People lacking critical thinking traits seem incapable of distinguishing the differences between natural climate change and the theory of human-caused climate change.

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Notice that Conservative Contrarian used the specific term "THEORY" of human-caused climate change. Bravo... Words have meaning. I just laugh at people spouting off all this so called science climate drivel. My dumb ass liberal brother only says two words to me these days (he cannot focus on too many words at a time with his limited liberal brain functions as he has been force fed the mainstream media propaganda garbage for decades now. The words are "conspiracy theory". (His mind is broken.)

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Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, not yet.

We are in a cooling period, not a warming one. Don't believe Kerry, he is gone now anyway. You already know not to believe Podesta I would think.


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Thanks for the usual roundup of unusual news we won't read in the MSM!! ;-)

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Yes, excellent stuff!!!!

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it's definitely a false flag

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On the "Hey can the illegials stay at your house?" Realize you are hearing the first shoe drop.

Recall the Enclosure Act in England and Wales. Familiar with that gem? That is when the Lords drove the peasants from their lands into the cities. Why? Because the peasants were poor but self sufficient and had no interest in working in the mines, factories of the coming Industrial Revolution. Started as a way for Henry the 8 to pay off some of his debts but really got under way as a way to secure cheap, really, really, cheap industrial labor.


So they drove them off their land, told them that their small farms were inefficient (ring a bell farmers out there?) and forced them into the cities (15 minute cites, hearing those bells?) forcing them to work for starvation wages and live check to jowl in horrific tenements.

That Plan worked out REALLY well for them, especially for the Crown, King Charles owns the most land in the world. Did you know that EVERY person in England could have one acre of land of their very own if Charles was divested? https://www.sofx.com/the-worlds-largest-landowners/

I am sure Chuck wakes up in a cold sweat every night thinking about that possibility. Hence the new, new, World Wide Enclosure Act. Did you know that Prince Charles, now King Charles, kicked off The Great Reset? Bet you thought it was Schwab....


He who controls the Past controls the Present, he who controls the Present, controls the Future.

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No matter what gender the victim was, that was a horrific s--bbing crime that should've never happened.

Japan has the same problem as South Korea - why raise children into late-stage capitalism (which later morphs into communism/socialism) and lands filled with massive earthquakes, volcanoes, and soul-crushing, repetitive, decades-long labor in one job (look at all the elderly restaurant workers in Japan. Nothing against their talents or food, but many of these people do the same job everyday - no other job - for decades, and Japanese Gen Z hates the idea of it.)

And the East Asian education system - just like the U.S. American one, but even longer and even worse - is a nightmare for children and the developmentally disabled. Thankfully I was homeschooled nine of my grades (only three short hellish years of public 'school' outside home, and those short years were life-destroying and childhood-destroying for me, even as an adult).

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If so called terrorists have alleged visas and passports then anyone who does not accept digital id will be labeled as terrorists.

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On the flag, that is the flag of Denmark.

Denmark is in charge of Greenland and Greenland at its closest point is only ten miles from Canada.

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On they are destroying the planet

They may be, I don't put it past them. But there is more happening, for example the poles are shifting, and as they are doing so the electrical fields of the earth are decreasing rapidly which leaves the earth very vulnerable to the Sun's activity. Our author knows this :)


But wait, there's more!

Remember that Aztec Calendar scare a while back, where an ancient calendar said that the end of the world was coming? They were off on the date, but yes an "end of the world" event is coming. And it has happened several times before. It is not that far away according to some. Warning the linked article video is very dark in its predictions, he has a lot of info at his Rumble website. (link below)

So back to Team Weather Crazy, yes it is possible, probably not likely but possible, that what is being done is to address what is happening with the earth's energy field, and what is coming near term. This guy says the extinction event comes in 2046 give or take a few years. All those amazing tunnels they have found all over the world done by people sometime in the past, probably were done to deal with exactly what is coming yet again.


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Russia can be very tough if the West takes their assets, and the West knows it.

Which is why they have frozen the assets but not distributed them in any meaningful way. How come? Because the West's business assets in Russia exceed the value of the assets the West managed to snag.

By how much? A lot actually, and they are not cash but property, factories, patents, things not easily replaced.


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I see this as a new, new way to get cash as the RUSSIA, IRAN scams are hitting a wall. So it's not really a FF, it is more of a fiction, a fabrication, false flags require a lot more work and they are on a tight schedule.

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About the proposed Rheumatoid Arthritis "vaccine". I inherited RA from my mother who had it pretty bad by the time she reached her 85th birthday. (at which time she took the shot and the two boosters in late 21 and died in January 22 as those shots sent her RA into hyperdrive immediately triggering a chain reaction of death starting with a UTI and ending in complete organ failure taking the little mobility she did have away from her)

I have been keeping my RA at bay by lifting weights, heavy weights and always putting muscle on my frame, thereby duping my body into thinking it's still growing. (this is true and it's why lifting weights is so good for your longevity) I've been lifting since 29 years old when I quit smoking and the combination of the two changes were the best things I have ever done for my body.

Anyway, I had symptoms of RA which waxed and waned beginning when I was about 35. It began in my big toes and seems to be progressing up my legs and now into my hands. However, since getting Bell's Palsy last year a week before Thanksgiving when my doc put me on Prednisone, a corticosteroid which relieves inflammation, all RA symptoms have vanished. The initial dose was 40 mg per day for the pain behind my ear and I suddenly felt like a teenager again! I have slowly weaned back off of them to only 10 mg per day while I wait for my 7th cranial nerve the facial nerve, to heal - the injured nerve causes facial paralysis and 10 mg is where I have been for two months.

I must say that my RA has disappeared completely even with only 10 mg of Prednisone/day! I would take it for the rest of my life before I would take any kind of new (or preexisting) drugs that big pharma produces, that is if my RA got as bad as my mother's had been. I probably couldn't even afford their drug "Abatacept" since I canceled my health insurance several years ago. I want NOTHING to do with their murderous-for-profits hospital system and I pray to God that I never need a hospital again for the remainder of my life.

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They talk about "testing" these geoengineering experiments when it has been going on for at least 4 decades right over the heads of the people who barely ever look up but when they do they say CON trails. It's a con alright. Ignorance must truly be bliss! In fact, so much damage has been done to the biosphere by the constant spraying that the life around us as we know it would be preserved ONLY by an act of God and we wouldn't see 2030 otherwise. Has anyone been aware of the fact that over 75% of insect species are EXTINCT? Last summer and spring, I could count on one hand the number of houseflies I saw and I haven't seen any ordinary honey bees in years. I live in a rural area and I have every fly killing device ever invented including the electric zapping tennis racquet and the salt shooting air gun which blasts them to pieces. Over the years I've had to use each of these less and less since buying both ten years ago. How do they explain THAT? If insects die, WE die. geoengineeringwatch.org

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And while I'm here, can anyone add anything to this?: I used to have clover growing in my yard, lots of it (20 years ago now) and the bees loved it and there were lots of bees then also. You know, those little white flowers which we all had to avoid stepping on because it seemed there was a bee on every flower when we walked through the grass barefoot as kids? And every tree in my yard is dying and dropping moss and lichen covered, dead and porous branches regularly.

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And regarding all of this and more, there are CRICKETS coming from media sources like the Independent which tells us instead that the gov't is just now "considering" taking measures like SRM (solar radiation management) by SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection) when we all have enough aluminum in our systems to make a roll of aluminum foil! Don't get me started! Ooops, too late.

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