Sloth Fever - oh! I thought this is what you get when you’re over 75 and you realize that you’ve worked most of your life for nearly nothing, and now that you have the time to do stuff, the body won’t do HALF of what it used to. 😵‍💫🤣

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Kursk and “those above know better” - they are playing their game. The populace (that would be “us”) to them is no more than ants in anthills in the way.

Hhmmmm - if I were a red stinging ant…..

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What's the new olympic sport?

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first video from the post... beating people...

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Now the media is fear mongering about a Mpox "pandemic." How exactly does a sexually transmitted disease confined mostly to gay men and monkeys become a global pandemic? I'm thinking it doesn't.

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That thing about accelerated aging at 44 and 60 - awfully specific, isn't it? Would think that would depend on the individual. Nothing different happened to me at either age.

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The "study" about ageing is wrong. Moreover, it's probably fake. I've been watching my family (extended included) ageing and I've been ageing myself but NONE of us noticed any ageing "spurts" at age 44 and 60.

I have myself crossed both of those milestones and here is my assessment; at age 44, I was in the same terrific health that I was at 34 and I would say that rather than noticing a decline at age 44, I was at my physical PRIME at age 44. Now 62 I've had those two years after 60 to notice no change at all in my physical health and strength SINCE age 44.

My weight training (since age 21) has perhaps skewed their findings but I don't think so. I think that this "study" is a psyop strategy focused on explaining the population's GENERAL decline in health since the rollout of the clot shot. They will blame the rise in cancer rates, now including much younger patients, people dying suddenly all over the globe (still going on and INCREASING) and every other reason for the poor health of the population on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING other than the ONE cause... the CLOT SHOT! (I won't even mention the air we breathe yet)

I probably am the exception to normal ageing because of several factors. I will list them in importance from least to greatest. For the last 10 years, I have been supplementing with all the necessary vitamins minerals, aminos and herbs necessary for peak body performance and that is relative to my weight training. As I mentioned, I have been weight training with HEAVY weights for most of my life with the occasional lapse of a couple years here and there for example when their fake plandemic "hit".

I also took 8 months off when I came down with Bell's Palsy last year and was put on the most evil drug imaginable - Prednisone! I was on it 4 months. It made me feel 19 years old again so at the docs orders, I kept taking it. But the withdrawal effects last as long as the treatment! I stopped in April and I'm just now getting over it! I digress.

But the single biggest factor in my "graceful" ageing is my faith in Jesus Christ. Let me explain quickly. Knowing that our food is contaminated with so many things that are contrary to good health, if we continue to simply EAT (which we all must do but even if we can grow our own food [because the soil is contaminated] we would still eat other things) we will suffer the many health problems associated with additives and the effects of genetically modified foods which are now in EVERYTHING we eat.

There are NO TRUE health studies about GMOs effects on our bodies because they don't tell the truth that they are in everything we eat. And I won't even mention the air we breathe being contaminated intentionally by nanoparticles of metals.

Here is the reason for my youthful appearance and good health. GOD and my faith in Him, that He will repair the damaged foods back into the code He invented. Before I eat anything, I thank Him for the food (literally everything that I eat) asking Him to REPAIR it and make it SAFE for me to eat. My body will then recognize the food and process it correctly.

But if I didn't BELIEVE He would do this, it would do me no benefit at all. I also ask Him to filter the air I breathe and to remove all harmful chemicals from the food I eat and I KNOW HE DOES! He will do this for ANYONE who asks if they will submit to the TRUTH of Jesus Christ our Creator; BELIEVE it and allow Him to cleanse us of our sins. It's all about FAITH in Him. It's BELIEF in our very souls that He is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do, all written in the Bible for those who desire the pure Truth in all things.

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