hard on all vaccines. In fact, he believes there may be important uses for RNA technology. He’s balanced. He appeals to a broad cross section of the public. He’s different, but he’s the same.”

Indeed he is.

To put it another way, he’s shifty.

He’s very much like the boss who gains the loyalty of his people because he can talk out of several sides of his mouth at the same time. And he can do it while he’s “warm and generous and caring.” When he gives a cutting edge TED talk, the audience is loving him. He’s different, but the same. Just like they are.

—“So Fred, why are you here? I’m rather surprised to see you wanting therapy.”

“Well, Jim, I was hoping you could steer me a little. It’s my relationship with Helen. We’ve been married 30 years, and I’ve always taken into account what she wants, and I defer to her on important issues, and I do my best to consider her feelings, and she does appreciate it. She’s told me that many times. We’re not exactly like other couples. We’re different, but we’re also the same, if you get what I mean. But lately I’m beginning to feel something’s missing…”

Yes, something’s missing. Up close and personal, where it counts, the candle has burned down to a nub, and it’s about to go out. Because SAME AND DIFFERENT expires. It’s based on self-deception.

A long time ago, Fred decided to play that game. Two steps forward, two steps back.

In Vegas, they know a lot of Freds. The house always wins.

The house is the Culture.

“Give yourself some rope, then walk it back. Repeat over and over.”

Never INDEPENDENT. Not even close.

-- Jon Rappoport”

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Don't click on this drivel. Could be more spam or spyware garbage.

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Chris, Offgridman,… Anyone, Who thinks one side or the other of the usA political scenario is on their side, for them is mistaken. This whole Covid cockfight could have been Avoided. Prior to being sworn into office, Mr. Trump called Robert Kennedy Jr. Of Children’s Health Defense ( Legal Representative for children , autism- HPV Vaccine cancers-Polio Vaccine injuries, Adult flu… vaccine injury 4 Billion paid out to date) Robert was hired (see C-Span video) to head a Vaccine Committie that would/could lead to shutting the Whole toxic “$hot$” industry Down, exposing the F auci with his toxic azt, and bioliogy programs on people and animals. In Walked Fauci and the industrial military complex, you know the death destruction the father of warp speed “vaccines”, still pushing them, Just Like Joey B, I$! Lugar, Obama (both sides of the isle) continued to set up biohazard weapons labs in Ukraine ( gee what war is happening now, billions being sent, trying to overthrow what country ? Now?) As an equal opportunity realist, I am very aware of the Joey B …family senate hearings $on$, of Pre$ident’$ get around to lots of foreign countrie$. Gee Golly did you cansider people stay home on election da y. War against other countries (see the coos, in Ukraine…) or its citizens is never good. One side will get you with the NRA $hot’$, the other with the Father of Warp Speed $hot’$, the citizens of most all countries are the hunted, you and me, our human family, you and me. What about Donny’$ or Hillary’$ … $eed$ of “the election’$ are rigged $owing $eed’$ of hate your neighbor did you not hear? “The elec tion’$ are all rigged, They All take big Corp lobbiest Monie$. Dream on in your assuming, of others. Have You read Robert Kennedy Jr.s book on The Truth about Fauci or watched the movie (for those who don’t like to read) the history of captured, agencies, and elected officials starting with Nancy’$ husband is a brief timeline of the 100 years of the medical killing fields on all people, you and me… of the usA and almost every other country in the world. Look forward the use of mustard gas in chemotherapy history on wiki Truth. Wash you brain and mouth out, WWJD

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Jesus is the ultimate outsider, unfortunately he's not running for ANY office. Trump's not coming back, But Jesus is. I yearn for that day. That is all.

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The kingdom Already, is Within, The Healer… Within

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The outsider, Within present ;-))) WWJD

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You need to watch 2,000 mules. Perhaps you should take fentanyl for your TDS?

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Have you been listening to the Meryl Nass hearings? The us … state of Maine taking away a 71 year olds medical license for prescribing medications that saved people’s lives frim the deaths of covid, Interesting insights .

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Little to No Soul Left in Medicine by Mark Sircus DOM

Published on October 21, 2022 https://drsircus.com/general/little-to-no-soul-left-in-medicine/

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Living in Truth – Simple Heart Clue # 2 by Mark Sircus DOM

Published on October 17, 2022 https://drsircus.com/general/living-in-truth-simple-heart-clue-2/

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Gambian pouch rats. I saw a special on them a while back. Incredible creatures to be sure. The ratties have gotten a bad rap being blamed for many diseases and for being carriers of disease. With the current knowledge of how they are manufacturing diseases, making them superbugs and increasing their deadly "function", they have probably blamed the rats for their own pernicious deeds. The ratties have thus been loathed, even feared throughout the world. Want to change that prejudice? Just go to any pet store and get a baby "feeder" rat or two and take them home as pets. If you love animals, I guarantee you will fall in love with ratties. You'll say "best 4 bucks I ever spent!" You will find them to be intelligent, personable, loving and playful. I stopped keeping pet rats because of their short longevity. Most die within 2 years and I got tired of saying goodbye to so many little friends.

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More killing projections, the killing fields, fen tanyl is coming across the leaky boarder Manufactured in c c p, they have you hook line and sinker, hate yours self and human beings, I’m glad you are off grid Dr. David Martin alerted both sides of the isle in early 2020 legal docs that would have stopped the covi d killing fields right or left no attorney general of usA will help go figure, war what is it good for? “The Elections ARE Rigged” yup gee golly whiz, both sides are right, or maybe it’s all the rothchilds Rockefeller’s , Think ?

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Oct 25, 2022
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