The skeptic in me thinks it’s a false flag. But...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 14, 2024...
Statement from Chairman Mike Turner:
The skeptic in me thinks it’s a false flag. But considering the DOD accidentally left thousands of blank visas and passports in Afghanistan, there may be some truth to this…
Boston City Councilwoman Julia Mejia on the lack of space for undocumented immigrants: “Everyone needs to start opening their doors. This is a shared responsibility.”
Meanwhile, Eric Adams warns NYC is 'out of room' amid sanctuary struggle: People will soon be 'sleeping on the streets'…
Good ol Pat told us whats happening decades ago…
So what’s the solution? Use your critical thinking…
An explosion occurred on the mainland gas route running from Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari and another in Fars. Deemed a terrorist attack by Iran, they're hoping to get this functional as soon as possible. It is unclear at this moment which group claims this attack, but the suspect is obvious to most…
Russia warns the West: We will be very tough if you 'steal' our assets… OMG! I am so afraid… Give me some more popcorn!
Meanwhile, Russian landing ship Caesar Kunikov hit in Black Sea, it has sunk…
What could possibly go wrong with this mad scientist shit? Three geoengineering projects seek to alter the chemistry of the atmosphere and the ocean… Its insanity! They are destroying this planet and blaming us!
Delhi police on valentine's day…
Biowarfare: Big Pharma tested ‘secret bioweapon targeting Slavic DNA in Mariupol, Ukraine’…
Two Kashmir giants posing with the American photographer James Ricalton, 1903…
This protest was primarily organized by the activist groups Pause AI and No AGI as a response to OpenAI removing their policy against military use cases on January 11, and announcing a new contract with the Pentagon on January 18… Protesters gather outside OpenAI headquarters after policy against military use is quietly removed…
I don’t like this idea… It’s not a virus anymore, it’s a chatbot… Nvidia just released Chat with RTX, an AI chatbot that runs locally on your PC…
Ontario's Finance Minister has ordered the LCBO to cancel a pilot to check ID at some northern stores, citing 'serious concerns' raised since it was announced… No ID, no entry…
The German Carnival in Düsseldorf…

Another vaccine… Scientists have discovered a jab that could prevent rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a development experts say could offer hope to millions at risk of the disease…
College student commutes to Vancouver from Calgary since it's cheaper than renting an apartment (687km, 426mi)…
In 2021, Jacob Geersen, a geophysicist with the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in the German port town of Warnemünde, took his students on a training exercise along the Baltic coast. They used a multibeam sonar system to map the seafloor about 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) offshore. Analyzing the resulting images back in the lab, Geersen noticed a strange structure that did not seem like it would have occurred naturally. Further investigation led to the conclusion that this was a manmade megastructure built some 11,000 years ago to channel reindeer herds as a hunting strategy. Dubbed the "Blinkerwall," it's quite possibly the oldest such megastructure yet discovered, according to a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences—although precisely dating these kinds of archaeological structures is notoriously challenging… Scientists found a Stone Age megastructure submerged in the Baltic Sea…
On Jan. 27, 1967, a fire swept through the Apollo 1 Command Module (filled with pure oxygen) during a launch rehearsal test, quickly killing astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee…
If we start sacrificing billionaires to the volcano gods will this go away? Are you ready for the collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation? No, you are not…
Female vaccinations skyrocketed… Male probably too…
The only logical step is to go back to the moon… Super Bowl 2024 was most watched US TV broadcast since 1969 Moon landing…
These crows are adeptly removing the bird-prevention spikes from these new condos in San Diego…
Delta flight #DL133 returned to Schiphol because maggots were falling on passengers from overhead… A suitcase containing rotten fish was in the overhead of the Airbus A330-300….
They came across this dead whale on the California coast near Tomales Bay right before it exploded!
This year, there will be be a big battle in California over whether a new billionaire-owned mega city can be built in the middle of rural Solano County, in an area with no water rights. It seems like a bad idea ro most developers, but are billionaire exodus and tech company towns the shape of things to come?
Since 2022 Canada now shares two land borders. One is the US, can you guess the other? At a guess it's whichever country flies the Danish flag as per the photo. My money's on Switzerland…
And ploof in the ocean. Either in space or at the bottom of the ocean, it’s all junk… SpaceX to deorbit 100 Starlink satellites due to potential flaw…
China working with the cartel to smuggle migrants?
Hate crime… The victim, 18, was attending a roller-skating party with friends when she was allegedly attacked by a group and subjected to slurs… Transgender girl stabbed 14 times in alleged murder attempt at party…
UK council tries to kick out residents from their homes with compulsory purchase order, in order to house illegals… If this is true, fight back British people! Don't let them do this to you!
Nearly 15% of Americans deny climate change is real. Researchers saw a strong connection between climate denialism and low COVID-19 vaccination rates, suggesting a broad skepticism of science…
CBDC propaganda: "programmability will allow the users to decide how their money is used", sure and whips allow slaves to decide how much they work…
Puke… Scientists have created a new type of hybrid food - a "meaty" rice that they say could offer an affordable and eco-friendly source of protein… Scientists grow 'meaty' rice hybrid food for protein kick…
nObOdY wAnT tO rEpLiCaTe SlAvEs AnYmOrE…
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People lacking critical thinking traits seem incapable of distinguishing the differences between natural climate change and the theory of human-caused climate change.
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, not yet.
We are in a cooling period, not a warming one. Don't believe Kerry, he is gone now anyway. You already know not to believe Podesta I would think.