1. Prin... er, i mean King Charles can not be the antichrist because the antichrist is intelligent, attractive, well-spoken, and popular. This guy is none of those things.

2. Everybody knew from the beginning that Ashley's diary was authentic. Snopes' hesitancy to verify only proved it more. Pedophilia, and apparently incest, is perfectly acceptable if you play for the right team. i'm still surprised the alphabet gangsters haven't added the "P" to the LGBTQP+ letter salad since they don't even try to hide it anymore. Pretty sure beastiality is the next abomination on their flag.

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ABD. Already being done. I like how Paul Harrell puts it, "LGBTQRST and would you like to buy a vowel?"

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That portrait of Charles looks like it’s about to kidnap a child so his spirit can possess it and be born again to rule the world as Charles the Carpathian.

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The painting does have a "Prince Vigo" feel about it, same pink slime too?

Remember Prince Vigo? "On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! What was will be! What is will be no more! Now is the season of Evil!"

— Vigo; also known as Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia, Vigo the Carpathian, Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised, Vigo the Unholy (Ghostbusters II)

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FYI: It's actually Prince Harry that has 666 through every title he now already has or could have. He shares one of those with Charles. It is 7 titles in all, 4 in actual Hebrew Gematria. Even the name Harry, when translated into Hebrew, becomes HARY and has the meanings Behold, Leader, Head, Hand in archaic Hebrew script where every letter had its own meaning. I would look for some wild shit to go down very soon that will place Harry back in line for the throne. I strongly suspect this is already underway with the ongoing "where is Kate" fiasco. The answer isn't going to be good..............

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I read that Mel Gibson believes it is William, could be anyone really.

As for the "where is Kate" business, I think it may be their way to deflect from any (deserved) blame for promoting the vax rollout. You don't REALLY think she got the vax do you??

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Scripture says he has no interest in women,...so it is Obama.

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I don't see any of them having what I would assume to be the abilities of an antichrist. Maybe my expectations are too high?

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It says the abilities will be given to him at the appointed time.

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OK, so it could be any dumb bunny at all. If that is the case, my money is on Biden. They can scramble his name in some fashion to get their 666 and he should be good to go IMO.

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The 666 antichrist is said "not" to be into women and is very charismatic. Jesus said of satan that he fell from heaven as lightning. The Hebrew word for lightning is Barak. The Hebrew word for mountain and high place for idols is Bamah. Nothing about the antichrist sniffing women. Just saw a US plane land and the fake Biden got off with Obama right behind him. Obama is still running the show.

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We won't know who the AC is until AFTER the Rapture and for those who love Jesus Christ, we won't be here to see him step out onto the world stage. I believe he, the AC is behind the scenes right now directing the last activities for the NWO of which he will be lord and overseer. Won't be long now!

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There is the possibility, strong possibility of a micro nova around 2030-2050 so you may well be right.

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There is no flu jumping anywhere, not one speck of solid science to back up any of this relentless rhetoric. All illness leads directly to poison. Contagion is a 300 year old BS myth.

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The Wuhan people dropping dead was like a bad Hollywood B movie,...and China owns Hollywood, so that is what it was. Bad acting. Love the guy lying on his back, not like he fell, but lying down like you are in your bed. Don't want to bump your head or anything. LOL

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King Charles III could also stand for Kentucky Chicken...

The only ting which jumps within FDA ,are its member s who swicth forth and back between industry and the gov;)

Trump ends war with UKrain-e in 24 hours?? The same way he drained the swamp?

Fauci standards are high, making up for his short statue..

"A former Obama campaign worker and her wife were killed in a horrific car wreck in Southern California last week." => so these were 2 killed wifes, without husbands, and 2 drivers, and only 'the third passenger in the Jeep survived the wreck...'? Who was it? Hillary with a refurbished dominion server ready to go for the next camp-aign?

d’Adesky story is very touchy: “making the world a better place,” while becoming an official with the United Nations... => he must be still in these Near-Death Experiences...

Manuel, please read the 'Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.' at https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/ADA333462.xhtml

it is no more we-ather, but rather predictive programming.

why are people expecting 'Google Cloud' to be on this earth, when it is in clouds???

'PROTONS ARE RAINING DOWN ON EARTH', so who stole all the electrons?

And because of all that, it looks like even the honey bees go: let us get them!

that russian in this bioluminescence lecture is not glowing, but he should!

some are special, never any real accident with falling covid injections victims... That's not the case with me, unfortunately!

Thank You for the wonderful story about the rescued child with beating heart after 14 hours!!!

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You asked "Trump ends war with UKrain-e in 24 hours?? The same way he drained the swamp?", and the answer is no, more like the way he brokered peace in the Middle East for the first time in forever. If you notice, the satanic forces of islam over there waited until their friends stole the White House before they rose up again.

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Please beware of NDEs. Many if not all of them describe things that are much contrary to the Bible. Many of them tell of encounters with "Jesus" and tell of the holes in His hands and describe Him to be much like the most popular rendition of the fair-complected, blue-eyed, long-haired Jesus of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. These pictures are ALSO a deception! Jesus was an average looking Hebrew man with short hair. This is quite different than the European looking picture of Him which 99% of the people on earth would see and identify as Jesus.

Many other descriptions of encounters with the afterlife make other claims which are not Biblical. Please listen carefully: No human being has ever DIED and come back to life. They may have gone "flat line" and even left their bodies but every single account of NDEs is told by someone who is ALIVE. That means they did NOT cross over completely to the other side. That leaves this conclusion:

What they see and come back to tell about is NOT reliable. Many see Mohammed or Buddha or Shiva and/or whatever other god of pagan religions in which they had believed. This leads people to conclude they have the PROOF that their way is the right way. They consequentially believe that ALL roads lead to God but the Bible says the polar opposite.

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:" Matthew 7:13 KJV.

So, then, who might it be that these NDE people see and come back to tell about? Since there are so many DIFFERING accounts, it must be someone or something that DECEIVES and lies! There can be only One truth but they and all who hear these accounts BELIEVE them and gladly continue in their ways NEGLECTING the One True God who is Jesus Christ!

It's deception of Satan at the grandest scale! It means that God has permitted people to be deceived, even at their [supposed] death but only they who have sought and found the Truth of Jesus Christ in the Bible can instantly identify this deception!

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"The message was accompanied by a shrill ringtone even for cell phones that were turned in silent mode…" !!! You mean they can ring our cell phones when they're on silent mode??? Wow!

Summary: "they know everything about us, even how many times we pee during the day". They can read what I'm typing by many different methods. They could even read it from SATELLITE! They have the technology that was previously known as "infra-red" but it has been perfected and can see not only heat signatures but can penetrate the tops of buildings to see inside and not just blobs of red light but cell phone quality pictures and video down to the birthmark on your butt. By now they can probably zoom in on our skin and isolate one skin cell from space!

They can probably see thru YOU into your internal organs, what I mean is, if you can imagine it, it's been done and it exists. (even far beyond the things we can imagine) They release a bit of technology they've been working on (and we're amazed) but they show us only the tip of the iceberg. They hide 85% of the new, most important technology they have been coming up with since the dawn of the first industrial revolution. They do this because it would reveal their agenda and REAL purpose for being invented in the first place...our demise!

When I first discovered the Biblical truth of the soon coming Rapture of the church, circa 1993, I began to learn about the computer technology that would exist in those last days (back then, a very long time from the present but today, we're in them) We bought new computers every year back then as their power and function increased and we were amazed. "A thousand MHz??? Not in my lifetime!"

They predicted a computer with enough power and memory to track all the personal information of every single person on earth and put it into an implantable chip the size of a grain of rice. Back then my computer had a Pentium processor with 166 MHz motherboard - a very slow and easily-filled-up- memory machine and we just couldn't imagine such a computer that could track everyone like that. Well, today they have it and MUCH MORE including AI. Could it be that we are in those end times we were so far away from back in the mid 1990s? Ah, yeah. I believe we are.

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As for King Charles being the antichrist, no. The Bible says, "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, NOR THE DESIRE OF WOMEN, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." Daniel 9:37 KJV (emphasis mine)

The king is married to Queen Camilla so he DOES have the desire for women or he would have never gotten married. Also, he said in his own words at the COP26 Glasgow speech, "with trillions at HIS disposal" referring to the antichrist not himself. although the controlling powers deny his saying "his" but insist he said "it's disposal" the proof is right here.


I can't actually believe that it's still up on Youtube. But it is for now so you might want to download it to your computer to use at a future date.

So that rules out King Charles as the AC.

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Just remember, protests or verbal complaints only show the elites how very few really are dumb enough to think that protests are paid attention and change things. Stats show it does not. Real change has only been accomplished when the people rise up in violence and even then only little victory. The only thing the elites understand or care about is war.

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Biden and Gates did an end run around the problem WHO was having with its power grab.

They did the power grab themselves...


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