Newsflash, smoking cigarettes is the number one cause of preventable death in the WORLD. It's the single worst thing you can do for your health especially as you age. I smoked at one time, for an 18 year span of my life. Started young smoking in special hiding spots on my paper route when I was 12 years old. I started because, in the 70s everyone smoked including my dad. It was socially acceptable. I knew it wasn't doing me well but smoked all through my teens and 20s but quit when I was 29. Had I still been smoking, I would have OWED years because all the men on my dad's side of the family had heart attacks by age 44 except those who stopped smoking. They all died young. I can't say that I didn't enjoy it. Especially hiding cigarettes in the woods in a few scattered rusting cars along with little "Winchester" cigars and cans of snuff and "Red Man" chewing tobacco. We hid all of it in plastic bags somewhere inside the rusted wrecks. We kids would make trek to those cars and indulge in a splurge of tobacco products like fugitives from society. It was really fun and memorable. (I lived in the suburbs so THAT was excitement to us).

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Good grief.Your history sounds a lot like mine.I started at about 18 yo.Hid it as long as I could from my parents.A year later went away to college where I really blossomed.1 ppd + beer busts.By age of 21 I was up to 2 ppd.Over the years I got to 4 ppd.By the strength and Grace of God I quit cold turkey in 1988.Would have died a long time ago had I continued.Really fortunate I suffered no sequelae.

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A plague of any animal is quite simply and imbalance in the natural food chain. Since our whole ecosystem is now in utter imbalance because of geoengineering, we are seeing just the beginning of these sorts of plagues.

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Wonderful work as always. Looks like you recharged over the holiday and are firing on all cylinders. Keep up the good work, it is so fun sharing your insights with my normie friends!

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Thank you

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Gotta build a case for attacking Iran before they get the bomb they've been a few months away from for the last 30 years or so.

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The whole facade of who has nukes and who is close to getting them is just propaganda. The nukes will be used ONLY when GOD ALLOWS them to be used. And that will be soon, when the people learn the extent to which we are controlled, sickened and killed. In short, they will set off the nukes strategically at the proper time then retreat to their underground bunkers.

We have been conditioned on every front to believe lies and deception. One of the very biggest lies is nationalism and that individual countries are autonomous and sovereign. This world is controlled at the highest level (for now) by wicked people who have the money and power to do so but there's much more to it. They use SUPERNATURAL power to help them accomplish their goals. Every world leader is part and parcel of the global takeover.

I believe (and have much evidence) that the antichrist or Satan in the flesh of a man (he copies; he has no original ideas himself) is alive behind the scenes right now, directing his followers, i.e. the deep state controllers or the billionaires of our time beginning with Rockefeller and not ending with Gates, to prepare this world for his short, 7 year reign.

Every event that exists in Biblical prophecy regarding the end times and written by the prophets, e.g. the mark of the beast, famine, pestilences, huge decline in morality etc. can be seen coming to pass this moment and more so TODAY than at any other time in human history. The time of great tribulation AND the time BEFORE the great tribulation are now OVERLAPPING. We who are paying attention are sitting on the line, sending out the warning. The tribulation is casting its shadows on our time indicating that the hour is close. Very close.

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Couldn't agree more.Spirit of the antiChrist is alive in many of this world's elites as well.

Fulfillment of prophecy takes many years and there have been many working for Satan,such as the money changers and their puppets{political leaders.,religious leaders,corporatists etc).Glad you commented.

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Thank you very much for that link! This is just the kind of thing I'm looking for every single day. There's a race for truth and I want to gain as much as I can before they decide to censor everything or worse, take control of the internet (or should I say MORE control). Not to worry, even if they do, things are going to change in the favor of those who LOVE the Truth very soon.

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Agreed.We know who is really in control.

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I live for Him. His Name be praised!

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I'm already learning things I had not known by going to this site, Global Research. There are two deepstate alphabet agencies that I had previously not known anything about and they are Public Good Projects (PGP) and Talkwalker. I'm investigating both now to try to find their source. It appears we are up against many online, artificial intelligence, advanced software programs that cover the internet, flagging "false information" to the tune of hundreds of millions of websites. The further along I go in my quest for truth, the more I see how absolutely entrenched the wicked forces are in obfuscating it. They deal only on the massive scale and care nothing of our little conspiracy holes called substacks and blogs. If they don't get millions of sets of eyes, they don't get the consideration. They're interested only in the masses. They're straight up sneaky, just like their leader. And the world follows along. I wonder if when the latest "vaccine" gets to us from China (they're all onboard with the old protocols, masking, social distancing etc.) the sheeple will roll up their sleeves. Should I wonder at all? They're all going to take the mark of the beast!!!

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If what I heard is correct, Russia knocked out much of Kiev's power grid last week. Current temp there is reportedly 25 F degrees.

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Israel bombs residential areas with 2000 lb Murrkan bombs obviating the need for precision attacks on the power grid.

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Thank you.

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Great articles today Manuel

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