When I had trouble with slugs and snails, I did as we did on the farm, spread salt. They melt in salt, but unlike pesticides, salt is avoided by earthworms. For a garden, mulch with cardboard. Earthworms love it, but woody fibers cut up slugs and snails. BTW, those shells mite be worth a buck or two!

Zelensky runs a nazi nation. Sounds like a care of calling the kettle black…

I would say Rand Paul knows what he’s talking about. Gates is determined to reduce the world population by 350,000 a day. Like his ascended master said, “The earth is man’s only god.” hitler. Zinc burns out a virus. Human, animals, and plants.

As always, thank you, Manny!

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Re Titan submersible and the (very sad) drama around it. Public is already programmed about the Titanic itself - you know, the “story” that was told vs the truth of the issue. It’s easy for media to do this story around it, garnering lots of emotional attention. Marketing. Programming, Drama. Emotion —- more very subtle control of the thinking of “the folks,” i.e., the population, herd, peasants. Target is the thinking via the emotions, emotional value. Just my take.

The value of the other human lives lost in SO MANY ways just doesn’t have enough drama, value for whatever this distraction can be used to cover up.

What is it is said? Something about why waste a good tragedy or something…sorry, can’t remember it exactly.

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Thank you for everything!! The first report is extremely important. There were quite few reports in the past from official science about magnetic pole shifting... In the meantime, in 2021 I noticed magnetised dust in my backyard, all over. Confirmed no magentic particles when digging 1 feet deep into old soil.. Recently somebody confirmed that too:


with the source from Dane at geoengineeringwatch.org. One would need to ask, why all that??? What is it about? There is something out there called magnetogenetics, which I touched slightly in the old post at:


all connected, in my opinion...

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Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸

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Interesting about the new complex found in Mexico! Sacha Stone has his new Community on the Yuc. Peninsula just across the border from Belize; Derek Broze has his in Morelia, Michoacan; Henry Macow moved from Canada to Queretaro, Mex. & of course, Max Igan had to leave Australia & ended up in Mexico, too!! ;-) Hmmmmm.....

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Great work Manuel. Very happy to be a subscriber. You certainly do your homework consistently:)

Loved the story you shared about the mom & calf stuck in the mud. Wonderful truth of SPIRIT.

Very thankful to serve a God that SPREADS His spirit to HIS creation:)

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thank you

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God's animals never cease to amaze me. The story above of the elephants stuck in the mud and the baby willing to die with his mom is indicative of God's LOVE that He has created in them. Great thanks to those men who rescued those lovable, valuable animals.

As I age, it's like I'm being reintroduced to the animal kingdom! As a younger adult, I couldn't care much less than I did about zoo animals, I felt that they were akin to walking vegetables, just something that grows and has life. I felt the same about horses and most other farm animals but as I have given over my will to my Creator over the last 15 years, He has awakened my soul to the value of these creatures, all of them, from the least to the greatest.

I recall a time not long ago, well, I suppose it WAS long ago (twenty years; to a person of 61 years, twenty years is but a season but to my 21 year old daughter, it's a lifetime!) when I took my baby daughter to the zoo. When we came upon the giraffes, one of them was extra friendly and drew close to us. I was holding my one year old daughter and in hindsight, I believe he was curious about my baby girl. The walkway was elevated above his enclosure so he stretched his neck close enough to us I could have touched his snout. I glanced at him but only saw him as another zoo animal. If I could go back and relive that event, my heart would have leapt for joy and I would have examined him so much more closely, delighting myself in his huge eyes and the uniqueness of his being.

I'm not trending in the direction of those that give more value to animals than to humans but I have come to appreciate them as they are, especially as I have become aware that they will be part of God's Kingdom and will interact with us in the LOVE with which God has created them.

The lion will eat straw like the ox and the child will play by the hole of the asp. Isaiah 11:7-9 "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." verse 9. Oh, how I long for that time! It's now evident that it will be sooner than most think.

I have also come to realize that the animals that we have loved throughout our lives may very well be with us in God's Kingdom because God's word says that the creature will also be delivered from the bondage of sin and death. See Romans 8:19-21

So, then, that highly beloved pet dog or cat or horse or any other beloved animal that you cared for for a season may come running up to greet you with great joy in THEIR OWN glorified animal bodies when (and if) we get to God's Kingdom! (for many will reject Him and not be in His Kingdom and this breaks my heart, my own dad denies the truth)

I have said goodbye to many beloved pets in my three-score-plus-one years. It's comforting to know that I perhaps have not said goodbye to them forever but may see them again, this time forever! Wouldn't a loving God give back to us those animals we loved so much in this life? I believe He will and He will also give us so very much more, for our inheritance will be ALL THINGS! Revelation 21:7

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