The EU must be afraid Russia won't invade them so they will have to invade Russia instead. Ahhh, EU elite logic.

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Thank you! a

And here is Russia's take on Ukraine conscription, watch to the end :)


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Doesn't the Russian cabinet have to resign when presidential elections are complete and the new president is sworn in? So, the president starts his new term, cabinet resigns, then Putin chooses a new cabinet. So, Shoigu resigns, like all the other cabinet members, then he's promoted to head of Russia's Security Council. Lavrov is reinstated as Foreign Minister, etc, etc. Seems pretty cut and dry so why so much drama?

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It's not Russian aggression, its US/Nato proxy war aggression against Russia!

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That's hilarious. That lie has been debunked a long time ago. Putin started the war. No on else.

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Do your research. Look to 2014 and before. Maybe study some Russian history as well. Its a money laundering scheme for our Congress and President. Zalensky is a Nazi. And that comment is from my Ukrainian friends. Cancelling elections and arresting priests. You must be joking. Bad Putin. Bad Orange Man. Bad uneducated soul.

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Give me a break! I have been watching the region since Putin came to power, and your type, to be brutally frank, know very little of what is going on.

All you have done is swallow Putin's lies. If Zelensky is a Nazi, then so are you. I have numerous Ukrainian friends, and they laugh at opinions such as yours. They know better.

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Sure. Right and Uh Huh. I don't believe anything you said. You might be a little nasty for this sight. I am a Nazi? Sure I am . Have a great day now "he who makes stuff up".

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yep, it's all true Chickie baby! I could not care less what you believe because you show little evidence of any sort of critical thinking on your part.

You're the idiot that accused Zelensky of being a Nazi. There is as much ground to call Zelensky a Nazi as there is for you to be a Nazi. If you don't like having your foolishness called out, do some thinking before you post, and don't make stuff up like your hero Putin does.

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Are you low on meds? Go away now. You aren't accomplishing anything other than demonstrating you don't write well and you get upset easily.

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That poor family whose pigs were butchered; I know that people these days are taking animal kindness to the extreme, saying they should have the rights that we humans have etc. and I'm not against animal husbandry and slaughterhouses. (but I am against slaughterhouses that mistreat animals) But to have PETS being mistakenly slaughtered is TRAGIC. Pigs are very intelligent, sensitive and affectionate animals which for some make really good and loving pets. These pigs were probably raised as babies and treated like family, as one would treat a family dog. I'm sure they are devastated and my heart goes out to them. I'm with you, Manuel. I don't think this was a 'mistake". How could someone make such a mistake? It would be impossible. I feel very bad for the children whose pets these pigs were

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The "Woke Jesus" is giving the hand gesture (ROC) of the Illuminati at 1:07 in the video. I couldn't watch past that point. Much too blasphemous for my liking. But isn't it insane how even parody/satirical videos which end up on YT manage to sneak hidden signs and symbols within? And isn't it tragic that so few know what they are or even that they are there at all? So much effort was put forth by the elite to ridicule anyone who sounded the alarm on "conspiracy theories" or secret societies that most are effectively afraid to point them out when they are seen. All part of clown world now in full effect throughout the earth.

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The Russian Orthodox Church is a tool of Putin's regime. Its head is a KGB thug and was well known to teh Swiss Federal Police while he was at the World Council of Churches.

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Thanks again for keeping us informed of world events, Manuel!! ;-)

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1. "Do [Germany, France, Poland, and the Baltic states] have some super critical intel on Russian plans? No; Deep State globalists were mistaken in thinking Ukraine was a country of useful idiots that could do the dirty work for them. They couldn't. They're idiots, they're just not useful.

2. i didn't care for the class warfare attempt in blaming the corporations for inflation. Go Brandon's policies did that. You didn't mention profit MARGIN, but it doesn't matter. No vendor on that list forces anybody to buy anything. It's stuff that people with screwed-up priorities want. Would you walk away from free money? i didn't think so. Why would you expect worldwide corporations to?

3. The story doesn't say so, but i bet the Louisiana youth was stopped by a parishioner who was carrying. The presiding undeniable truth is that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. If you make laws to disarm the public, only bad guys will have guns and there would be no one to stop them. The fact that there are more and more bad guys in the world these days can be directly attributed to the tolerance movement. We've become tolerant of intolerable behaviors.

Thanks for the newsletter, Manuel.

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