
I just came across this utube channel - it is as good as the DARPA site as far as the tidbits of info they give, with many telling videos - there are hundreds of hours of valuable info here, if somewhat dry in the delivery (very no-nonsense and straightforward).

It's some pretty dark stuff, and so casually discussed... the Creepy World of the Greedy, Fearful, Hateful people, and how they operate.

Hope that someone can use this treasure trove.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I had a picture of a halo couple months ago I think was around April. Great post 👍 like always.

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Where are Starlink satellites made? How are they made? They started launching them into orbit in May of 2019, soon after that you couldn't get a TV made for 6 months. All of a sudden there are over 4,500 satellites in orbit now and the chip shortage is just now receding? Doesn't all add up to me, that's a lot of satellites being made somewhere, somehow, for the internet? Could be an interesting story ....

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Thank you for many good links. Do you happen to have the source of the starlinks data?

"If you feel something is wrong with your body please don't post it here and go to a doctor…"????

why would you suggest that?? ANd which doctor??

Btw. note to everyone, be very cautious to enter Kaiser Permanente hospitals!!! You might be bitten by unidentified sources to a level where you don't recognize your hand!!! And the bites strangely occur only to some people... That's not a joke.

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I'm on Book 2 of Dr. Sean David Morton's "Sands of Time". Just read about the Dulce W*r today....amazing stuff!! Makes one wonder exactly where we are today??? How many different groups are vying for control of this planet???

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I'd be very unlikely to take anything that Morton says as worthwhile, as the man is not very scrupulous, and loves to play on people's fears and greed, while not seeming to care too terribly much for the Truth, unless there's a buck to be swindled somewhere from within It.

Another fraud in a looong line of them.

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